They tell us that we will earn money while we sleep

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Today it is very common to read posts from people (so-called gurus) who tell us that we can earn a lot of money even while we sleep. But... Is this really true?

Passive income

What these supposed gurus refer to is passive income, which although it is true that it exists and it is possible to achieve it, what they do not tell us is that being able to achieve it is an arduous task that requires a lot of work and conscious effort towards the goals that we wish to achieve.


And from my own experience I can tell you that it is much easier to get active income. For example, on Hive, if we persistently write and interact with the platform, we can earn consistent revenue over time.

What am I basing myself on to say what I am telling you? Well, I've seen authors like @taskmaster4450 or @jongolson (amongst many others) who has been achieved success in Hive through consistent and conscious effort over time. Even they, who arguably have achieved success in Hive, do not yet have passive income, but rather through active effort, they get hence active income.

I enjoy to read authors like @taskmaster4450 or @jongolson among many other, because they are the perfect example of what we need to do to get success on Hive, and that in undeniable.

So that that we can earn money while we sleep is possible, but unlikely, unless we have a lot of expertise and experience in creating content through contracted hosting and in the area of SEO (Seaching Engineering Optimization).

But at Hive, we can only be successful in one way, and that is by being active on the platform in question; because there is no other way to do it as it is a social platform that depends on the interaction of its users.

I personally like Hive because we own our content and nobody can come to block us or deprive us of our freedom to express whatever it is that we want to express.

So that's why I'm on Hive, and I'll continue to support Hive as long as I can, and I say fuck everyone who are against Hive, because Hive goes to the stars, to infinity, and beyond, and I can ensure it.

Please tell me your thoughts on everything I commented on in the post.

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Post voted 100% for the hiro.guita project. Keep up the good work.

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HIVE and LEO often make me stay up late into the night.

Here is the problem: HIVE regenerates at 20% a day. So, to get a good night sleep, I want my voting power to be around 90% .

I often find myself getting ready for bed. I check my voting value and find that I have to vote for a couple more posts before I can get a good night's sleep.

I then have to stay up, bleary-eyed, and read posts until I find something like this post to vote on.

So, the sad truth is that I often lose sleep over HIVE.

It is 1:33 AM. Good night.


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Well, I thank you for those words and for supporting my post. A big and affectionate greeting.

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