in #hive-1679222 years ago


It is no surprise to see all forces are behind the success of #leothreads. We love new things to play with. #threads is not new but the new user interface is getting us excited. It is to show #hive blockchain can be many things. No more focus only on long post, we can have fun and earn with short posts.

Here is the link in case you have not tried it.


You are welcome to give it a try and post your memes and definitely your cat picture. While we want to build a habit for #threads, I see the action for support. Since #threads are considered comments on Hive, it is a prime opportunity for growth in second layer where #leofinance will grow. Have you tried it yet? It is fun and you can say Hello everyone or Good morning y'all. This is what bring the whole community together.

I have never thought comments can be turn to #threads. Having a site dedicated to make it real, it is another example of use case for the #blockchain. If you want to get busy this is one place to be and #threads like you care. I read a #threads where we reach 2750 threads in 24 hours. I hope I get it right. Just imagine we can get this number 10x. It shows the traffic on #leofinance and it will be a viable competitor to twitter.

As you know we are connected to a blockchain. You do not need to pay to use the full service. While I am saying that #leofinance could do something where holding #leo tokens can give you more openness to #leothreads. Just a thought. I know the capabilities are endless when you mix social media, WEB3.0, threads together.
I am pretty sure #khal is thinking of many things possible in the near future. As long we stand as one and we keep promoting ourselves, we will make it.

I know the engagement is real. Let's say you want to introduce a friend to hive. You have #leothreads to do so. it is where #shorts come to life. I know the blockchain part could be the top of the ice but this is the ultimate goal to see the possibility to earn while you #threads. Everyone can earn with Hive. Everyone will earn with Leo and threads.
I recall a while back there was a discussion about how to create an account for new comer. Since couple past #hardfork it has become way too easy to create one. Now it is the time to promote twitter like in the name of #leothreads.

We have the whole year in front of us. We need to build the habit of posting via #threads. Just 240 words and out of the way. I am hoping to see update where your own #threads get separate just for you in your page so you can track replies. This alone will bring more direct engagement to #leothreads. The same way we have a page over #peakd for comments and replies, that way it is more direct to follow on your own threads.

I expect this is the highlight for Hive. We will use the blockchain and put to good use the three seconds and fast response of the community. While we are moving at the speed of light, earning will come close where you earn while you thread. You may be able to earn by holding #leo tokens.
Give support where it is needed.
In the meantime use the new #UI and see if it can able you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The way we have seen that some time ago YouTube has also given Short video option and we are seeing that it has also entered. The way we are seeing everything has been done quickly and this is a good step.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( @curamax ) sharing the post on LeoThreads.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @joydukeson, @seckorama ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I am new to this but this sounds good. We are looking forward to the success of this.

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