Day Six - Battle Frog Card Game

in #hive-1679222 months ago

You may buy a pack or moar everyday if you want to, when you get invited to play.

Getting some new cards everyday. The game is still not ready to invite everyone to play. However would like to show how an account may progress buying a pack or two a day. While looking for new cards, or cards to level up to new cards in this collection.

You Now Own 8 Packs.

In this pack we find an Epic, gold common, and a common card. The blue gold common and green common may be leveled with cards already in this card collection.

Collection with new leveled up cards!

Opened eight packs of three cards for a total of twenty-four cards. Through leveling up cards we have just ten cards. This was fourteen cards are effectively "burned". Resulting in higher level cards.

Feels good man.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



I log in every day to play and level up cards! I have a killer team that aces all the way through level 4, so pretty good! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Feels good man! Moar than hab way threw da lebels! Yay!

Indeedy, it sure does! I'll test 5 and 6 soon, as I am pretty sure that I can do them pretty easily! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙