The problem of lack of money

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Many times, when I find myself penniless in my pocket, I ask myself: am I spending too much money? Because no matter how much money I produce, I can't understand what is happening with my money, it always seems that I am looking for money to pay my expenses.

I suppose it will be a common question that most of the people in the world ask themselves, but it is something that makes you think. Because as I already said, I work and earn money, but even so, expenses and obligations consume all the money that enters my bank account. Is this one of those mysteries that cannot be answered?... Sometimes I sincerely ask myself.

The solution to lack of money

The answer is much simpler, and it is that no, the truth is that I do not spend too much on anything, I do not spend like an Arab sheikh, nor do I always buy everything I would like to buy, I only buy what is strictly necessary so I can live a dignified life, without luxuries (although I would like to be able to buy them), but without scarcity.

Why do I always seem to be in a tight spot for money?? I began to analyze it one day and I realized that what happens in my case is that I do not have enough sources of money; and that is one of the main problems I currently have.

The case that I work, but my income is not enough, and it is not just that I am not paid enough, or that I am wasting hours in a full-time job that is barely enough to pay my bills, the fact is that I don't have other sources of income, and since I don't have time for anything else (because, as I explained, my job is full-time); then I can't diversify my income or dedicate myself to something additional that generates more money...

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What is the solution in my case?

I am a person with responsibilities, I have a car, a house and a family, so it will be quite difficult for me to carry out the solution to this money problem that I have; and not because I don't know exactly what the solution is, but because it implies an extremely radical change in my current way of life.

The change in this case, although radical, is necessary and I will have to accept it at some point; and it is none other than leaving my current job, and dedicating myself to more productive things that do not consume so much time. I am thinking of several alternatives now, but doing it implies courage, because if I did it at this precise moment, I would not have any secure source of income.

But that's what the world is about, at least it's my way of seeing it, I mean, sometimes it's about throwing everything overboard, and risking everything in bold moves to achieve all our goals, because as the ultra-mega-known saying goes: "Who does not risk does not win".

And courage are what I have left over, as well as good ideas for projects and ventures; So the more I think about it, the less scared I am of the idea of launching myself into the void, on the adventure of looking for new sources of income. And I know it's going to be hard at first, but I'm sure I can do it, and to do it; I'm going to use my paycheck from my current job to cover myself and my family's expenses for as long as it takes me to put my ideas to work.

I am sure that I will succeed; and if not, then I can always look for another job; but this daily feeling of dissatisfaction that you get when you know you're making so much less than you could be making doing anything else, I'm going to take it away from me no matter what.

The money is out there, waiting for us

I am sure that success and financial stability is out there somewhere, waiting for me. And I know very well that money does not give us happiness, but I also know that it will give me the comfort and coverage of the needs that my family and I need, and that is why I still love it.

As they say there: Money does not bring happiness, but having it helps.
So in conclusion, I need to leave my current job to have more time to look for other alternatives to earn more money. And once found, I have to work very hard on them to be successful, but once I do, I'll have more time to keep looking for more sources of income.

Because what is very clear to me, after years of working under a dependency relationship, is that nobody has ever gotten rich working 5 days a week for 8 or 10 or 14 hours a day. This is simply not viable, because by doing so we are doing a bad business, exchanging time (which is an invaluable resource), in exchange for simple money; as if we didn't have enough ideas to make our own time profitable without having to give it away to someone else. And think about it, because even they pay you any amount in a job (whatever the job it is) it will never be worth the time you are losing by working in it.

The money is out there, waiting for us, if we have the courage to trust our ideas and the audacity, tenacity and courage to go for them. There is no need to fear more than the fact of staying stagnant, because stagnation is what keeps us always doing the bad business of subselling our time to those who are not willing to pay us enough for it.

Working on our own we certainly won't earn much at first, as I said, but at some point we can get our ideas off the ground, and from then on, the sky will be the only limit for us; because there will be nothing holding us back nor prevent us from earning more and more money in the future and obtaining more and more prosperity, because we will not be earning based on our time sold at a fixed price; but based on how good and effective our ideas and our effort are. Seeing it and acting like this, I am sure that success is only a matter of time.

Please tell me your thoughts on everything I commented on in the post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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