Cryptocurrency: Creating Generational Wealth

in #hive-1679222 years ago

The opportunity before all of us is huge. We are given something that we can all be a part of, for the benefit of generations to come.

When we see articles like this, we have to be encouraged. Africa is racing to the lead in terms of cryptocurrency adoption. This is going to bode well for those countries in spite of some serious technological challenges. Perhaps the adoption of digital assets will help that area too.

What we are seeing the possibility for creating generational wealth for ourselves and, more importantly, our families. The opportunity with cryptocurrency is literally ground floor. It is still unclear to most of us how powerful blockchain technology really is. This has the potential to disrupt most industries.

Money is a touchy subject to many people. However, wealth is something that we all should strive for. Sadly, there is a lot of programming tied to it, most of it negatively affecting us.

Cryptocurrency has the potential to positively affect billions of people around the world. For that reason, being a part of it means that we have a part to play in reaching that end. When something has that much of an impact across the world, the wealth that is created is enormous.

With crypto, the ability for the average person to share in the rewards is possible.

Africa Getting A Head Start

From the article linked above, we see this:

The local countries like Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, and Kenya are the ones of the top 10 countries in the world, that google for Bitcoin the most often over the past 12 months.

This is heartwarming considering this is the poorest continent in the world. Historically the site of massive poverty, cryptocurrency is being adopted in the early days. With this comes enormous opportunity for all across the continent. Fostering greater innovation will only take this to another level.

Money is at the core of our economies. Fortunately, with the development of the decentralized network-state, an ecosystem like Hive has the potential to reach hundreds of millions of people. Again, innovation will help to take things far. The early days are always riddled with issues. Those that persevere will benefit handsomely down the road.

Adoption rates in Africa are starting to outpace some of the other areas of the world.


With an estimated 7% of the Internet population using cryptocurrency, it is good to see both South Africa and Nigeria outpacing that by a significant margin. Even something as simple as storing some of their wealth in a stablecoin such as the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) is an enormous help. This is a great way for these countries to gain exposure to the USD without the hassle of having to get the actually dollar. This can avoid not only theft, but a corrupt banking system.

In many countries, holding money in a digital wallet is a lot safer than using a bank account. The latter is a path to getting openly robbed.

Generational Wealth

Why is generational wealth important? Many are turned off by this idea.

The reason this is vital is to help others. When we look at the likes of Bezos and Musk, they are demonized for their wealth. The problem with this is they are doing things on a level few are. Anyone who matches their results should enjoy the same benefits.

How many people does Amazon employ? According to this, 1.1 million people in the US. The global operations have 1.6 million people.

Did you create a million jobs? Did you even create 100? 10?

What about Musk? According to Statista it is up to almost 100,000. Again, how many jobs did you create?

Of course, we could take this further by looking at their other companies. Both these men own, either wholly or in part, SpaceX, Washington Post, Blue Origin, and the Boring Company.

How many families depend upon those companies?

Cryptocurrency is the collective pursuit of this end. How many households depends upon Hive for paying the bills? There is no way of knowing but it is something interesting to think about.

What if Hive generated tens of thousands of millionaires? How would that change the lives of those people, especially in those areas that are traditional overrun with poverty? What could those people do in their individual communities.

Think of the Hive Borehole Project. At a cost of over $4,000 each, what if Hive collectively was able to fund 100 of them. What impact would that have across Ghana? Do you think providing local water to 100 communities in Ghana would be of benefit?

Isn't it interesting that the solution to 100 communities water problem can be solved, in great part, with money. If cryptocurrency creates generational wealth, that is something that Hive could do very easily. With a price of say $10 on the main coin, it would be roughly 400 HIVE to complete each project.

Also, think of the people employed locally if we could accomplish this end.

Whatever Your Passion

The key to this idea is to find what motivates you. Perhaps you would like to financially take care of your mother as she gets older. Maybe there is a special needs child in your family. Whatever the situation, generational wealth allows this to take place.

Marc Cuban is certainly a divisive individual. However, due to his development of an Internet company a few decades back, he become a billionaire. Do you think he is concerned how to pay for his mother's medical expenses if she has them (and if she is still alive)? Not at all.

Are you in that situation? What happens if you got a sudden expense for $10,000? Could you cover it? Also, how many lives are you changing with your money? Can you pay off someone's mortgage when the bank is about to foreclose on them?

For all you IPhone users, a special things needs to go out to Steve Jobs (and many others) for the time, effort, and overcoming challenges to bring something you take for granted. How many are grateful for the 100 hour weeks Jobs worked to make it possible for you to have so much power in your phone?

This ended up making Jobs richer beyond belief. It is also a product where we saw 2.2 billion sold globally. That equates to hundreds of millions of users that Jobs and his team directly impacted.

What if Hive touches 1/10th of that? How about cryptocurrency having an effect on 2.2 billion people? That still is only 40% of the global Internet population? What is the potential for change then?

These are factors that most people overlook. How fast would society advance if there was more money available to fund and invest in projects that radically altered the lives of people.

Whether it is drilling holes to bring dozens of people local water or making a product for hundreds of millions, all of this takes money. With generational wealth, each person is able to engage in projects like this. Ultimately, some break through to produce results like Apple.

Do not be surprised if cryptocurrency is used in research for things such as curing cancer. It is all on the table as this entire spectrum grows.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Crypto is helping a lot of African and it is crazy how well it is doing even though the government is against it

Governments are not friends of the people, any government.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didn't realize this till I grew up sadly

Hard lesson to learn. They hide it well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi, can you please provide the source of the bar plot?

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 123 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Maybe this will be the kick in the pants that the first world countries need to realize this is not going away and they had better start finding a way to embrace it. Then again who knows, many of them seem to have blinders on anyway. From what I have seen, people in those countries are just looking for any way they can to make their lives better. Awesome that they are finding crypto can do that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure any of this will kick them in the pants as you say. It is a threat to their power structure, therefore, they are going to rebel against it and try to crush it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are going to look like idiots when the first world and the third world swap places then. All while dragging us along with them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is possible. It would be akin to trying to ban the Internet in the 1990s. What happened when a country was 10 years behind? It was catastrophic.

Now we see the move towards this again but on a global scale. Since it is being developed around the world, countries are free to choose to join or not.

What will they do?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto is changing lives and people in Africa need a new beginning something that can really give them a new hope and that's they found crypto. Hive is a hidden gem that is already changing thousands of lives and I can't wait till it becomes millions of lives

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is great to see what is happening in Africa. Personally I love to see that continent well represented on Hive. I only wish more would join.

I guess in due time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think crypto is great for third-world countries as it helps them even out the financial system. However, I wonder if all of the countries are on board because I recall seeing a few posts where people talked about how corrupt they can be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Government = corrupt.

It is only a matter of how obvious it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Generational wealth is important especially as a young person I am. I put it this way, "investment". It is very pertinent, for it will help our parents, siblings in future. As you stated. It will be needful to take of our mothers when they get older.

Thank you for this brilliant post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The more you have, the more you can help.

This is the mindset each of us needs. It isn't so much about just being able to buy fancy stuff. This should run much deeper than that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is Ironic how Africa is wealthy of natural resources yet the poorest continent. Am glad the interest in cryptocurrency is on the rise in Africa, the youths have figured it is a means of getting out of poverty and am hopeful whoever tap into crypto stands a chance for life changing opportunities.

With Hive here decades to come, our kids inheriting our stakes and continuing from where we left off is what I've always imagine and it is possible as we keep building.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

One of the biggest advantages I see to cryptocurrency is the fact you can get your savings out of your native currency rather easily. Keeping your savings in HBD, as an example, gives you access to the stability of the USD as compared to your currency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the logical conclusion to these thoughts would be to call for reflection on every Hive that is derived by anyone. Is there such a rush now that you might regret not getting the X10?

Thanks for the post, something to think about!

Sure nobody will regret it but what do we do with it from there? That is the big question.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep writing, I think. How you do it all the time! 🙌

I have no life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @stdd. (8/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Always interesting articles. Regarding the situation here in Italy, I can say that cryptomonets have created jobs for some. Others manage to have small monthly incomes. Also there is the tax issue, here in Italy every cryptomonete has to be reported and the earnings are taxed. In conclusion, for now, cryptocurrencies combined with HIVE can create a supporting wage income, but they cannot sustain a person's life. This is how I see it. Definitely and without any doubt, cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing the blogging system, before our time went to enrich an outside company, now the gains are distributed with us. The change is enormous.

That is true about the sustaining most people's lives. Of course, how would that look with a 10x in the price of the coins and tokens on here? Then we might be talking about something completely different.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If HIVE did a x10 in your now famous 2025 for many people it could really change things. However, I really like blogging on HIVE now, decentralizing information is my mission. Then I don't understand what sense it makes to use the old social networks, when with or Leofinance you have the information you want, plus you also earn. If you earn little is always better than nothing and then what little you earn on a platform like HIVE actually has great conceptual value. Unfortunately, many of my Italian friends still don't understand, but I will insist on explaining these things

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Perhaps Africa sees that economic inclusion and poverty reduction in cryptocurrency are not just mere talk.

We cannot expect an anti-capitalist to create jobs. Their expertise is in increasing unemployment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Need is what I think is the primary driver. They have the opportunity to circumvent their government and economies.

That makes them a motivated user.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And that's a model to follow. They say, "hunger is the mother of revolution." People who have nothing to lose and stumble with the kind of opportunity provided by cryptocurrency will have this inward and powerful motivation to set themselves free from financial chains.

I'm fairly certain the adoption rates graph is even more skewed than it appears on paper. For example, Nigerians have to learn about peer-to-peer trading and how to store their own keys because the government is after them. That's completely different than an American depositing money into Coinbase and buying Bitcoin and just leaving it on the exchange. The graph would count both of these groups as equals, and they are not. Nigerians know way more about crypto than most countries because they have a heavy incentive to learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That could be true. There is more value with one who actually uses blockchain based applications for different activities as compared to those who simply buy a couple hundred dollars of some token.

However, even those that are buying it are involved. They make Coinbase more valuable, even though they will likely find bankruptcy.

It all feeds into the same trough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

that is the most important thing to seek and provide solutions for our respective families and all thanks to Cryptocurrencies we still need to develop a little more and we could find greater potential

Do not be surprised if cryptocurrency is used in research for things such as curing cancer. It is all on the table as this entire spectrum grows.

I already know someone who is trying to research how to reduce or eliminate aging. And he has a crypto project to back it up.

For a fact, crypto is getting really adopted in my country. Everyone is trading, swapping coins, buying/selling NFTs, promoting projects, launchpads, etc.

And yes, it's changing lives too. We may not be able to pay for someone's mortgage foreclosure yet, but, we can foot the little bills, and help the people around us who are in need.

The generational wealth? I personally lay awake all night thinking about how much crypto can help me accomplish that. So I have a good feeling, that there are more people out there who are having the same thoughts.

It's only a matter of that. We will change the world with crypto. I believe it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Like most things in life, the value comes in what we do with and for others. Experiences are where it is crucial. We are now at the point where we can do things to help those along. If we can create generational money for all involved in Hive, imagine the impact they could all have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another impressive topic and debate!

I can't disagree cryptocurrency is benefiting a lot of people and benefits of generations to come for real.

Glad and surprised to see Africa and Nigeria leading the race.

This is something where I think " it Triggers or become alarming thing" for nations in Power like US etc who don't want to see these nations Going ahead coz of cryptocurrency is why we see regulations and talk like "It's illegal" or other things having impact directly/indirectly on crypto.

It's just my thoughts and want to know your point of view.

And I was reading an article somewhere who also claimed it's beginning of "Billionaires" coming out of cryptocurrency and it is too early we still have a long way to Go.

What if Hive generated tens of thousands of millionaires?

Waiting for that day when we don't have to read or write "What if" coz it happened.

Hive is a great example you said here. It still has to Go a long way and won't be surprised seeing hive touches 1/10 of crypto.


The US government doesnt want anyone to have power outside its approval, this includes within the country also.

Basically the government doesnt like competition.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's My POV and is not this is why we face regulations etc and somehow they don't want crypto to takeover.

Crypto is like a Big threat for government in this sense but in the end power will be in hand of people coz of crypto.

Ultimate network-states are a threat to governments although I dont think they realize it yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta