Hive Will Change Lives

in #hive-167922last year

The title of this article was going to be in the form of a question. Originally, it was something like this:

  • Will Hive Change Your Life?

It was changed to something more definitive simply because of the fact that I am highly confident in this proclamation. After all, it wasn't too long ago that we saw a statement like this appear on social media:

  • Hive is changing lives.

We can point to a lot of areas where this is the case. However, we are only scratching the surface with this.

In this article we will cover some of the ways this is happening and, most importantly, what is means for the average user.


Hive is not Trendy

This might seem like a bad thing but it is actually an advantage.

When you think about it, how often does something that is trendy result in long term change? Most often, it is something hyped that is fleeting. We have seen this a great deal in cryptocurrency. A lot of applications have shown up to be the next "killer", only to fade away.

Hive is not like this, It keeps plugging along, expanding in many ways. This means that we are building a foundation upon which people can build. It is a crucial point.

Most are engaged in chasing the next hot thing. Unfortunately for them, and the applications, that rarely lasts.

With Hive, we are not trendy. Instead, we are building.

Hive Borehole

This is something that people on Hive are very familiar with.

Hive is stepping in with the resources where governments do not. In Ghana, this means funding and drilling boreholes for different villages. So far, more than a dozen were completed with news ones breaking ground every month or so.

Consider how important it is to have local water access? How much time is saved by not having to travel long distances on foot just to get water for washing or cooking.

How many projects within cryptocurrency (or even outside) do you see doing this?


Hive has one of the most powerful distribution mechanisms in all of cryptocurrency. Whereas the majority cater to the rich, those with resources, Hive has the opposite. It allows for people to show up with an empty wallet and few resources.

Activity can equate to distribution. It is a point we regularly stress because it is crucial to the discussion. If people are not able to financially share in the benefits of the ecosystem, how is it any different from the present system?

This only results in more exclusion.

Cryptocurrency is based upon the tenet (one of them) of inclusion. Unfortunately, most do not adhere to this, not because of a centralized entity but, rather, economics. The mantra is "buy our coin".

Well, the reality is the majority of the world cannot.

Merging of Social Media and Finance

This is going to be huge.

Hive is not the only one doing this. In fact, this is a central transition with Web3. Due to the nature of blockchain, anything built upon it could have the financial component.

It is a mindset that is starting to penetrate the traditional realm. Elon Musk is aimed at doing this with Twitter (X). The difference is that he is operating a centralized entity that will never advance decentralization. It is centralized and will always be that way.

Hive is laying the foundation for this. We are dealing with something that goes far beyond offering a digital wallet. This is about providing open access to the financial services available throughout the world. Sadly, as mentioned, this is an exclusionary system.

Cryptocurrency, blockchain, and digital assets will change this. Here is where we see the ability to build from the base layer enters. Hive is doing this.

Tokenization of Everything

This is a concept long discussed.

Cryptocurrency is not another asset. This is the mistake Wall Street (and others) make. We are going to see all asset end up as cryptocurrency.

That is a major difference.

Hive suffers from the lack of a robust smart contract platform that developers can easily tap into. Once that happens, which it is being built, we are going to see the opportunity to greatly expand what is built on Hive.

Those who are in the process of accumulating coins and tokens, i.e. assets, are going to have even more options in the future. As financial services roll out, these all can interact with communities that are tokenized.

Inexpensive, easy, and swift token creation changes everything. It allows for the tokenization of whatever people want. This is presently absent from Hive. It will, however, put this ecosystem in the same category as the EVMs.

Of course, there is one major advantage: transaction fees (or the absence of direct fees).

The Numbers

The numbers are small.

Hive is not a hype machine. Many focus upon the userbase, or lack thereof, as a sign of what is taking place. To me, this is not the proper framework.

We are still very early in this game. It is one that is multi-faceted and requires a great deal of development. Much of this is infrastructure, something that was overlooked on Hive for many years.

It is only in the last few years that things were kicked into another gear. We are effectively playing catchup in this area.

However, that is not the end of the world since all chains are dealing with issues. In many ways, Hive is, from a technological standpoint, ahead of many others. They are dealing with scaling issues, something that is catastrophic until solved.

In the digital world, a lot of value is created through the network effect. This is something that social media platforms all over the world have used to perfection.

Hive is no different. However, this is more than social media. We are also dealing with the foundation of Web3, which opens up greater opportunities. The plethora of offerings within the ecosystem is going to explode once the smart contract sidechain is operating and available to developers.

Ultimately, there will be a day when the Hive economy is into the billions. We are going to see both finance and commerce emerge. There are already projects working on providing store capabilities, looking to appeal to the entrepreneur in people. This is where people need to look at what is being offered on Hive as an opportunity at a business.

The idea of tokenization means that everything is monetized. Here is where we can easily shortcut this to mean "everything is a business".


It is easy to see things in hindsight. The major difference comes from being able to see things before they are obvious to everyone.

To me, this is Hive.

We discussed the idea of network-states in the past. Certainly, there is a lot to that concept forming within Hive. We are like the old trailblazers, settling in a new land. When there is nothing but pasture, everything has to be built.

This is exactly what we are doing.

Hive will change lives. It is already doing it to a degree. The key is going to be turning this from thousands into millions.

That is all it takes. We know how network effects work. The difference is that, unlike Web 2.0 social media, the effect penetrates many areas. Social media is only the feeder system for other tentacles. This means more activity based upon the other offerings of the system.

Ultimately, we get a circular situation based around more than simply finance. Everything feeds into everything else. There is no separate. Multiple applications attract different users, supplying the base layer with more users. A single account allows them to access all that is offered.

Over time, this will only grow. At this moment, it is tough to see because of the disjointed nature of the development. We hardly have doors on most of the buildings we constructed on this flatland.

Each day, more is being done.

That means those who make their way to Hive can start their journey ahead of everyone else. This is not one of Lambos and mooning, although that will likely take place at some point.

Instead, we are dealing with basic economy building. There are going to be billions of dollars of wealth generated on Hive. This will come from economic activity tied to most transactions. As finance and commerce start to emerge, providing people with goods and services they need, expansion accelerates.

This makes the circle that our economy operates within larger. It also increases the power of the circular flow.

Hive will change lives and in numbers few are envisioning.

What is Hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


There is a lot that Hive is accomplishing. It may be too soon, but not for those of us here. In my case, the ecosystem has helped me have a mental direction, even helped me afford my academic cats since last year, and that means a lot to me. Without a doubt, Hive is changing the lives of those of us here.

Anyway, I like to have fun, writing and that is what I have done and will continue to do.

A big hug!

Yeah, I agree that the fact Hive is not trendy is an advantage to grow one's account. It is also comforting to read a confirmation that Hive is ahead in terms of technology and infrastructure.

Just look at what people like Blocktrades is doing and you will see how far ahead we are.

Yeah, but as you said many are more concerned with the price of the token than the technology and infrastructure behind it.

Short sighted foolishness. The price means nothing especially since it is determined by something insane: markets.

Long term building equates to much higher token value.

Let us just say that Hive is the future "TESLA" of blockchain technology, how would that change someone's mind? Maybe, that's too ambitious, let us just say Hive is among the top 10.

An ironic viewpoint because, to be honest, I do see similarities between the two. While there is no leader (personality) like Elon, there are things such as being overlooked, laughed at, and plenty of naysayers.

I learned, in watching Tesla, to not look at the surface level stuff. It is the deeper development and focus that leads to longer term change. This is what most miss.

Great to have a confirmation from you about the similarities between the two. I am just thinking even if Hive will not be a blockchain leader in the future, the fact that it will be one of them would alter the minds of many.

Leader as compared to what?

That is what people want to look at. To me, it is where are we in 5 years as compared to today? And what is built that people are using.

Most focus upon the markets to validate what they think.

Am so lucky to participate on hive, although I just join not too long but I have been benefiting little by little, and I hope before one year or more I will definitely be financial . Thank you hive for coming into my life.

You are still far ahead of the masses. This is why we are early adopters (or trailblazers).

Keep active and looking towards the future. There is a lot of momentum with Hive if you know where to look.

Alright thank you very much for your encouragement

Hive has been changing lives even before the creation the blockchain lol, my world revolves around HIVE, it give us hope for a better tomorrow, am thankful and grateful for hive

How was it changing lives before the creation of the blockchain?

The community behind the chain where 1st of steem and that was the beginning

Ah ok. Many of us, since Hive goes back to the genesis block, look at this blockchain as the totality of it all.

Yea I know that's why I said it was before the birth of hive

Without being said hive is already changing life. I came to hive with nothing. Feeding was even a problem when I learnt about hive. Look at where I'm today. Within 10 months I was able to change status. In 4 years I'm dreaming to be financially free with hive.

More people, especially Africans needs to be onboarded. I think hive can help wipe poverty in Africa. In Ghana hive is really doing great work.

Finance and commence merging together will be a great thing. It will open many opportunities for people.

Task you'v written a great article I must say.

That is what we like to see. It is crucial for stories like these to be shared. Hive's biggest advantage is its distribution system. This is something that I feel we must promote heavily.

Tell your story to whomever will listen.

Alright Task. We will keep pushing and onboarding as many as possible.

it’s good to hear that it has changed your life. It has changed many peoples lives for sure! Particularly in Africa and South America where the western money has decimated the countries for control.

The bar in those areas is low which means we can have a quicker impact. This is the key.

Start building the success stories and then getting them out there.

It's already changing lives. Let's say Hive will make the world a better place

Hive changed my life absolutly

Hive changed my life, before now I was unable to write anything, but now at least I'm trying. And it has also changed my life financially, I can at least pay some bills.

That is all of benefit. You can also make videos or play games.

By the way, do not overlook the wealth building aspect to Hive. That is where the true life changing comes.

Thank you 😊

Honestly speaking, when I joined this platform 6 years ago, I didn't thought that this platform will prove blessing in disguise. Last 5 years were very ups and downs in life but Hive hold me strong. I have to leave my job,...but still manages to pay my dad's medical expenses, my kids school fee and also celebrated some festival..all bcoz of #hive ...currently surviving on this platform only.... everything happens for a reason and hive happened to me too....

Yes. What starts out as just a novel social media platform for many people becomes a lifeline.

This is the story that needs telling. Those who are active are walking billboards for the transformation taking place.

That's it was a good alternative to fb to begin with...and I have a story to tell

I am very glad HIVE helped you so much! And I truly hope it will help you even more in the future! All the best and many blessings to you and your dear ones! Much respect for your longtime commitment to HIVE!

That what I am doing and keep doing ..its good to be part of so many event

It has already changed mine.

It is true that Hive is impacting our lives quite well in many ways be it financially or otherwise.

Hive is the future and the impact hive will offer to our future is just so numerous. It's just a matter of time

This is explosive! Hive is one all by itself, none like it. Hive has the ability to transform lives, this is no joke, and it's doing so already. My one prayer is that it remains so for a very long time to come.

I believe it is rather unique.

Hive is already changing lives and the evidence is everywhere. I know this is will only get better and from here

It is the evidence we need to promote.

And yes, those who are seeing a difference in their lives is only growing. We must keep making that a reality for more people.

HIVE has already changed lives for the better. It certainly has mine so far and I am very grateful for this! Also, at the same time, I am certain it changed many lives for the better for both longtime users who switched from Steemit to HIVE back in 2020 as well as new users who registered only on HIVE so far. It has a huge potential for growth and I can clearly see its growing and evolving day by day which is awesome! All the best!

There are many tentacles to this story and it is only beginning. We are now to the point where the momentum is growing, at least with the userbase.

This is key. Get those here even more excited (and hence active).

Indeed, I see a lot new activity here on HIVE and this is absolutely wonderful! I truly hope this momentum will keep on growing, as it should. All the best!

Yes I do too. However, it is spotty at best. Nevertheless, we keep it going. The key is to keep exciting those who are here. A vibrant system only attracts more people.

Indeed, as with any economic system. I am currently listening to your Hive Layers 3S episode. It's very interesting and realistic. The analogy with a 'cafeteria plan' seems very interesting as well... I can only see a lot of potential at the moment, based on a lot of theoretical discussions, but if it will get to fruition and completion, it will be wonderful, especially for entire communities here on HIVE. It will mean more added value and more useful services, as I understand it, am I right? All the best once again!

Yes you do. There are a lot of levels of building required, a lot of it infrastructure. It is taking place. Once that happens, devs can start building apps and businesses.

This is where the layers come in and teams can pick the resources they need. shows us how the fediverse will look like in the future.

What is the fediverse?

Well, it is a concept that says that literally the web 3.0 powered future social media powerhouse websites when you post on one social media website it will be shown/visible under the same profile on other social media websites. Right now on main stream social media it is only being implemented on Metas threads when you post on threads your connected mastodon account will show the same content but this feature has not been rolled out yet talking about the same concept here on when you post on any dapps on it can be visible on following like ctptalk, ecency,, and multiple other websites. Am leaving wikipedia source.

Ah okay I get what you are saying.

Yes on Hive, whatever front end you use, most will be able to read it unless they opt not to. But if it is on chain, any front end can pull the data. Also, any that uses Hive log in will automatically pull things like follow lists.

As for the other social media, the Fediverse said about open source software which makes sense. The only reason it is on Meta is it is the same company. You meta will not show X or YouTube since those companies arent going to share.

That is another advantage of what we are building. The data is open to anyone who wants it unlike centralized entities that house it on their servers.

Yes however in the future I think these top 4 to top 20 social media giants like YouTube, Facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, Reddit (Top 20 in USA only), Mastodon (Not in top 20 in any list), Threads, will all have this ability to show your content if you post on one of the said social media but right now this is not happening except threads + mastodon. I am sorry I think I got this confused with web 3.0 as I read the wikipedia resource again and they never mentioned any thing about web 3.0 however my confusion was due to the fact that the front end stuff like you said so that confused me into thinking like that. Thanks for the clarification though as this is a very complex and complicated system really.

HIVE has been doing wonders since its inception, that's obvious. The big difference can be easily noticed, when being on other social media platforms/financial platforms are compared.
Yep, everything has their own way of making things work in their own platform. This is where HIVE comes in! Where everyone has a saying, no matter how big/small he/she/entity is.
I am loving being on HIVE. Long run ahead of us!

I love comments like this. People here are dedicated. We simply need to keep expanding that, even within our own system.

It has already changed mine. I come here and interact daily. I certainly get more value (both intellectually and monetarily) from this platform. I look forward to more widespread adoption which will only serve to raise the level of content even more.

I think one element that we often forget is truly building things take time and one brick at a time metaphorically. If we throw in a million users right now we likely will fall flat on our face because things aren’t currently scalded for that. It would be a good learning situation but it may cause more harm than good. Falling flat isn’t a bad thing necessarily but with many things there isn’t an advantage to going from 0-60. Slow and steady can get us in a good spot (I refrain from saying “winning” because I don’t like that style, similar with the “killers” of things).

Hive is making good moves and flying under the radar of a lot which is good and important at this moment. We don’t want to garner the attention of regulators and those who will strongly try to shut us down before more decentralization tools are available to us.

I cant disagree. Building takes time especially when infrastructure is involved. It is easier to throw up a building as compared to the roads being built and utilities put in.

Hive is no different. We have a lot to build but the key is we all can participate in it.

Hive is a life changer, you can imagine those who are now able to drink water in Ghana as a result of hive they will forever be grateful, the numbers are small, more work is needed to let people know because hive is not trendy.
Let's roar about hive the life changer where you earn as you learn.

People are able to access water locally because of Hive.

That is true and something that has to set in.

Exactly, in some areas water is very difficult to access so people in such area will deeply appreciate any organization or group that helps out.

Are you in Ghana?

No but some places in Nigeria has same issue so I know what it feels like.

Ah okay. Yes I am sure they do. We just need to get more Nigerians on here and engaging. That is the first focus in my view.

Sure working tirelessly to convince them, hoping to onboard more users soon

Slow and steady wins the race. 😃


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Hive is certainly changing live I'm a living testimony coming from my side hive blockchain isn't just about the earning but the vast knowledge information stored here are quite immense for anyone to build a crypto base knowledge it is basically a stream of vast knowledge resources open to anyone in the world.

You most certainly are a testimony to what is offered here.

Of course, you are also a major contributor. This is where we have the two way street of Hive.

Those who give to Hive end up benefiting from Hive.

Sure thanks much for the warm feedback always learning from you here its a great pleasure.

Just sharing what I come across with others.

It is important to highlight what is taking place as well as what others are doing. The work you all are doing is very valuable to Hive. Keep it up.

Also pull those people onto the blockchain. I would love nothing more than to give them upvotes too.

Hive already changed my life. Once it helped me to financially survive a winter. And I am very grateful and very happy for this. Have a nice day and have a nice weekend. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

See that is the success story we need to tell. It is not about Lambos and mansions but helping people to get past some of the present ills they are facing.

You are a testament to Hive and what it can do. You should shout your story far and wide.

hive has already changed so many lives! It’s an amazing place for sure!

It is. But in terms of numbers, it is just a drop in the bucket.

The goal over the next few years is to massively expand the foundation upon which things are being built.

Very well said indeed! So it is. That's what I mentioned in my comment as well! Much respect and all the best!

This is completely true, and I can tell because it has already changed my life.

Hive has changed my life and the lives of the people closest to me. I have developed potentials that I didn't know I had. I was able to take the Yoga teacher training course, a dream postponed for years. And now I make the classes accepting HBD and Hive. I have Hivers students, we are Cubans. A great article that puts us in front of how big the blockchain can become. We will continue building!!! Greetings from Havana!!!

HBD is a powerful entity that will only grow in reach.

Still the early stages but when people think like you do and see some of the potentials, massive transformation takes place.


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