Robert Kennedy Jr: "I will make sure the United States remains the global hub of Bitcoin", Is this just a campaign strategy?

Robert Kennedy Jr: "I will make sure the United States remains the global hub of Bitcoin", Is this just a campaign strategy?

Bitcoin For President


United States Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr was part of the 400 plus speakers at the ongoing 2023 Bitcoin conference with over 26,000 attendees at Miami Beach, during his speech he said and I quote "I will make sure the United States remains the global hub of Bitcoin". I whether how happy that would make the Mayor of Miami Francis Xavier Suarez, who we all know loves crypto and would want Miami to be the Bitcoin hub of the united states, but enough about Francis Xavier Suarez, Is the United States Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr one of us or his love for Bitcoin/Crypto is just a Campaign Strategy?

Honestly, It is very refreshing to see this kind of mentality stem from a United States politician but if my country's politicians have taught me anything, it has taught me not to trust any politician or what they say. They always do what is best for themselves and not the people, they always promise a lot but fail or default on their many promises to the people once they are in power, which is why I find it hard to believe that the United States Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr is really on our side, because politician can do anything and say anything during their campaign and during campaign season to win the voters love, so they can vote them into power or the official position they are running for.

I have pointed out my concerns on the case of if the United States Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr is really for crypto and the crypto community or just saying what he knows will give him the vote of voters from the crypto community or space, which is a lot of voters with the way crypto adoption is spreading fast and wide. I don't want my concerns to be his real moment because I would love to see the United States of America follow in the footsteps of El Salvador and maybe one day adopt Bitcoin as a legal tender.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I have a doubt the US will make Bitcoin a legal tender. Another problem a lot of Bitcoin is controlled by a few actors.

I have that doubt too, but let us see how it all players out.