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Last week, I hosted a discussion on the Hive Learners Discord server about this topic, and the whole question was:

Passion or Money? Follow your passion or earn little money, or Work under duress for a boss and earn more, Which would you go for and why?

Listening to diverse people's perspectives got me thinking about which situation is best. For me, I would love to make a lot of money doing something I enjoy, specifically playing the guitar, but with the conditions indicated, it would be quite tough and why is this so.


Depending on where you live, for example, earning a living from your passion and having that amount be relatively small could be an issue when it comes to putting food on the table. There would be family and friends who would require our support, and if we didn't have enough to eat, we wouldn't be able to help others.


I mean, living that way is extremely difficult because one would literally be broke all the time.

At the same time, most of us here dream of earning a career from our passions without being pressured by anyone. The fact that I am not being pushed or pressured to work is enough motivation for me to work hard and do my best. But I suppose this cannot be true for everyone because some people can only achieve their best when they are under pressure.


Many individuals on my side of the country, I suppose, would always prefer to work under pressure because what matters most is what they can put on the table, the family they have to feed, and, most importantly, their own wants and needs.


This is the primary reason why someone would choose to make money over pursue their passion. I heard a statement in a movie that said, _Passion does not bring food to the table; it is meant to be for your leisure time .

When I first heard this remark, it was in a movie about a father talking to his son about singing and making music as a career despite having a first-class degree from a law school.

But I kept wondering, aren't there people who make money from their hobbies? They certainly are, but it all comes down to perseverance. Before I go any further, I received an interesting rationale from @zestimony for choosing money over passion...

He stated that he would prefer money since he can make a lot of money working for a boss and also under pressure, and he can make enough money to invest in others who have passions and build their ambitions.


This is the point I'm making... There are so many people in this world who are eager to invest in the enthusiasm for others that they must have witnessed a strong will (perseverance) for their desire.

Making a living from your passion is not easy; if it were, everyone would be doing it. This is why people that are doing it now must have had a lot of experience and perseverance before achieving their passionate goals.

Take Elon Musk as an example; he recognized his passion and worked to determine where it could be utilized. It wasn't all roses for him at first, but with his effort and consistency, he must have persuaded people to buy his idea and see the future he saw, which may have brought him to where he is now.


After discussing these two criteria, which do you still prefer? Do you pursue your passions or your money? I'd like to know which and why.


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Starstrings01, also known as Giftedhands, attends the Federal University of Agriculture in Abeokuta to study Mechatronics Engineering. He is a lover of the hive, a guitarist from Nigeria, and a student.

His ambition on Hive is to be more than just an ordinary blogger; he wants to be someone with a purpose. That's why he started the newbies initiative @newbies-hive to help guide and support newbies. Please follow the @newbies-hive curation trail by clicking here.

He tries to juggle education with being active on the chain, but his love and passion for Hive keep him on track..

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Some passions make great money while others don't lol so sure do what you love but if it doesn't pay the bills you're going to have to end up doing something else.

This funny but true 😂. Right now, I know my passion for music cannot bring food to the table that easily, so I have found passion in money 😅😂😂😅.

One thing I can say is passion eventually dies without any form of incentive. However there are times it gives us the motivation to continue. So it’s hard to pick.

#josediccus. Plus I agree with @zestimony to an extent

Exactly my issue! And sometimes, because of so much love for our passion, we fail to see the bigger picture that not all passion can be monetized or at least easily monetized.

A classic example is the music industry. It has a very tough entry, as a result, most persons don't make it through.
So, if I have money, I'll still need to do a lot of filtering to choose the right passion.

Passion for me also, although it difficult to solve without money but passion is money when you do the things you admire you will definitely find a way to make something good out of it. Good to see you Mr

Passion or Money? Follow your passion or earn little money, or Work under duress for a boss and earn more, Which would you go for and why? — I wonder why I can’t have my cake and at the same time eat it . For my younger self I would have stuck with passion but these days passion sucks at making my wallet not empty .

Bills will always come knocking and no matter how passionate we can be or is if the passion does not pay bills we get hit by reality.
The money pays bills, if the money pays bills I pick money , if the passion pays bills then so be it.

Passion would never pay bills at first. There would be struggles before it eventually pays. I think your choice here would most definitely be money!

I believe passion can be found in anything, regardless of even if one doesn't think much good of it in the beginning, and it can be developed over time. But I do think laying aside clinginess to passion for meeting ends meet is good decision.

On the contrary, working under duress, to me, sounds like working any type of job and enduring any endangerment, or even emotional abuse, that may be tied to it.

Would you not rather settle for a less-paying job, one that you would even enjoy, to keep one's sanity? Or you would still choose to work such job just to grab more cash? I am only curious.

Well said bro!👍🏽

For me, I choose both. Work under pressure with a terror boss to earn money for me to start soon my passion or business. My last boss was so terror yet I do learned a lot from him, it's feels he was strict yet he just pointing out the posible losses if I was careless stuff. I wanted to have my passion if I will be stable. I am not born with silver spoon so I experience a lot when it comes to no money, haha. Good morning...

I can totally relate with what you are saying because I have been in sure situation before but you know I did something differently that made my boss respect me. I told him not to pay me but I made sure to still give my best, crazy right? Yes it is crazy but I had a reason for that, I preferred having the experience over the penny that I will earn.

Though, as Starstrins01 noted, we were made to choose between black and white and not in between.

However, I like your take on this. Most persons that have passion don't have the needed discipline to handle the money that may come with their passion at a later stage, and working under someone helps us learn most of the required discipline that can be applied at a later stage when the seed of one's passion grows.

You are absolutely right, or they can also seek from advice from people that are around them.



Yeah! About that, a lot of people would want to choose both but during the discussion, we tried to take it as black or white. You either choose A or choose B.

Everyone would generally want to choose both. It makes sense actually. One just needs to make the money he needed and run for his passion but truth is, life doesn’t always work like that.

It’s always hard to run for passion especially when you are already getting quite some amount of money for working under someone. That money would always be the reason to stay.

The true is, the only way one can get a good savings from working under someone is when they do the work very outstanding or when they are deceitful. I have had the opportunity to be around people that left their passion just to work under a boss and I noticed most of them are very deceitful and they tell you that's how they get their money, plainly.

I don't know sha oo, but I have never seen any one that is actually good at what he does that goes hungry, the few that don't get anything are the ones that don't upgrade their skills.

Hmm…. Most times people who are skillful lack exposure. Nobody knows about their talent or they are not in the environment where they are needed.

In such cases, that passion would hardly earn the individual any money.

That's right! And really it's just those people that complain more of not getting any thing out of their passion. Well for environment, I believe once people see what we can do and how diligently we do it, I'm sure they will love to support us.

I must say that your cover image game is climbing to new heights daily. You na master abeg!

I was thinking my stance would shift by today, but bro. Money still.

I'm still very keen at investing in people's passion. Most passionate people around me need to be monetized, and give me the money and I'll change people's lives while making more.

I don't know much, and i can't really state convincingly, but I heard the popular Nigerian business man Obi Cubana is on this type of business of monetizing people's passion and it makes him a lot of money as we all know. But as I said

I must say that your cover image game is climbing to new heights daily. You na master abeg!

Boss thank you! Just trying to put more effort in my contents. I really appreciate the compliment.

I'm still very keen at investing in people's passion. Most passionate people around me need to be monetized, and give me the money and I'll change people's lives while making more.

Yeah, this is another way of making an income for yourself and not having to depend on your primary source. But you would spend a lot on others at first before you start seeing any fruit in it.

That's right, for me I think that is a passion on its own because you don't just get the benefits easily, you will also have to work very hard for it.

Whether we like it or not, at one point we will be broke, Sapa go catch us, but as long as we keep doing our best in whatever we do, the end result will surely be worth it.

This only means your passion is to help others actualize their passion. Not everyone has something very unique, but they can leverage on that of others to bring out the best from them and I think you might be in that category and that's really so cool.

I pray God continues to give you the wisdom and the opportunity to do what your heart so desires.

Lol. Thanks a lot. I had a lot of passions. And sometimes I worry that they will fade. Though, among other concerns, is that of trying to ensure I monetize the passion, and then I realize I even need money to monetize my passion. I just said I should rest small and find money.

Hmm, your case is kind of complicated sha but I think if you focus on improving one of those many passions of yours, you will acquire wealth, not even money and that way you will help as many people as you want.

For now you just have to sacrifice having money and focus more on adding value to yourself, you are lucky, you have hive already, I think that is a great boost.

Indeed passion has never been brought to the table. This topic is very delicate. I had a funny friend whose passion is to play tv games. Funny enough, most gamers in Africa don't make any living off gaming. I believe passion and money should be in moderation. Meaning doesn't sacrifice your passion but then build a career while following your passion till your passion can take care of you. Then you move totally. Im a professional laboratory scientist who loves Computer Related stuff. So I learnt my programming whiles still pursuing my career. Now I can code and still make a living as a scientist. I believe with time I will move to be a full-time programmer.

You are just someone that puts your mind to anything you do and that's why you achieve great results and that's just it. I do not really like the idea of doing something mainly for the benefits you can get but it should be that you do it because you can do it and you will surely be rewarded for it.

It's always good that we give our best to whatever we do, whether or not we will benefit from it.

Passion or Money? Follow your passion or earn little money, or Work under duress for a boss and earn more, Which would you go for and why?

There's no right or wrong answer here.

Completely up to the individual and whats best for their unique situation.

And the thing is, whats best can change over time.

For example someone could be at a stage of their life where they need the stability of a consistent paycheque.

They may not like the work, but overall it's better for them.

However, as life goes on and their circumstances change, they may need the happiness that comes with working on passion projects.

I'd always encourage people to do what's best for them at that particular time :)

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You are right brother! I like the way you look at things... At first people may not feel motivated to do their passion (depending on the individual as you said) and choose to work for someone.

This is thoughtfully said!

Passion or Money? Follow your passion or earn little money, or Work under duress for a boss and earn more, Which would you go for and why?

The second is not an option for me. I live in Hungary, and nowadays most of the jobs are paying very poorly. Mostly under the local minimum wage. I receive a low (approximately $250 USD per month) pension-like income for my multiple disabilities. A few months ago I had two part time jobs, and my total income (which was approximately $470 USD per month) was still under the local minimum wage, which would be approximately $550 USD per month. Fortunately/luckily nowadays I live in a house, in which I do not have to pay rent. I live on my low pension-like income.

Wow! The difference from the Normal minimum wage from what you earn is really huge. I would go for passion because I get to control it, all I have to do is be the best of myself every passing day.

Damn! I think most countries is fun of paying below the minimum wage. Mine is not exempted. The minimum wage here is about $45 and you would find many companies that pay way below that amount. It is so annoying!

Passion rules for me but the truth is, not everyone makes it to achieving great with their passion.

The reason why is hard for some to make something tangible out of their passion is because they don't see need of improving their skills by learning from others who already has something similar.

Yea. Local circumstances would differ greatly. However, it's easier to pursue passion when ones personal circumstances is right for that.

A good example are open source software projects.

Open source software projects are usually a result of people's passion. But look closely, most open source software projects are born in advanced and developed countries were people don't worry about basic necessities as much compared to underdeveloped countries.

The truth is, choosing money over passion is something we will enjoy for a little while because we are not really adding value to ourselves but someone who is following his or her passion.

I believe that as long as you have a passion and you keep improving on it, you will get wealth, not just money. Yes, even in Nigeria!

Hmmm true! I see your point.

Passion over money any day!!!

Please note that earning a shit ton of money is one of many passions. xD 😂😂

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Lol 😂… Exactly! We are the same brother… Please let money keep flowing in 😅😂😅

Smiles..Nice one @starstrings01. This is a really delicate issue, as individuals might see it differently. For me both are important. It doesn't have to be one or the other. The fact that you are passionate about something doesn't mean that you can't make money. But for me, I can't do away with what I love because of money, and this is where passion comes in. If you've ever felt something within you or have a deep feeling and longing to do something that you feel is your life's purpose, then you'll understand that no amount of money can quench that feeling. Steve Job, Warren buffet, Bill gate, Elon musk and a lot more were passionate about their work because they wanted to contribute something special to mankind. Anybody can be good at anything if he puts in the hours. Passion is on a whole different level..There's a conviction within you that comes with it. You just know that if you don't do it, then you have let yourself down and somehow you've failed humanity.

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Passion for me. The road my not be easy but the joy that comes with doing it is therapeutic. With years of hard work and consistency in the begging everything you do turns to Gold at some point and that’s where the mad money is in passion. Leaving you room to do more things that will pay you and a blue print of how to make it in other ideas you wish to explore

Yeah, there is always mad money when you follow passion. What makes the money mad is the peace of mind and that you enjoy what you do. No stress allowed 😎…

That's it and it also helps us to be very creative and that is why I think web 3.0 stands out from all other web, it has given us the opportunity to do what we want and even earn while doing it and that's why I must commend you and your team for the work you are doing to educate people about Hive.

As long as more people get exposed to know about Hive, they will get the opportunity of following their passion and even create wealth for themselves as long as they put in effort.

That's right friend, nothing good comes easy, as long as we stay true to a course we will sure see the results in the end.

The joy of seeing fruits of your labour is unmatched

That's the truth, it's priceless.

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I remembered the discussion, it was really an interesting one, I could not say anything because I was very busy that day, I just listened to everyone speak.

Well, the truth is, we all need money, we need it to carry out day to day activities and it's fine if some choose money over their passion but that means with time it will get harder for you to do more of what you are blessed with.

You know, recently I watched a video and in that video, a man was telling us how he got his wealth. He worked for a man for good amount of years without getting paid and the reason the man gave to him was that once he starts paying him, he will start thinking like an employee. Sometimes we just have to look at the bigger picture, it was just a matter of time and that was how this man created wealth for himself not "money" take note.

Are we sure we really need money than groom what is in built in us? The money we so desire to get is what will make us do so many things that we would not want to do whether we like it or not. I will go for my passion anytime because that is what I know God wants from me because that is what makes me who I am.

Although I'm really happy that I do not have to choose really, I sometimes do things that are not my passion and that is because I want to gain more knowledge of things, I always prefer going for things that add value to me than things that takes from me. Someone once said, it is the value you place on yourself that people price from, and the more value you get the more priceless you become.