Ha! I think you may have broken HiveBuzz :-)
I guess I can't check my ratio. I know that I have lees than 10 posts and certainly hundreds maybe thousands? of comments.
I was thinking this week I might have the opposite problem am need to start writing some blogs. If anything just to force myself to engage in that manner :-)
One thing that I think many forget (myself included at time) is what my dad always told me "Son. You gotta give something to get something"!
Lots of people look at billionaires and whine on and how they are predatory and evil, but if you think very carefully almost none of them got there in a completely predatory way. They all gave time or services or products or something. Yes. many times they give us something bad like vices, but they are giving because that's what we want.
Commenting and conversing is giving and if you put the giving first 9 times out of ten you will come out ok.
I am gonna risk going old fart here for a second. I think part of the reason for so many being take, take, take is that we as a society no longer teach this as important and truth. Many have become focused on take and now pass it on the future generations.
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