Hive: Creating Opportunity For The Next Infrastructure, Social & Application Layers

in #hive-1679222 years ago

The crypto world is expanding with everyone coming up with their own idea on how they can make the world better through crypto. When you check coin market cap or coingecko you will see over 10k coins available with their use case and utilities. Every coin will always claim to be the best, will always claim to offer solutions, but how many truly offers the solution? Initially when Bitcoin was invented, its purpose was to provide security, and financial freedom far from the government’s reach. We are watching the government try their best in trying to control bitcoin, they have been trying this for years and the market cap of bitcoin can practically give you an idea of how it worked out for them. Well, it didn’t work so well for the government as bitcoin keeps striving.


Bitcoin was created for peer to peer transaction making the blockchain a 1 Dimensional type. Something we can call the 1D blockchain, which by the time it was invented and made public in 2009 it was seen as something new. It took the world a little while to understand it and gradually accept it. Imagine how new and absurd the idea and concept of bitcoin was to the world in the 2010s. Imagine telling a random person that it’s a digital money not controlled by the government, but it’s value and utility is determined and based on the activities of the community. That would have sounded so impossible in the past. Overtime it’s usage has proven that there is room for massive improvement in the sense that more can be created from the idea of its technology. Lots of other projects were created but instead of focusing on how they can be better in their own unique ways, they concentrated more on trying to kill Bitcoin. This didn’t go well for them as other projects which were created years after them have surpassed them in development and value.

Hive is a decentralized blockchain which has a lot of utilities something i can consider to be the combination of SoFi(Social Finance) & DeFi(Decentralized Finance) or can we call it SoDeFi(Social Decentralized Finance). Hive is a base layer blockchain platform that has created and will be creating infrastructure and application layers. I really don’t know if Hive can be classified as a Layer 0 blockchain. This is because of the Hive fork from the steem blockchain. If Hive can be forked out of the steem blockchain creating its own independent blockchain, can another blockchain be forked off Hive too?

I’m just thinking out loud, I don’t know how possible this is.

But I am sure of Hive being a Layer 1 blockchain because Dapps can be built on Hive as a matter of fact Dapps have been built and currently being built. The world is slamming into crypto and it’s technology like a wrecking ball,taking advantage of it’s technology, the next idea is looking for a platform to build on. The Hive blockchain has proven to be capable of being a layer where applications can get built on.

Infrastructure Opportunities
Take a look at Hive, first of all the social media infrastructure is an amazing success that has been booming. People are socializing and creating content on Hive every second, this is an infrastructure on Hive that you can’t find anywhere except steemit. A social media with a wallet to keep your rewards after interacting, creating content and contributing on the blockchain. A social media account with a wallet that gives you the opportunity of creating your own wallet address name. Other wallets automatically generates a wallet address for you, but on Hive, you create your wallet address name as long as it’s available. For instance I choose readthisplease as my hive account name which ended up becoming my Hive wallet address name. If someone is to send me Hive from an exchange they can input readthisplease and I will receive Hive.

Front Ends is something we see everyday on Hive, there are numerous frontends built on Hive but still connected to Hive. This is an infrastructure unique to Hive, something that the whole world needs but don’t know yet. Like I have said so many times in my previous posts, Hive is way ahead of it’s time, imagine what the technology and infrastructure will be in the nearest future.

There are other infrastructure present on Hive that are game changers for the world, we have the staking solutions and the privacy solution. Beautiful infrastructure found in our Social Decentralized Finance Base Layer Blockchain. Having a Hive account gives you privacy and ownership right to your content. You own your keys and no one can control and access your account except you give them your keys. Staking is something that is common on Hive, we stake our assets and earn rewards for staking it.

Hive has the play to earn feature built on it, proof of stake feature built on it and the move to earn feature(Actifit). This is some thing the world is discovering today, but Hive has had these utilities a long time ago. The day the world discovers Hive, that’s the day the world will discover that all they have been looking for was right here in the crypto hub of the entire crypto community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hive is THE place to be and I hope that the world will get to know more about this giant. I am just glad to be here and learning and growing too.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I'm also glad, I can't help but think of it's future in the next 5-10 years.

It feels good just imagining how it would be by then thinking how it evolved from say 2 years ago? Exciting times ahead!

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

B20. Today. when millions of refugees from Ukraine ended up in Europe and other parts of the world. a good opportunity to tell them about the Hive, how to turn dull days into a reliable crypto coin by publishing reports on lived days away from home. Many of them, after a while. will return home and this will be a great support for them at a time when it will be difficult to find a job. If you know of such refugees, invite them to the Hive.

This is absolutely true.

B10. I'm glad we agree! Have a great day!

Hive is a Blockchain with a lot of potentials. I've heard of the Hive Application Framework (HAF) (I hope I'm correct) which is currently being built to facilitate the development of more Dapps on the Hive Blockchain, at some point in the future, based on the amount of work put into it, Hive may turn out to become the most relevant Blockchain.

I like that, the most relevant blockchain. That is the goal, I hope the world realize that soon

There is so much in hive than a post can say really.
Everyday it baffles me..
The way hive will change the story of people when they know about it ehn. Soon it will become the only form of socials relevant. ..hehe
Because economics pass social studies.. 😅😅

😅 I see what you did there. It’s just a matter of time