Following the PolyCub Launch, a quick look at the returns on offer from other Yield Aggregators on Polygon.....

in #hive-1679223 years ago

With the successful launch of Polycub yesterday, which includes a tasty stales staking option in the form of a USDT-USDC-DAI tri-pool, I thought it appropriate to view what the competition on Polygon has to offer in terms of stable-staking options...

I imagine there will be a honey-moon return phase for a few more days yet where we see some insane returns, but these will quickly settle down as more people pile into the pools, and it's the rate that we end up with that's going to be important in the longer term...

There is currently around $3 bn staked to various contracts on Polygon, and (as with Avalanche) Aave has the largest amount of funds by Total Value Locked (TVL), with around $1.2 bn staked to it, but only offers around a 2% return on most stables, and only on DAI/ USDC and USDT.

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I'm including it here just a base reference point, and because almost a third of funds staked on Polygon are staked to Aave, but I think it's fairer to look to other Yield Aggregator options for a closer comparison....

Beefy Finance - 7% on classic stable pools, 30% on 'funny stables'

Beefy Finance is the largest Yield Optimiser on Polygon by TVL and offers a not-too shabby 7% on the classic pure stable pools...

Screenshot 20220305 at 12.41.15.png

It also has some interesting options on 'J' currency pairs - such as GBP-EU..... NB I've only just stumbled on this so haven't researched it, but there are options!

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In case there's a PCUB-USDC pool here are the corresponding returns on other 'stable-DEFICOIN' pools, ranging from 35% to 70%.

Screenshot 20220305 at 12.46.57.png

I guess the BNB option would be similar to a MATIC-stable option if it appears on Polycub.

Autofarm - pure stables options at 15%

Good old Autofarm is the second largest Yield Aggregator on Polygon offering a range of stable options from single digit returns all the way up to 15%

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It also offers a similar tri-pool to the one which is going to be launched on Polycub....

Screenshot 20220305 at 12.51.43.png

NB there's also returns on stable-randomdefishitcoin of several hundred percentage points, so clearly PolyCub isn't the only new kid on the block this weekend.

Harvest Finance: more decent options...10% to 270%

Harvest Finance is the third in size by TVL, but here we are down to only $8 million in value, but we have a decent range of options, although you might well classify some of these as degenerate:

Screenshot 20220305 at 12.57.18.png

It also offers a 4-stable pool similar to 4belt at 10%.

Final Thoughts... what's a good rate of return on yer Cub stables, once the dust settles...?

Given that AutoFarm is a reliable old-school (ironically) DEFI platform, I think this is a good point of comparison, so I'd really be wanting at least 15% from my pure stables pool on Cub, and similar from the tri-pool.

Where pooling stables with MATIC or PCub are concerned, anything over 35% for the former and 70% for the later would be hard to beat on other trusted platforms, I mean there are higher returns, but maybe with too much risk!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think we will continue to see over 1000% for a few days to a month. After that, probably somewhere closer to 100%.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, always good to keep in mind that the early APR %s will never last, especially those of 100% and above. So best to do all of your projections with a much lower % in mind! It can often still be worth it, but it is stil essential to keep this in mind, you are 100% right!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, it's wise to go ahead and take advantage while it lasts. This is something we haven't seen before though, so it could last a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a nice look at where the money is best put. Thanks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Launching of the polycub is the best things in polycub now. That's the latest news onboard now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have no bloody clue what to do - I go to claim then i am on polycub then i click claim again then i get this (so i need to buy polycub wor what? Where?)

Screen Shot 20220307 at 13.41.21.png

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can see your Total Airdrop on the cubdefi page here:

To claim you go to the Airdrop page on polycub here:

You need to connect your wallet and then should be able to claim the amount that's listed.

More info available on the discord server:

"insufficient funds" it says when i wanna claim but i need BNB but have enough BNB actually - hmmmmmm

The claim of PolyCub is happening on Polygon so you would need MATIC for those operations not BNB.

oh, not heard of matic yet - thx again

that is what I did all, metamask tells me the chain is not trusted or shall be verified?

Sounds like you haven't added Polygon to your Metamask. Check the PolyCub docs here for a tutorial:

Indeed, not yet - lemme check and try it, thx mate

I look at the stablecoins pools all around. Although there are many I still fell single stacking and if stablecoins is the safest. Not many of those out there and they don’t yield a ton. This is the beginning of polycub. Will be watching see how the yields go ...

I agree, good old HBDs is up there!

Down and fast is where those yields are going, but I've had a good weekend off them!

Yup good old 12% in HBD with native staking in Savings is a good option too! Nothing wrong with taking advantage of LPs too though, I know I do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice comparison! People always take the time to do an in-depth comparison between platforms before plopping your money down. And best to do your projections with a much lower % than is listed, of course, especially for new platforms or new pairings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if you are doing stables then I see no point and leaving stake in HBD as we know the risks outside are just that risks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Although I'm not sure I fully trust HBD - it's linked to Hive, and have you seen just HOW MUCH liquid hive is floating around out there!

Although for the most part I choose to put my stables elsewhere just because I'm already well-staked in Hive!

Having said all of that I probably will pile more into HBD, I want to buy another house soon so I'll be looking to go bigger on Stables.

Yes I have and hopefully mind sets change and people stake eventually.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent point on the lower/more average yield stables, may as well just keep it simple and keep it in HBD savings at a FIXED 12% currently, with no IP and zero fees.

For the higher %s, that is fine as long as people dont mind the higher risk. though. Just stay away from the pools with random shitcoins offering high APY %, as most of those will crash and the APY will often not make up for the loss in price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everything above 15% on stables is a true gift in DeFi atm. Even biting the harvest penalty will give you like 700% returns with PolyCub. Insane opportunity that people will miss as always lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know - it's worth paying that penalty for now for sure!

I am slowly getting how this kingdom thing works and I some crazy figures, well it takes time, I don't know the risk part yet on the other ones you are talking about but will get into them. Am new to this

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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