Another NFT Loss In Paradise : One Man’s Great Loss Another Man’s Great Gain

in #hive-1679223 years ago

It’s with great sadness am writing this on behalf of this NFT holder who just lost his NFT to an outrageous price listing bug. I’m not really conversant with opensea, listing, delisting and purchasing NFTs, but when I heard about the loss, the only thing I could think of was, who is to be blamed? Could it have been a hack? Turns out it was a malfunction in the price listing, imagine selling an NFT where the price is above $150k for $1,700.


I know right? You are feeling sad too, that’s a lot of loss, my heart goes out to the former NFT holder. Apparently, from my understanding, the NFT was listed for an old price, probably a price few days after the minting day that was a long time ago. With such great amount of loss, do you think the ex holder should have sued opensea for this listing bug? Seems like a great way to transfer the agression of your loss, to someone else. That’s a whooping $148k+ price difference between the amount sold and the NFT floor price of the Bored Ape.

No one is actually above experiencing great loss like this, especially when they are beyond your control. In crypto, another person’s loss is usually another person gain. Imagine buying a coin for $180 then after few dips and few days you give up and decide to sell it for $25. At $25 you are at a great loss, but the buyer buying it could possibly make huge gain from it if they sell it $180, but of course, patience has to get involved. But that’s not the case for these NFT holders, the seller didn’t mean to sell it at that price, but unfortunately, life happened.

This reminds me of the NFT holder that sold his Bored Ape NFT for 0.8 ETH instead of 80 ETH because of his fat fingers.

Talking of another painful loss and another great gain.

The buyer was so fast and quick in picking the NFT disregarding the fact that the gas fee cost more than the NFT. Crypto and its assets are one great assets that can make you extremely wealthy and also a little mistake can wreck you financially. It’s simplicity is always over looked which makes some people become less vigilant and careful when transacting.

We can find such mistakes even in situations that are as little as sending coins. We have seen lots of people make mistakes in sending coins to the wrong address because they made a little mistake such as an omission in a letter or a number. It always pays to be extremely vigilant when transacting crypto be very observant and careful.

Well, just to be safe I always use Peakd to make transactions because, a mistake in the exchange address will notify you against a potential loss.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I can't imagine how sad he will be, a freaking big loss but I doubt he'd be able to sue them, they will obviously have clauses.

Crrrrraaaash! 💔

Fat fingers? Seriously? Omg. This is painfully hilarious. I'm sorry. But omoh... it's funny.

😂 this is the case am happy I have small fingers.


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Sad story, quite unfortunate! “This reminds me of the NFT holder that sold his Bored Ape NFT for 0.8 ETH instead of 80 ETH because of his fat fingers.” I hope this man has forgiven his fat fingers though?

😂 I hope so too. It must be really had seeing that fat fingers everyday.

oh man, this hurts to see. I'd be fighting that tooth and nail if it were me, but that just goes to show that nothing is truly secure. financial security is more feasible when spreading assets out to several avenues. hopefully, the seller has several eggs in several different baskets so they can recover from this blow!

For his sake I hope he does, because that’s a painful loss.

Ouch, I don't know if I'd bee too happy owning this if I knew that the owner didn't mean to sell at that price. Maybe a new deal with the person where you resell and give a bit of what you earn to the original seller. That would be generous and kind in a fairytale kind of way

I thought of this too, I thought Of being in the lucky buyers shoes. My conscience wouldn’t let me own it.

Wow, so sad. If he's capable he should try sueing opensea. But the one of selling an Nft worth 80 eth for 0.8,that one is gone. Since he typed it himself.

This reminds me of the time my cousin accidentally sent 60 dollars worth of which he needed urgently to deepcrypto8 without a memo. Since it's not being controlled by one person, he couldn't get it back.

I'll be a little bit more careful than I already am. When making transactions from now on.

I always like to be so careful, losing money is one of the most painful things in life to lose.

Wow this hurts so much. I probably would be furious if that happens to me. I hope that bored Ape has a lot of money so it does not effect him too much.

If I would have sold an ape (no chance of that happening I don't own one) with a 99% discount to the inteded price that would have wrecked me financially.
A bug is something I would try to at least get compensation from opensea. A bug is an error on their behalf...(or not?) but for sure somewhere in their TOS you will find a little note:

oh it was our mistake that you lost money? No sorry my fren we can`t be held responsible for that. If you can not trust the listing tool that makes it an entirely new game.

Selling a !PIZZA for BTC is a nice thing buying a !BEER erm Pizza and spending BTC not so (in retrospect).

So true, opensea should be blamed for this though, it’s their duty to fix their bug

Should he sue open sea. This is sad but whose fault is it in this case and how can thw causer pay for it

Though it’s a system bug, I think open sea is to blame.