Ireland's Central Bank Governor: Bitcoin is a "Ponzi scheme", Bitcoin: No, that's Banking

Ireland's Central Bank Governor: Bitcoin is a "Ponzi scheme", Bitcoin: No, that's Banking

Banking is the real Ponzi scheme, Bitcoin is the future

Honesty, I must say that I am still in shock to see that someone on planet Earth still believes that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, in fact, it is very disappointing and annoying to see such a wrong blanket statement about Bitcoin when banking is the real Ponzi Scheme as Banks are crashing every day, It is very important for those who do not know anything about Bitcoin and how crypto works to educate themselves about crypto and consider different perspectives before making such false claim against Bitcoin/Crypto, Because whether the government like it or not Bitcoin/crypto is here to stay and they are going to be the future of the Financial and Payment system.

If Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, then fiat is just printed paper that has no value immediately you cross the board of your country to another country, because your country's fiat currency no matter how much it is, fiat currencies are useless in another except you convert it to that country's currency but because Bitcoin is boardless and it is the same in every country you visit or relocate too. Ponzi schemes and central banks require centralization but
Bitcoin is totally decentralized, has no counterparty risk, and has no central point of failure.

Irish people should not be listening to any "central" advice from the same people who socialized the losses from Irish bank's bonds to protect German banks instead of letting them take the hit. Banking is the real Ponzi scheme and Bitcoin is the cure, all thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto, who gave us a better alternative to the traditional financial system. Banks are collapsing Left, Right, and Center and yet the government, government bodies, and central bankers will keep on saying that Bitcoin is not backed by anything, so it is just an imaginary money with no real value and a Ponzi scheme. They are always looking for what they will blame for their failures and they have focused their FUD attacks on Bitcoin and the crypto space. Well, we all know what the real Ponzi scheme is (banks).

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Boss victor good day.
Thanks for bringing this topic.
I made a post yesterday, and in the post i outlined some government inducing poverty by not introducing crypto to their country.
Most of this top leaders and their banks print money in excess inorder to pay their countries debt, but increase inflation rate in the country.

They look for ways to manipulate citizens, so that they shouldn't invest or go into crypto currencies.
Thanks for the post @onwugbenuvictor

The government has never been on our side or cared about us, they only care when it is election time.

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