My InLeo's April Progress Report: Advancing in Content Creation and Personal Life Skills

in #hive-1679225 months ago

In our life everything that we do and keep ourselves involved in something that we are doing on a purpose and there is a reason for that thing which is being done from our side and those are the things from which we are looking for something that is going to be coming out as an outcome or a result that we did plan to achieve in the letter half of that particular efforts that we did given in the initial phases which is something that is purely natural and a something that we should aim as well in order to be making sure that it is something that becomes a reality as well which is why it is always very necessary to keep making progress because that is the only thing that we are looking for in order to be getting from something that we are doing and that has been existing ine every single thing that we are getting involved in right from waking up to even doing the smallest of task and also making our career and making the decisions which are going to be shaving it in the future as well each and every one of those aspects have its on importance.


Progress is the thing that we are targeting because it is going to be the only factor that is going to define whether the efforts that we have given in a particular task are getting to the extent which they are intended to or not and that is going to be deciding that the approach that we have given in that particular task is appropriate or not an is there something that we need to be changing or fixing or completely making it over. Keeping track of progress is very important as it is a factor that makes us realize a lot of things and that is going to be something that we need to be utilizing as well in each part of our life.



Content creation has been one of the most influential parts of my life for a very long amount of time now and that has been something that I have been doing with a lot of dedication in recent times I have also made a few plans that I have tried to implement to be getting that done in such a man which is going to be very effective for myself as well which is going to be helping me growing personally in terms of gaining knowledge as well as also making sure that I can make some content that is going to be used fully for the consumers as well because that is going to be the biggest started that is needed to be achieved.

I have been writing articles on InLeo for a long amount time now and this has been another month that has just passed in this month I have made quite some progress because one of the things that I wanted to make sure of has to be happening regardless of whatever other thing happens was to maintain my consistency and I am very happy about that because I manage to be very consistent and regular because that was one thing that I was not able to make sure that it happens based on my contact creation. After all, one or the other reason was always existing because of which I could be that regular but in this month I could proudly say that I have been very consistently and at a fixed frequency making content and trying to post it as well.


Apart from that there has been a very big difficulty for me to choose topics that I could be getting myself writing something up on which is going to be very useful for people who are going to be reading it at the end and that has been a very difficult thing for me because choosing a particular topic that is going to be very effective and useful for people is something that is not my domain because I was never a professional writer but I still I am trying to pottery my thoughts on any particular topic and the initiated in your presented with their monthly prompts which for this month is #aprilinleo, it has been immensely helpful and it has also help me grow personally in terms of developing skills to be writing on something and also give me that particular confidence which I could be using in order to be making sure that I can bring up ideas from my side as well and that has been definitely a very big credit that needs to be given to the InLeo team for bringing up such an amazing initiative.

This has surely helped me grow and make a lot of progress in terms of gaining a lot of ideas in terms of content writing as well as editing your article in such a man which is going to be very good looking as well as also kind of very much effective for the web itself because it is going to be available on the Internet forever and making it something that people will be able to consume in such a manner and also find it is something that we need to be taking care of and the utilization of tags as well as also the usage of words is something that I have learned and developed on my own as well as the things that have been possible because of these initiatives has been something that I have made a lot of progress in for this particular month for sure.


Talk about certain bugs that I encountered this month or in the recent past in the InLeo platform itself then it has to be something related to the uploading images, I previously used to drag and drop images right in the upload section on the upload but that was available while posting threads but for some reason, it always uses to gitch out and never actually upload the image and I had to be manually selecting the image from the Dropbox that used to open when you click between that box of upload and it also did not use to show any progress but sometimes it used to pop up with the link that is of the uploaded image it has been quite confusing but it used to work with some techniques but the drag and drop feature was useful I am not sure that it has been fixed right now or not but it was something that was a feature I was regularly using and it was very difficult to upload images on thread after that with the absence of drag and drop.

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Apart from that, there were no major issues that I faced while using the platform because it has always been very smooth regardless of these small things that have been kind of been in the way of an even smoother experience and I am sure that the team is going to be fixing it very soon and apart from that it is really something that I have been very much enjoying and I have no complaints and I look forward for an even smoother experience in the upcoming month.

That is all for this particular blog and I'll be looking forward to the next month and the things that it has to offer and is going to bring because I am looking for even more progress in terms of every regard that I am initiated with related be my personal life as well as also the career that I am looking forward to building as well as also the things that I will do in terms of content creation and all of this is going to be combining into something that will surely look a lot better Once Up bit of more progress is added to it and that is something that I am going to be targetting to achieve in the upcoming month for sure.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha