The fall of glory, the rise of the devil! Today, a few days have passed since the new year, I look back.In the previous year, painful events happened and many people were killed or injured and imprisoned by this occupying regime.
Although there was more or less peace around us, there were many conflicts in other places and the unrest spread little by little.
In those days, corruption and corruption could be clearly seen in the society. A society that has distanced itself from its principles after more than forty years, and that is the only result of the existence of this cruel and incompetent regime.
Now that I am writing this text, conflicts have occurred again in the northern borders and Azerbaijan and Armenia have come to life again.
Unfortunately, the race and ethnicity and the traces left by the occupation and intervention of foreigners, which caused the fragmentation of almost two-thirds of the land of Iran, which was caused by the incompetence of the rulers, have inflamed such an area.
I hope all these wars will end and peace will return to all nations. Interferences will end and benevolent people will come to work. People who live for humanity, not for pieces!
When slogans were raised last year, the first step was to shut down the internet. What we were all ready for, but the interesting thing was the amount of repression. We, who always know what is going on, but the new generation, which has just opened its eyes and turned a little green behind its lips, recklessly followed the path that we all have followed in these years and we know the end of it.
The point was that the level of corruption and repression of the forces was clearly evident compared to before. A corrupt body that had lost its power to suppress!
The amount of repression was much higher in the previous years, so this means a drop in forces!
The second point was in the new generation method. A generation that ignores all the standards of society. He doesn't know anything, he doesn't understand and he does one thing: movement. This is a great danger for the society because anyone can take them over and this is what Khomeini did!
When the other side's experts did their expertise, we knew it. We knew what was going on. Experience said this!
They had entered again for the benefit of the rulers! Those who had caused lack of success in the past. The driving forces of repression!
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