WEB3 – Content Creation & The New Standard

in #hive-1679228 months ago

A Broken Record

I guess many of us within the WEB3 world are perhaps beginning to sound a bit like a broken record. However, the idea of a decentralized, yet connected world that is built on the idea of monetization, influence, and authority is rather exciting, in my opinion. Unfortunately, much of this idea is watered down by the typical aspects that control centralized entities. In other words, these flaws still find a way to penetrate and influence decentralized ideas.

As I have mentioned before, true decentralization is a myth… it’s like perfection. It’s something that many strive to achieve, however, will never attain. This however doesn’t stop one striving for excellence. Similarly, many are looking to a decentralized future but will have to settle for “systems” that are compromised in one way or another. Essentially, one has to seek out opportunities that work for them.

Opportunities where the “compromise” is acceptable, or the “damaging effects” are not as critical to your desired objective or outcome. There are no perfect solutions anywhere, whether it be online, or in any other aspect of life. However, the truth remains…

WEB3 beats WEB2 hands down!

Once you have realized this it becomes very difficult to “exist” exclusively in a WEB2 world. I am not entirely opposed to WEB2. However, I do limit myself to what I make use of, and for various reasons. I am also generally a rather private person, so you won’t catch me posting my life on Facebook. The truth be told, my last FB post was almost a decade ago. In my opinion, Facebook has become a vanity club.

What most people love about Facebook, I detest… it’s narcissistic when you consider the motivations behind the majority of the content being published there. Although not perfect, WEB3 does seem to attract a different caliber of person. Generally speaking, WEB3 content often evolves around income generation, monetization, and innovation. The type of income generation ideas you are likely to encounter on WEB2 platforms are generally MLM ideas.

In other words, ideas and opportunities that require some sort of investment. One of the greatest “selling points” of WEB3 is that anyone can begin building an income-generative presence without making any initial investment. Not only does WEB2 not reward users, but it extracts data and sensitive information from its users and then proceeds to profit from what I consider a violation.

As I say, you can’t live under a rock. However, there are areas where you can choose if you are “going to play”. When it comes to WEB3, more and more people are beginning to realize the benefits, especially in the long term, and so Have begun creating content, even if in a limited capacity. In other words, taking their Facebook habits, and then upping their game a bit. The result is micro-content that can begin being leveraged for income generation within the world of WEB3.

The Rules Are Changing

This is bringing about an entirely new age of content creation, where tokenization is at the heart of income generation. It is however still in the formative stages. In other words, many are leaving WEB2 for WEB3. However, they are not seeing their WEB2 communities traveling with them just yet, and so are still active in both realms. As I mentioned last year, Musk’s incorporation of monetization on X was an attempt to keep a dying idea viable and attractive.

Let’s be honest, it’s working well for those with large audiences. However, I doubt whether guys like Zuckerberg are going to begin sharing their ad revenue with their users. Musk is a different animal. He will literally throw money away, to prove a point. His income-generative ideas are by no means standard and are in many cases not comprehended by the critical mass.

He’s extremely talented, in leveraging a critical mass, while simultaneously pleasing them. There are very few entrepreneurs with his skill set. I would go as far as to say he is his own pedigree. Despite his efforts, WEB3 will eventually rise to supremacy. It may take a while, but it’s coming! Regulatory concerns are of course the greatest concern at this stage of the game.

If DeFi is the next target for regulators, then DeFi’s Siamese twin, WEB3, is included by default. If you haven’t realized yet, Crypto, WEB3, and blockchain, in general, is a type of migration, and one that will most likely take some time, similar to Moses and the Israelite nation shifting to a new “homeland”. Most people involved in Crypto are unable to understand and appreciate the concept of process.

Final Thoughts

Yes, it’s a process, and anyone getting involved in Crypto has to understand this. Essentially, goals need to be longer-term in nature, and strategies should incorporate building something of value, as opposed to “cashing in” on the short-term fluctuations of the market. Any new idea is faced with the initial stages of extreme volatility and uncertainty. It’s part of the story.

Thinking you can somehow escape or bypass this period is a little naive. It’s better to use it to build. Regardless of what you are building, time is your friend. A rushed job will always later reveal the cracks of avoiding correct and appropriate procedures. It’s time to build! See you next time!


First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.

This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


there are areas where you can choose if you are “going to play”. When it comes to WEB3, more and more people are beginning to realize the benefits, especially in the long term, and so Have begun creating content,

This speaks volumes about Web 3 as a whole. There is so much for a person to do to take advantage of this new Web3 space and create something grand! Though because Cryptocurrency is 'tied' to Web3 people tend to get lost in a '10x/moon' haze and are unable to properly formulate a strategy and plan to utilize some of the interesting aspects that Web 3 has to offer beyond Cryptocurrency and prices.

It's difficult to step around the 'Crypto' side of Web3 when everybody has their own preconceived notions.

Thank you for sharing your article. It is great to read some in-depth thoughts about Web3.

True! The formulation of a strategy and approach is always key... especially here... in WEB3!

As I have mentioned before, true decentralizationis a myth…

I totally agree with you on this. It’s a thing to strive for and we can only shift closer to the end of the decentralization spectrum with no way to reach the end point. Sadly many come here for a perfect decentralization and think that they can do whatever they want because the platform is decentralized.

Yeah, it's never going to happen...

I'm glad you said there is not perfectly decentralized platform or blockchain. I don't think any of us would like it if it was completely decentralized. Still, with varying degrees of decentralization, Hive is still the best among those running. I do think there is a lot of potential here to build tokenized communities. How long do you think it will be before tokenization is the new standard in content marketing?

I am guessing 5 - 10 years...

As good a guess as any, but I wonder what will be the tipping point that causes a shift in the current standard.