The Leofinance Zealy Campaign has Onboarded and made more people active on Leofinance and Hive (Huge Success)

The Leofinance Zealy Campaign has Onboarded and made more people active on Leofinance and Hive (Huge Success).

In my opinion, I would say that Khal and the Leofinance team have achieved what they wanted from the Leofinance Zealy Adoption campaign which is to boost the active daily and monthly users of leofinance and threads, also I have noticed some new accounts that have been recently onboarded unto leofinance and Hive in general. I have noticed that some more people or new lions have adopted Leofinance and registered especially through the two social media options, which are Twitter and Google because it is easier but in the end, they would still need to upgrade it or update the account so they would be able to withdraw their rewards.

Threading has been going off the proof and we Lions have kept Khal and his developers or the Leofinance developers team on their toes as we overload the Leofinance server with our threads raining down fast and in larger mount unlike what the leofinance team has ever seen before, due to the Leofinance Zealy Adoption campaign tasks, I have joined some very amazing and interesting Hive Podcasts, Shows and AMA's. At first, I used to join them just because I want to complete a task or two but I have come to realize that I have been missing out on those Podcasts, Shows, and AMAs ever since because a lot of knowledge and some crypto experiences that can help us as traders and crypto enthusiast in the crypto space.

I must commend Eric (@anomadsoul) and the team behind the Leofinance Zealy Adoption campaign tasks or quests because they are fun and honestly a bit difficult but very achievable if you are willing to do them, also these quests or tasks are going to unlock a side of us that many of us users never knew was ever there or that we have retired early. Due to the Leofinance Zealy Adoption campaign quest for artists I have to dust off my drawing tools and get to work, and honestly, I love it because for some time now I abandoned my drawing skills due to something in life but now I get a do-over, Thanks, Eric and thanks at the @leofinance team.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Yes!!! It’s so amazing to see

Yes, it very good.