in #hive-1679223 years ago

Hi @geekgirl
Thank you for this respectful, informative post regarding this important news story. I agree with your points regarding Mr Zuckerberg, he is a brilliant coder and business man comparable to Mr Thomas Edison in impact on society.

I agree with your point about Diem’s current status being a result of the governments imperative to control currency. Aside from war, it is the most powerful weapon governments wield both inside and outside their borders.

And therein lies the rub, had Mr Zukerberg chose differently, a different crypto vehicle then his own, this story could have ended differently.

While I don’t yet count him out yet, and suspect you don’t either. The prize here is to big to warrant only these first two attempts. The power of a stable coin combined with FaceBook is to seductive to resist.

I look forward to seeing Mr Zuckerbergs next attempts. The sun may have set on Libra, and perhaps Diem too, but the sun shines bright on Mr Zuckerberg.

Well written article,


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