It is common to make the mistake of thinking that money sustains the world, because clearly it is the world that sustains money; And we have irrefutable proof of this reality through something as current as cryptocurrencies.
Does money make the world go round or does the world make money go round?
If you think that money makes the world go round, then that might explain why you are most likely poor. Because the poor mistakenly think that money is what gives value to the world; therefore, you cannot think of doing something of value to benefit the world unless money starts flowing in advance for it. And it is a mistake; money doesn't start flowing that way, because it works in exactly the opposite direction.
In other words, it is the world that makes money work, it is the world that gives value to money; and it is the world that defines what will be valuable and what will not, in direct relation to their needs, tastes and aspirations.
Cryptocurrencies are proof that money is nothing more than a medium of exchange issued by governments, but that it is appreciated by us because we give it value, in direct relation to the confidence we have in the liquidity of governments and nations. .
Cryptocurrencies are a means of payment that is allowing us to realize that we can and must create something of value for the world, in such a way that we can obtain, create and increase their value as a concept and as a means of payment. Ergo, cryptocurrencies are like money, but better than money, because they do not depend on the whim of governments or states to create them.
So money is the result of value
So money and any means of payment (such as cryptocurrencies) is the direct result of the value we obtain for that something. And the value of resides in the perception that we have of that something in relation to the things that we believe can be obtained through it. Let's take the case that a person today invents something as useful as the wheel; technically that would be a billion-dollar idea that it could lead to success to such a person; but it will be so as long as said person is capable of demonstrating the feasibility and value of said idea.
Therefore, if you do not find a way to demonstrate the practical use of his idea, such a person will remain in poverty. But if she manages to demonstrate the value of his idea, she will certainly be a millionaire. Because the world will be willing to give him money for his idea, to benefit him with the possibility of obtaining all the goods and services he wants and needs in exchange for being able to use his idea in the world; because that idea created value in the world.
And what do you think about the value of money?
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