It's true that cryptocurrencies are volatile and speculative, but you can reduce your risk by doing a few things before you invest. [Eng/Esp]

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Cryptocurrency is a great investment opportunity, but like any investment, it's important to know what you're doing before you put your money into it.

Image by WorldSpectrum from Pixabay

La criptomoneda es una gran oportunidad de inversión, pero como cualquier inversión, es importante saber lo que está haciendo antes de invertir su dinero en ella.

If you've been thinking about investing in cryptocurrency, but don't know where to start or what to look out for, we've got your back. Here are some tips to help keep your investments safe and sound:

Si ha estado pensando en invertir en criptomonedas, pero no sabe por dónde empezar o qué buscar, lo respaldamos. Aquí hay algunos consejos para ayudar a mantener sus inversiones sanas y salvas:

1. Make sure you know what you're doing with your investment before you put money into it. If it's something new and exciting, like cryptocurrency, there are many different kinds of risks involved and it can be difficult for beginners to understand them all.

1. Asegúrese de saber lo que está haciendo con su inversión antes de poner dinero en ella. Si se trata de algo nuevo y emocionante, como las criptomonedas, existen muchos tipos diferentes de riesgos involucrados y puede ser difícil para los principiantes comprenderlos todos.

  1. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose--even if it means waiting until later when the price goes up again! If things go bad at first, they may never bounce back and your losses will be much greater than if you had bought low and sold high instead!

  1. No invierta más de lo que puede permitirse perder, ¡incluso si eso significa esperar hasta más tarde cuando el precio vuelva a subir! Si las cosas van mal al principio, es posible que nunca se recuperen y sus pérdidas serán mucho mayores que si hubiera comprado barato y vendido caro.

  1. Always keep records of all transactions so that if something goes wrong with one particular coin/token then there's proof as well as any information needed for legal action against any parties involved in scamming or fraudulant behaviour.

  1. Mantenga siempre registros de todas las transacciones para que, si algo sale mal con una moneda/ficha en particular, haya pruebas, así como cualquier información necesaria para emprender acciones legales contra las partes involucradas en estafas o conductas fraudulentas.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I spent at least a year reading up, asking questions and doing research before I bought my first stock. And spent about the same amout of time doing my DD with crypto. A wise man lays a firm foundation before he starts building... :)

Taking the time to educate yourself and thoroughly research before making investment decisions is a wise approach, whether it's with stocks or cryptocurrencies. Building a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding is crucial for long-term success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's also good to do a proper research before investing into any crypto coin and to be realistic in expecting results and thr risk involved.

Yes, proper research is important before investing in any cryptocurrency, and it's essential to be realistic about the potential results and risks involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta