The first thing you must do if you want to get out of debt is to stop borrowing money.
Only using money you already have is what that entails. Not the cash that you will receive tomorrow, on payday, or as soon as your employer pays you. Spend only the cash you currently have in your hand or in your checking account.
Since most of us aren't accustomed to doing that, especially if we're on a low salary, it can be challenging at first. However, it is entirely possible and becomes easier with practice.
And once you start paying things off, it gets simpler because less of your money is spent on paying off debt. The fact that you have more money at your disposal makes things simpler.
In other words, it is the antithesis of a vicious circle.
It takes a permanent change in behavior to get out of debt. It entails solely using funds that you already have.
Many different types of people manage to pay off their debts— both young and old people, married and unmarried people, people with and without children, people with and without college degrees.
You can choose not to be in debt if you so desire.
Gold and Silver Stacking is not for everyone. Do your own research!
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Best Regards,
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