How to keep up to date with BSC developments.

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Binance Smart chain doesn't stop expanding.

Since it's inception the chain has expanded across all areas of the crypto world from gaming to defi. Exchanges to Nft's. It's a one stop shop for development and is number 5 in marketcap for a very good reason.

It's quick, cheap and easy to use.

Metamask is the go to wallet for browsers and there is plenty of scope for cross chain transactions.

So where do you go first.

It can be hard to know what is happening and what will be happening so it's good to keep your eye on the news.

We all know that in the crypto game early is best for the successful projects.

There are a few good spaces to watch across twitter and news websites that will keep you up to date.

Interesting BSC information.

BSC Daily.

REF: BSCdaily twitter

This account gives up to date information on new projects, listings and releases across the BSC eco-system.

Handy to hear about the latest news early in the game.

BSC News.

REF: BSCnews twitter.

This website has the latest updates and news across the BSC as well as articles and research ion the different projects operating on the chain currently.

Very handy for any person that is looking to find out more about what BSC has to offer and where to get involved.

They also have more in depth articles about the people and projects linked with BSC as well as learning tools to help with further research.

Smart BSC News.

REF: SmartBSCnews twitter.

This is a daily digest about BNBchain projects. It is a News Branch, writing key and relevant info about #BNBChain projects. Fresh Daily Updates relative to the most interesting, useful and perspective ecosystems.

BSC Community on Leofinance.


Twitter -
Website -

This is new and upcoming resource on the Hive blockchain. Leofinance is a community driven blogging and news site for technology and crypto. There are separate communities on the website with BSC being one of them.

While these communities are a new release, they will soon be filled with user driven content. User perspectives, results, information and opinions. This can be just as useful if not more useful than official news sites as it is coming straight from a user point of view.

There are lots of other sources for BSC information but these are three very good ones to start.

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#BNB 💛

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This information is very useful, with this I will always be informed of what is going on with BSc.

Thanks for sharing

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta