Leofinance.io has both short form and long form content, and it pays.

in #hive-1679222 years ago



  • Leofinance link is a social blogging and tweeting community started as a blogging site for cryptocurrency investors and people learning about cryptocurrency investing. But it has evolved into a blogging site for all topics.
  • ‘It was originally for 500-2000 word posts, but now it has a section for 240 character #Tweets like #Twitter, but here they are called #Threads.
  • It's unique fee earning structure allows both content producers and content consumers to earn money for their time and attention.
  • Leofinance has both long form and short form content sharing sections.
  • It is 5 years old, and has a loyal and growing community.
  • It also has a well known creator and community leader, along with double digit numbers of developers and a constant stream of innovations and improvements.

Leofinance is what Web 3.0 could look like.

  • Leofinance on the Hive blockchain is an example of a Web 3.0 Primitive, . . . as in a first model of what Web 3.0 could look like.
  • It is fast becoming a Web 3 ecosystem otherwise called social media on the blockchain.
  • It is called Tokenized Social Media because you can earn cryptocurrency Tokens for your time and attention reading posts, tweets, and comments on Leofinance.
  • You own your account, it won’t be taken away from you.
  • ‘You own your content, so only you can delete it.
  • ‘You own your followers list, so only you can use it to promote your blog and reward your fans.
  • This is the promise of Web 3.0 free infrastructure, just like Facebook or Twitter is Free, but money earned from your content goes to you and your followers.


Leofinance.io information from *LEOGLOSSARY source

  • LEOGLOSSARY is our onchain glossary of terms
  • Leofinance.io is a social media application.
  • This is a long form blogging platform and short form Twitter like platform.
  • This is a Web 3.0 application, being built on the Hive blockchain.
  • Content producers and content consumers can earn tokens and coins for their activity.
  • All articles posted as eligible for author rewards.
  • All comments by content consumers can earn tokens.
  • This can come in the form of the blockchain's native coin ($HIVE) along with the LEO token.
  • Upvoting is done by the community, each with voting power based upon how many coins and tokens are staked.
  • As one's staking amount grows, so does their ability to direct rewards.
  • All voting is done over a 7 day period. After the window is complete, rewards are distributed to the wallets of all involved in the process.
  • The author gets his or her rewards while each upvoter gets paid for the upvotes given.
  • The calculation and distribution of the rewards are done by the network. This automates the transaction process.
  • Hive is a decentralized database.
  • In true Web 3.0 fashion, all data posted to Leofinance is written to the blockchain.
  • This makes people's content immutable.
  • Couple this with full account ownership and it is easy to see the appeal to content creators.


How do you join?

  • Just like your twitter account there are no charges or fees.
  • You literally just go to www.Leofinance.io click on sign up, click on Twitter, enter the name you want for your account and you are good to go. You can be posting and commenting in less than a minute.
  • Try it out today and post an introduction post.
  • As you earn crypto you can stake it or trade to cash it out.

Check out how easy it is to sign up in this video:

Ethereum Investors Use MetaMask Sign Up

& Earn Ethereum for blogging or Vlogging

Learn How Here:

How do you earn?

One way is you write good content about crypto...

  • and people will #Like or #Upvote your content, and in 7 days those votes which are actually cash crypto monies which you can use to pay rent, buy food or pay bills.

The second way is you make good content videos...

  • and people will #Like or #Upvote your content, and in 7 days those votes which are actually cash crypto monies which you can use to pay rent, buy food or pay bills.

The third way is you buy Leo and stake it,

  • ...so you earn money for Liking or UpVoting content. You get half the value of every vote. - Then in 7 days those votes which are actually cash crypto monies which you can use to pay rent, buy food or pay bills.

Leofinance Social Media

  • Discord
  • Twitter
  • Medium
  • YouTube
  • Telegram
  • Substack

Discord Channel Link: https://discord.gg/E4jePHe

  • A very important place for information and help.

Leofinance Twitter


Leofinance Medium Blog


Leofinance YouTube:


Leofinance Telegram Group

Telegram: https://t.me/leofinanceio

Substack: Daily LEO Newsletter:


That’s it..

  • You now know, that Leofinance is more then just a social media blogging platform.
  • It’s long posts, short tweets called threads, videos and also photo memes.
  • It is also tokenized as in you can earn cryptocurrency tokens for your time and attention.
  • It’s a unique and functioning model of what Web 3.0 May look like; a sneak preview into the future of social media, which you can join today.
  • See you inside!
  • ✍🏼 Penned with my hand.. @shortsegments


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Upvote and Reblogged

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great content, thanks for sharing, but I use the www.Leofinance.io and it is not linking up.

Try this link: https://leofinance.io/

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @shortsegments ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

What I havent tried is staking but I will got do that. Thanks for sharing this information about Leofinance.

Your welcome!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( @shortsegments ) sharing the post on LeoThreads.

The Defi Paradox


  • In my mind, I understand that people who bought DeFi tokens like Cub on Cubfinance at or around the market high are holding tokens which lost 90% of their value in the Bear Market. So they are reluctant to buy more of these tokens.
  • But that is the beginning of understanding the DeFi Paradox.
  • Because at the height of the Bull Market these investors were earning 80-100 Cub per day, which was around 40 dollars a day. BUT now that same investment is worth 10% of what it was during the Bull Market, and generates earnings of 4 dollars a day, which is a tiny fraction of what it generated during the Bull Market.
  • So I completely understand why some are reluctant buying Cub if they only look at current earnings.
  • However, at todays prices you can easily buy and accumulate enough Cub to double, triple or even 10x your Cub holdings.
  • Meaning that in the coming Bull market you could be earning 2x, 4x or 10x what you made in the previous Bull Market.
  • Some might call me over optimistic, but I see this Bear Market as an opportunity to set myself up for large earnings during the next Bull Market.
  • Oldtime Bitcoin Holders frequently say that the fortunes we seen being made in the Bull Markets were built during the previous Bear Market and I am beginning to understand what they meant. They are referring to this Paradox.

DeFi Paradox

  • Bear Market DeFi Paradox. Yields are down now, and the tokens are cheap and undesirable. But during the next Bull Market token prices will rise, and dollar yields will go up. So instead of 4 dollars a day at two cents token price, 40 dollars a day at 20 cents, or 100 dollars a day at 50 cents a token.
  • I know 50 cents feels a long way off, but that’s 25x in a DeFi Economy which broke all previous economic record by increasing values 1000x in one year.
    Now past performance isn’t a guarantee of future performance, but we don’t need 1000x or even 100x, 25x would be fine. And 25x seems attainable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta