Pro-Crypto Miami Mayor announces he's considering running for President of the U.S, Do you think he would win? And would it be good for Crypto?

Pro-Crypto Miami Mayor Francis Suarez announces he's considering running for President of the U.S, Do you think he would win? And would it be good for Crypto?


When I saw the blog post about the Pro-Crypto Miami Mayor Francis Suarez announcing that he is considering running for the office of the President of the United States of America, a lot of things or questions popped into my head or should I say a lot of questions came to mind, my first question is this "do you think he would win?" And "If he does win would it be because he is Pro-Crypto or because he is the better candidate to rule the country?" Would it mean that the united states would become like El Salvador and adopt Bitcoin as legal tender alongside the united states dollar (USD)?

In my opinion, I feel if Francis Suarez goes runs for the office of the President of the United States of America, I think he might get more votes than some other presidential candidates especially if they are not pro-crypto. But before I start building skyscrapers or castles in the air, how would having a pro-crypto United States President affect the crypto market and space, would it be positive or negative? I am 1,000% inclined to say positively but then again no one knows exactly what would happen tomorrow or next and the powers that be now do everything to stop a pro-crypto presidential candidate from becoming President of the United States of America.

They would double the FUD attacks and fight against Crypto trying to bring down Crypto with all they have got and even discredit the pro-crypto presidential candidate. The sad truth is that crypto and bitcoin can not be stopped no matter how hard they try, but as for stopping a pro-crypto presidential candidate from becoming president they can but that still would not affect the growth and adoption of crypto.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I think that will be great even if he doesn't win. It's a good publicity for crypto. If he wins, then old schools will have some hard times ahead of them.

Yes buddy, it will give crypto more publicity.