Everyone knows that Elon Musk makes news wherever he goes. This is an individual who certainly walks to his own beat. That said, he is highly intelligent and has already changed a couple of the world's largest industries. What he did in the fields of automotive manufacturing and communications is incredible.
All of this comes with a price. Elon Musk is now a target of some very powerful people. Love or hate him, there is no doubt he is a threat to those in power.
We see how many are upset that he is going to turn Twitter into a place where ideas can actually be presented without censorship. Of course, since it is a centralized entity, we will have to take his word on this.
At the same time, he is constructing a global Internet system that will allow anyone in the world to connect to it. This is revolutionary especially considering the options for acquiring this service in most areas is rather limited.
Yet, we have to consider the implications to those in power. Access to the Internet along with the free flow of ideas is not beneficial to the controlling apparatus. It is not an environment where tyranny excels. Instead, the hierarchical structure with millions of useful idiots is more effective.
Control is the name of the game and Musk, at least on the surface, could be a threat to that.
Non-Banker Money
The question is who are these powerful people? This is a hard question to answer since many we believe are in control are really just puppets. Most, but not all, politicians fall into this category. Same with government bureaucrats. Quite often, the true power is unseen by the public.
One area we can always get some ideas is with money. There is little question the banks wield enormous power. This is true for as long as humans kept history. It was the true "golden rule".
The challenge with Musk is that he is doing little do address this issue. Sure he supports DOGE yet his approach does not appear to seek freedom. Instead, he marginalizes the potential of the technology behind cryptocurrency along with blockchain.
In fact, stories are surfacing that Sam Bankman Fried wanted to invest $10 billion in Twitter to bring blockchain technology to the platform. Musk denied the request.
Since the Ethereum Merge, it is evident the vulnerability of blockchain is being exposed. The biggest enemy is centralization and control. Here we see the second largest chain, by market capitalization, basically falling in line with government. Compliance is now the standard.
Basically, this is handing control right back to the entities that cryptocurrency was designed to get away from.
It is also a problem that Musk is either completely blind to, or does not care about. Either way, this is not going to help humanity.
We see how vital it is to have non-banker money.
Where Is This Going To Happen?
When we look around the cryptocurrency landscape, where is this going to come from?
It is easy to believe there is a lot taking place to propel things forward but is there really? Are projects actually moving us closer to this reality or is it lipstick on the shift towards even more centralization?
Certainly we can point to the resiliency of Bitcoin as promising. That currency still does what it was designed to do. We can use that network to transfer value from one wallet to another. Since many of the larger mining operations are now facing bankruptcy, we might actually see the hash rate spread out.
After that, what can we add to the list? Who is working on establishing a monetary system that is outside the reach of governments, central banks, and major corporations?
Sadly, the answers become rather evasive when the question is framed like this.
We see so many systems where the vulnerabilities are obvious. With a foundation that has cracks in it, when dealing with very powerful entities, it is impossible to feel confident about much built on top.
As for Twitter, we have to be honest. No matter what Musk does, it will not be a haven for freedom. There will be ways to put pressure on him for control. The same could be true for Starlink. Governments could call it a "national security threat" and step in. The stuff he is building is not outside the reach of governments.
That is why blockchain is so important. When established correctly, it can reside outside the reach of governments. This means there is the potential to create non-banker money, sidestepping one of the most powerful industries on the planet. It also is a major blow to the control system.
Musk talks about free speech yet mentions there will be a committee that meets to decide whether banned individuals can come back on Twitter. To me, that instantly shows a conflict.
In the end, decentralization, distribution, and redundancy are the answers to this game. This is where Hive's entire focus should be. By implementing these attributes on every level, we can see how this will sharply contract most of what is out there.
Of course, this is what the bankers built many decades ago to get around governments. The model is there is we are only willing to follow it.
Musk might be doing some interesting things but he is not providing real solutions to the problem of power and control.
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