Reasons to be Cheerful - HBI Shares, Powering UP and Thank-you HBD folks!

in #hive-1679222 years ago



There's the usual bleating, moaning and wringing of hands whenever there is a dip. Did everyone just get into crypto a week ago?

Anyone who ever made money on any sort of financial markets made that money because they bought when the prices were lower than when they sold.

Think about that.

When you've finished, ask yourself;

"What do I do to improve my position?"

Has Hive suddenly got shit? No, of course not so look around and see what you can do to strengthen your hand and look to the future when prices rise as what you do now in difficult times has infinitely more bearing on success than it does when the good times are rolling and life seems easy.

The causes of angst are mostly psychological. We see prices falling and the value of our holdings drop and it clouds the bigger picture.

Ask yourself, is your current balance at an actual loss or is it just a case of you now have less profit? Even if it is a paper loss, it is never an actual loss unless you sell. Thinking of selling? Do you really need to? Ask yourself the difficult questions and be objective with your answers, and after the inquisition, look at the reasons to be cheerful!

The easiest thing to do is power up everything. You're not going to sell are you with such low prices? No, of course not so just power up every post. This is really going to pay dividends when prices rise and your vote is worth so much more leading to better curation returns.

HBI shares are a lovely way to help yourself and someone else. Buy when Hive is low and you'll get a free vote for every post you make which will be bigger and bigger as prices rise. This free vote is for life. A guaranteed return forever. The best part of HBI shares for me is their benefit to both the giver and receiver. Win-win. It's a very slow return but if you buy them when Hive prices are depressed, such as now, when the Hive price rises again, so does the size and speed of return.

If you're new to Hive and haven't come across HBI shares before, head over to this post and read all about it.

As for HBD, how well is it being held up amongst the carnage out there? We have a few witnesses to thank for that, as well as handing out the great 20% APR. Even if you're saving hard, consider whether it's worth trading them to improve your HP.

Keep posting, we are all getting Crypto for simply adding value through content to this blockchain. It's proof of brain and effort. Hive is a gift. It's crypto with genuine utility. Don't get down, everything is temporary.

Read again what I wrote above;

Anyone who ever made money on any sort of financial markets made that money because they bought when the prices were lower than when they sold.

A simple and fundamental truth.

The prices are lower, the time is now. Go out and fill your boots!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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