The Road to 1k HP - Saturday Savers

in #hive-1679223 months ago

Well, I've been meaning to do something like this for a while and since I religiously read articles on here I thought I'd take inspiration from @alonicus to finally sit down and start doing a #SaturdaySavers blog post.

HBD and HP

At the start of this year I was up at around 11k HP, and ended up needing that so I did a complete power-down. Some I swapped back into BTC, and some I exchanged into Fiat (which will make for fun taxes in 2025 no doubt, thanks Canada). Anyhow, as I did a full power-down, this wiped out my account and I was reset to around 500HP which was the amount I managed to earn in the span of the 13-week power-down.

I want to end this year above 1k HP which I'm quite confident I'll be able to do.

I am currently sitting as of today at 670.300 HP, with a total gain this week of 47.44 HP. That's not a lot, but given that I haven't had a ton of time to post... it's not bad at all! My 30 day rewards put it above 250HP, which puts me easily on track for my goal.


On the HBD front, I am back to 1,109.067 HBD in savings, which I'm continuing to add to as much as possible. I would love to see this hit 1300 before the new year if at all possible but we'll see how that goes.


Besides our L1 coins though, I have also started getting into Leo very late and BBH.

On the Leo front, I'm currently sitting at 1,346.55 LEO. A small sum, but as it was mostly bought and earned in the last two months, it's a good start.

For BBH, I've managed to stack up 45,582.22 BBH. I don't have firm goals for either Leo or BBH, but plan to basically keep stacking up what I can until December, and then based on what I see between now and then, I'll make a firm goal that is achievable if I push hard.

Whenever possible, I like to look at a few months of data before I make a goal as I can better judge what is completely unrealistic and what is easily achievable. That way, I can put my goal just a little over the edge of 'easy to achieve' so that I'm able to have something I know I need to actually work at.


Posts will likely remain fairly sporadic for me over the course of the next month or so - the new baby should arrive sometime in the next two weeks, which is sure to throw a little more chaos into the mix. As we've done this twice before, I don't think it'll add too much chaos, but I am certainly not setting myself any firm goals on numbers of posts.

Most of my focus has been, and will continue to be, on ttrpg reviews and read-throughs, as well as the odd bit of video-gaming. I have a long-overdue installment for the Hive Dwarf Fortress playthrough that needs to be filmed and uploaded, which I'm going to try and get to this weekend.

I've also mostly run out of pre-created Worldbuilding & Writing posts, so I've got to sit down when I find a few minutes and whip up another 7-10 of those. While I earn almost nothing on @worldbuilder, I absolutely love doing these posts and I want to ensure that the 179 remaining days in 2024 all get a prompt. If I manage to do that, it would put me at 994 Prompts since I started doing these. Quite the accomplishment I think!

I'm also trying to balance my Hive posts with new content for my TTRPG-focused YouTube channel, which I let languish for two months while dealing with surgery nonsense. Now that I'm knock on wood more-or-less fully healed, I am trying to keep up with some reviews and gameplay there. I think I'll be moving a lot of that to 3speak as well, but I have to be mindful of the upload sizes and how long I record for, as 3speak has a lot more stringent requirements than the heavyweight contender YT does... but, I also trust that of the two, 3Speak is the less likely entity to randomly just decide to wipe out my videos and it never hurts to spread more ttrpg love into this space.

I'm on a mission to add to more nerds here, and by the gods I'll do it yet. ;)



Yay, I get blamed for inspiring a post 😁

But seriously, you've done an awesome job of rebuilding your account after powering it down.

You need to keep cooking up those prompts - even though I don't write a post for every one of them, they inspire some of my best writing (it amazes me how many people skim-read them and totally miss the really dark twists I build in...)

I'd love to see you put some videos up on 3Speak ! Having restrictions around upload sizes could be a good tool to help you really focus the videos, almost to a Shorts level. I have to admit, that my attention span on YT is woeful, it's rare I watch a video longer than 4 or 5 minutes unless it's some really in-depth historical piece by someone who knows their stuff.

Haha yeah that's totally fair. It might be a nice challenge to do a bunch of really quick reviews that just touch on the vibes of the game, very quick suggestion of how it's played or what the rules remind me of, and then what I think of it. I could probably do that in 4m or less...

I'll try to whip one up for Dead Belt as it's super cool and I love it, and have played it a bunch.