The Weekend Battle is Done- What's Next on Threads?

in #hive-167922last year

Are you still tired from the weekend battle the @leofinance team organized as part of the adoption campaign? If you do not know what I am talking about then I don't know how to break the news for you :P

What happened?

The @leofinance team issued a challenge to all Leothreads users to go all out over the weekend and test the new User Interface they have been working on. Users eagerly responded and unleashed their full force as instructed.

Those three days flew by in a flash, with users pushing the limits to earn points. The timeline on Leothreads moved at an unprecedented speed, unlike anything we had witnessed since its inception last year. I was thrilled to see that the infrastructure held up well under the pressure. Despite a few hiccups and the occasional bug, users remained undeterred.

In the grand scheme of things, those bugs and hiccups didn't matter much because we achieved remarkable results. On the first day alone, we made almost 12K, and on average, we reached 16K in the last two days. These numbers are significant, considering that we were previously tracking a maximum of 5K threads per day before this frenzy took place.

Overall, the challenge brought a surge of activity and showcased the platform's potential. It's an exciting time for Leothreads and its users, as we continue to push boundaries and explore new possibilities.

Thanks @tragiclady for the graph.

Congrats to the winners. And, we now have more questions to answer.

What are the next steps?

Like everyone else, I was expecting the numbers to decline, which happened as expected. It's understandable.

With the success, we as users need to ask ourselves what the next steps are. There are issues and bugs, and there are limitations in the available features that I hope the project team is taking note of and working on.

This downtime should be utilized to address the product's issues. Users should continue to provide feedback while enjoying the microblogging experience. I believe that short-form content will be the future of social media platforms, as demonstrated by TikTok and Twitter.

The primary objective for users should be to remain active and keep using the product. While we can always complain about the features and dynamics, this is currently the only usable product that is actively being developed.

Overall, it's crucial for users to stay engaged and provide feedback to contribute to the improvement of the platform.

What am I doing?

I am not thinking too much about where the project will go or when the mass adoptions happens. I think those are the questions no one can answer. The experiment may succeed, may need to change the course or may fail. I have been on $HIVE for more than 3 years now. I am not going anywhere else since I managed to stay here through thick and thins.

I will keep grinding, sending feedbacks and actually live my online life here with other global users. This the place to share info and learn more about chains, investments and profits.

How early are we?

Having said that, I haven't come across any other product in the market that offers similar features and is decentralized and scalable like Leothreads. I've been actively looking, and while there are a few others out there, they don't provide the same level of transparency as Leo and Hive dapps do. I might be biased because I'm familiar with the Leo team, but that's been my experience so far.

Let's take a look at the Lens protocol on Polygon as an example. One of its drawbacks is that it doesn't help users avoid transaction fees. In a platform like Leothreads, where users engage in numerous transactions like upvoting, commenting, and sharing, having to pay fees for each transaction would be a significant burden. Additionally, Lens Protocol seems to be leaning more towards NFTs rather than focusing on their Twitter-like social platform, and they are still in the beta stage of development.

Although it's worth mentioning that Dappradar notes Lens Protocol has 100K unique wallets, which is a substantial number compared to Leothreads' 1.1K unique users.

All in all, we are still at an early stage in the game. If everything goes well and Leothreads manages to secure a couple of meaningful partnerships, the original NFTs you receive from @leofinance may become much more valuable, both in terms of token value and reputation.

Keep threading.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Well it is interesting, and having been using the UIinvarious stages since last August, I have seen a lot.

Take the battle, for much of it I was screwed because threads would vanish, you were wasting your time. Net result I gave up trying.

The UI in theory should be great, However, let's not lost the fact that alot of users have come to the new UI and gone away again because it does not work right for them. This has been going on for quite some time.

What's next?

I have no fluffing clue, I do know that when we do finally get a UI that does work, then I will endeavour to get people using it againg.

The UI is getting better everyday but I agree to your point that users may need a fully baked product. This is a beta that means there will be bugs. Not sure what the timeline is to release the full version but what we need to do now is thread and write blogposts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
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This is very true and covered a lot about what’s on everyone’s minds. I myself had to take one day break from threads after threading so hard and trying to slay you and Taskmaster. It was a fun experience.

We learnt that the UI can withstand a lot of threads and that when the new features Khal and Eric talk about start rolling in, the user experience would be even more pleasant.

I like to think the team has got more ideas up their sleeves. It’s exciting times indeed.

This was worth the read my man 😁

The backend infrastructure is working as expected. But 20k a day is nothing when compared to where we want to be. As you said, the team is already thinking about it by setting up a dedicated $HIVE node and applying other splitting solutions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Exciting times ahead. It will be exciting to see when everything is sorted and we have more dedicated threaders

Will need to come with updates pretty quick. Cannot be waiting on this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha