Hive Price DOES Matter! .:. MyHiveGoals 2024

in #hive-1679225 months ago

It's interesting that we humans can never run out of excuses... 😃 If we don't have money, we say Money isn't the most important, it's important that we have health... If we don't have health, we say It's important that we have friends and family that care about us... If we don't have real friends, we say It's not important, we have many online friends... and so on, and so on...

The same goes with HIVE... Whey HIVE was doing great we would say how we are doing a fantastic job as the competition is way back behind us... When STEEM price came very close to HIVE a week or two ago, I heard comments like "Price isn't the most important..." or, "The price doesn't represent the real value"... Isn't that like using double standards changing the story to fit OUR narrative?

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Created in

I like HIVE, but I also like reality and objectiveness... That's why I'm constantly re-evaluating my personal choices, trying to find reasonable explanations for my actions... Sometimes, that leads to some negative thoughts, or realization that I did something bad, that I made a mistake... But, that's part of the process... It's the same as winning and making good decisions...

In the same way, I wanted to explain to myself the REASON for accumulating HivePower... From one side, it's not like other investments as objectively, HIVE did much worse than 80% of tokens from my portfolio, even in the long run... So, I could do much better with some other tokens... But still, I can't say that the HIVE price is irrelevant and that I don't care about it... How's that?

I do try to live from crypto, but I don't live from HIVE... I didn't power down HIVE from I have no idea when (if I ever did it) and I don't plan to do it shortly... Maybe in 3, 4, 5, 10 years, have no idea... I think that I have found a different thing on HIVE that "feeds" my needs, way beyond the financial benefits... For this, I "blame" #BuzzParty in Hamburg and the previous Hive meetups that I attended...

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What I didn't find on other chains, from which I extract monetary value and "pay the bills", is community! I didn't find friends with whom I can hang out in "real life events", or in virtual meetups like in the #HHHLive show in the Ecency Discord! I didn't find anything like that outside HIVE! Knowing that my HivePower, used through upvoting posts can help my friends makes me extremely happy!

Also, while it sounds "dirty", bigger HivePower does attract more followers and more eyes to the personal content... Knowing that, and even knowing that some people came just to get part of those upvotes, creates a possibility to EDUCATE them about the REAL value of HIVE... I know that many Hivians came to the chain just because they saw hundreds of dollars on posts, but in the end, they changed the story and stayed here for different reasons!

That's why PRICE IS IMPORTANT! It is a trigger, the best "onboarding tool", even if it is a tool that is used to onboard people "for the wrong reason"... In the end, I don't care how someone came to the chain, but I do care where he/she wants to go, and it's great when we can go together... Building something better...

I don't plan to power down and that's the HIVE price isn't important for me, but on the other side, I know that price means for some of my friends, and I don't want to lose them... A lot of people live from HIVE and that's completely fine... Knowing that I do care about the price too! I want to keep my friends close, but we have to realize the real value of what we are building here...

Maybe we don't know exactly where all this is going, but if we are creating healthy bonds and connections, I can see only good things coming from that...

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Back to the #MyHiveGoals numbers... 2 weeks after the last report...

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The numbers are moving slowly regarding my HivePower goal... In the last 2 weeks, I have accumulated almost 600HP, which is compared to the 1300HP that I did in the previous report for 3 weeks isn't some result... Anyway, the number does go up and I did a bit more posts and comments during the last two weeks, which makes me happy! They didn't have huge payouts, but I liked the topics and also the engagement!

Regarding the total HivePower, I'm currently at around 86.5K, and if I would like to be on track with my yearly goal, I should have 2K more at the end of May... I doubt that it will happen, but maybe another 500-600HP could...


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Surprisingly, I did very well with my second goal for this year! The SWAP.HIVE:LEN shares number went up again and I'm currently only 1 share away from hitting my monthly goal, which is fantastic! It will happen in the next few days and maybe I will be able to "redistribute" some HIVE tokens toward my HivePower goal and help that goal...

That's why these reports are great! I can follow the results and progress, tweak some actions, slow down one goal, and push harder the other one! I couldn't do that if I didn't follow the numbers!

The monthly Rising Star goal is fulfilled a long time ago and currently, I'm at 91% of the yearly goal! I have moved the focus in the game toward building a "PRO band", which involves blending, which means that I'm reducing the amount of my card... lol... But, as I'm still buying packs and cards from the market, my total card number will not go down, but it could go up slowly... As this goal is very close to being reached, it's not crucial to grow it fast!

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These were my initial numbers and goals for 2024, created on January 7th, 2024...

MyHiveGoals 2024 Edition - The Beginning!

Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

Thank you for your time,


PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hive is just more than an investment, I agree with that. I tried to explain today what Hive is to a friend. She said at the end that Hive is like its own world and I agreed.

Oh sorry for late reply... Have no idea how I missed your comment!

Hive is like "compressed world" and we can recognize the outside rules on Hive too... So, your friend wasn't wrong at all... I like the view that we are the world outside of world... :)

No problem dude. That happens.

@ph1102! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ chaosmagic23. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

@ph1102! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23. (2/5)

This was thoughtful, balanced, and objective ... the honesty is refreshing!

Thank you very much for your kind words! I'm doing my best to keep it simple and honest... It knows to hit me back, but it is fulfilling to say things as they are... 🙂

It's been a month now since the beginning of my Hive journey. PASSION = HIVE!

Woohooo! Keep building, engage with others, have fun, and find true friends on the chain! That's the most important... The rest will come... 🙂

I just have the feeling that everyone here came for the dollars but when they got here, the real ones are separated from the ones who will just be here temporarily
Growing my HP is what I’m after and maybe can make millions from it in the future. I won’t lie, I’m on a power down now because I have some financial issue and I’m glad Hive came to my rescue

Yeah, those who came here only for dollars don't last long... It's very easy to spot people who just extract money without engaging and adding value to the community...

Hive price is important unless we probably want to lie. I also haven't really power down. I only did to buy about 2k HBD and staked it. I think it pays to have powered up hive because you can use it to help others and also attract attention. Hive loves people who keep their stake.
In general I like to encourage people who keep their stake.
I live with a very chronic condition that sidelines me, and mostly I find it hard to even talk about it or needing support or talk of powering down. I might power down later to buy HBD as well, but as much as we care about the well-being of the ecosystem and also give it back and keep the value however we can, it's all good..

Hive loves people who keep their stake.

Well, I would say that true Hivians like that... I like that... It shows me that a person cares about others too and not just about themselves...

It's not a problem to power down and use money if you need it... But, there is always a way to keep some, and still support others... 😉 I mean, it could be something urgent that we need it ALL, but it's not that often a case, especially when people are responsible with their budget.

Haha I like that too. This place introduced me to crypto and exposed me to a life I never knew existed and hence it's why I want it to work, it's why I've been objective about stake and using it to support those who also truly care about the ecosystem. When the bull market comes, I can truly save a bit for my medical bills and family too.

I love the way you say the truth as it is instead the others who sugar coat it... The price matters period... We really should face reality because in the end, we could deceive ourselves to feel good but it will never reflect the outcome

It's easier to accept things when we face reality earlier... HIVE will probably not do some 5-10X values in the next bull, but that's more because it is a different kind of crypto, with a different use case... Also, the chain and the tech have survived through multiple cycles, which is something that not many coins can say...

In any way, HIVE is a great platform as a showcase of creating a healthy community, with different opinions, and views... The "only" thing that we have to do is to develop and grow that mentality and way of thinking... which isn't as easy as it looks... :)

You're absolutely right PH... I actually see Hive very differently from the other crypto and I think I'd rather have a relatively more stable crypto built with am entire community than a very volatile random crypto... I'm proud to be here

People are notorious for finding excuses to justify or legitimize their choices. We all do it, even when we realize what we are doing. It takes more strength to look yourself in the mirror and admit you are wrong, the longer you lie to yourself.

Price of HIVE is obviously important for so many reasons:

  • the free publicity
  • the increased rewards in dollar terms which attract newcomers and activate old users
  • the ability to funds more things or more expensive
  • more users => more businesses to cater to the increased number of users
  • etc.

Thanks for pointing out other reasons why the HIVE price is important!

I didn't do it on purpose as I wanted to emphasize the importance of networking and making friends... But, some comments went off from that view, so thank you for showing other reasons too!

I Love You GIF


It couldn't be better said, we're still here for the community, and having our girls on our side helps too 🤣 I don't want to imagine what would happen if the girls hated our long days on the platform...

I have immersed myself so much in this digital world that I have consolidated friendships on the other side of the world and I have even been betrayed 😅 but both things strengthen me. In comparison I am still in diapers, there is a long way to go, but I am inspired by people like you, real and with a great intelligence ... I got a big laugh out of how you started this post, but it's very real, excuses are always there, it all depends on the person. Happy start of the week bro!

It couldn't be better said, we're still here for the community, and having our girls on our side helps too 🤣 I don't want to imagine what would happen if the girls hated our long days on the platform...

Hahahahaha... I know how that looks as she wasn't here from the beginning... And it was tough! 😂

Thanks for your kind words! Also, I'm not an angel or a saint... I did many things wrong here on Hive and outside it... On HIVE I went through many different phases to realize WHY HIVE is important for me... I have done bad things that were bad for me and the people around me, as I was focused on APR, on getting more and more tokens, instead of working on providing value to others...

I suppose that all that helps to more appreciate things today...

Awesome outlook! I don't plan to power down or sell Hive. If I have warning of my imminent death I will delegate all of my HP to @ecency so that the community continues to benefit. My family knows that is what I wish. So I never bother about price!

Thanks for the comment and your views! I didn't think about those scenarios, but maybe I should... just in case...

You are a big inspiration for many people on HIVE! Thanks! ❤️

@tipu curate

Thanks for your curation!

You know how long it took people to get used to web1 and then web2?
(I know you know :))

I know very well being pioneer in many aspects :)
I was for example invited to join Facebook when it was just beginning (around 2005.) and most of users were famous
You would not believe my friend list at that time.
I was invited as one of few who had quite visible presence with Indie Music and media (My Space was as most social as you could get)
IRC Chat was a place for socializing. :)

You know how long it took before it became huge, before even my mom got hooked up?

Let's say from 2015 onwards. 10-15 years..

You know for how long I tried to explain to the majority of people I knew in my close circles what I'm busy with? Without much success.? :)

Web 3 needs patience.
We are now just at the begining of the Facebook years. :)


Thanks for this recapitulation of previous web1 and web2 adoption curves! We forget things that happened 2 days ago, and we forget these things for sure! It takes time, that's for sure! I do understand that, but sometimes, it worries me that we will go down the road, and make steps backward by accepting compromises... We have something very valuable here, and we aren't aware of the full potential yet! Focus! 🙂

Money matters and that is why price is always going to be a factor. You can't buy everything with money but having more money can make life easier because there are things that can be solved with money.

I have never sold any Hive and I grow it because of the community. It might not have performed that well price-wise but I trust in the technology and I am looking at how things would happen a decade down the line.

That's a nice point of view into the future! Hive is a pioneer in the decentralized social media sphere, and I suppose that we will see more platforms in the future... At the moment, there is no too much narrative around it, but it will come... And I hope that HIVE will be able to stay in the ring...

Thanks for sharing. Maybe after I read and digested every word in this post, I realized the importance of collecting hive power, and I also don't plan to turn off the hive. this is very useful for everyone. Thanks again for sharing

You are welcome! It is hard to grasp too much information when you are new on the chain... I needed a lot of time (and many mistakes) to get to this point... Also, my opinion and my views don't have to align with yours... I could be easily wrong like I was a few years ago... ;)

That's the reason I'm here now, I want to keep learning, I want to push my limits. Because in my mind, if other people can do it, why can't I? So I want to keep learning and keep learning.

And I got a lot of very useful knowledge from all my friends, including you. Thank you very much❤

Definitely! I think the community aspect of Hive is what has me thinking long term about building in the ecosystem. I've been sold on what Hive is beyond its price and what it could possibly become in the future. Being a realist and optimistic at the same time is a good way to weigh our current decisions against the past or the future.

There are so many ways how HIVE can help people who are using it, and they are going way out of the money realm... When we become aware of that, magic happens... :)

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Thanks for your curation, @bhattg!

Its true, we cant denied that in the world of crypto price is important its part of the project presentation card, its hard for people to invest just for the fun of using the platform since they can do it for free anyways so even though on both scenarios its remains important, at least it has not gone bellow the lows of $0.24 but its not so far, from time to time I can see this long long 😴 consolidation can affect even the strongest hands holding, Im also not planning on selling any time soon but OMG give me $0.50 on this bull market and stay over that price range at least 🤑✌️

Hehehe... I hope that we will see the price that you mention, and beyond... That could bring some attention to HIVE and maybe new users!

It's interesting that we humans can never run out of excuses

HAHA that's so true! I still haven't really thought of what to do if the price of Hive rockets. Maybe, just maybe, I will power down in a "DCA" way and convert to HBD.

That's not a bad idea and I saw some big account powering down their Hive and waiting for the pump...