Adding AI, Arb, and Pepe to in front or back of every new Token or NFT does not make it a good project

Adding AI, Arb, and Pepe to in front or back of every new Token or NFT does not make it a good project.

Honestly, I do not know if I am the only one that has noticed that almost every new meme coin token that launched since after Arbitrum (Arb) airdrop and Pepe meme coin took over the crypto space by storm has either AI, Arb, and Pepe as the prefix or suffix of the token, I have seen FlokiAi, CatAi, ArbshibaAi, ArbflokiAi, ArbBadyDogeAi, ArbinuAi e.t.c, I honestly feel most of them are scam Tokens or NFTs, and I would say I fell for one or two them but lesson learned, so guys please do not be like me initially that fell for these scam tokens or NFTs popping out from every corner of the crypto space disguising as a real token or NFT.

I would say my greed was what made me fall for those scams or rugs because immediately I bought those NFTs to be eligible for their token airdrops, the floor price of those NFTs will just tank because the scam developers have gotten what they want, and have pulled all liquidity, honestly, I know I'm a victim of this scam and it is not good for people to robbed of their hard-earned money, but we should be more careful because these scammers are smart and they are playing on our greedy and the fear of missing out (FOMO), especially for those of us that ignored Arbitrum and the likes before their airdrops.

And for those tokens that are legit but are using the Arb, Ai, and Pepe prefixes and suffixes, I would give it to them, that it is a smart move because they are trying to tap into the Arbitrum and Pepe crypto community members to invest in their tokens which is a smart business move just that both the legit tokens and scammers are using the same strategy so it will be very difficult to differentiate between the real and fake tokens at the point I just hope we do not fall for the scam tokens, while we invest.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447

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