Sometimes I think about it. Actually I think about things a lot and imagine so many probable things. Today I was thinking about the life when I achieved my lifetime financial freedom. So I decide to give it a try for next six months. I've funds that can help me bearing my expenses for next six months. In 2023 I want to try something nonprofit, like I decide to join a childcare without having any discussion about salary.
It probably not a kind of debt but the child care kindergarten can't afford to pay me my monthly expenses but I've secured my next six months so far and not yet leave online crypto earning platforms so everything can be happen in next month. Just trying to add a new activity in my life, not yet sure and selected for the role but when I told them that I want to join as nonprofit they surely pay some interest to my application.
By the grace of Almighty, my educational qualification is enough to be a teacher of a college and university but why I choose kindergarten? Because I want to experience the feeling when I'm financially free and I've enough time to spend like a rich. 😛😂
You can get my aim when I'll be financially independent for lifetime. I will be a teacher for free and will teach kids for self satisfaction. It will be absolutely free only when I'll afford to be independent financially forever. There are many individuals in our society having such good aims or intentions if they'll be blessed with the decent earning source that help them earning passive income or lifetime money making source.
Many people decide to shift in a village to serve poor unconditionally. Actually I believe, our big income or earning make our heart bigger and we can afford to serve others because we have no tension of finance and we can focus on serving needy for free and without any condition. Still there are many people hungry and thirsty for money even after having lifetime earning source or decent income for lifetime but money can't bring self satisfaction that we can get by serving needy people around us.
Don't get me wrong please! I'm not here to show my kindness but probably my good intention can remind a millionaire or billionaire that they have earned enough and they can dedicate their life to make others life easy and help other achieving financial freedom for lifetime. Its all about personal wish and we can't force others thinking the way we think about serving people, right?
My financial freedom for lifetime will remind me to be a good human being at first. Later I will serve as much I can afford from my side. I know its easy to say but difficult when our needs increase with the time and our needs become like never going to end. Things that gives us satisfaction inside, is actually a kind of great virtue and honour. So when we are still young, we can work until we ensure our financial freedom and spend retired life for charity.
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