Hivestats: An Application All On Hive Should Know About

in #hive-1679223 years ago

There are some wonderful tools that we often overlook. One of them is Hivestats. It makes sense since that was an application that was not getting a love from the development team. However, that changed with a most recent upgrade as a result of hiring a developer who is focusing upon it.

Dashboards can be very helpful especially for those looking to maximize their activities on Hive. Even though this is put out by the Leofinance team, it is an application that reads both Hive and Hive-Engine, compiling data.

Many love to dig into their numbers. For this reason, creating a dashboard full of all relevant information is helpful.

There was an article posted by the Leofinance account which quickly explains the updates. We will cover some of them here along with the other important features.

New Additions


As we can see, there is a feature bar showing the trending posts on This is exclusive to that front end, making people aware of what is on that site at the moment. People can quickly scroll through to find the articles that interests them.

Another helpful addition is the price feed of HIVE, HBD, LEO, and CUB. These are the tokens associated with Leofinance so it makes sense. There are also a couple of APY from the Kingdoms added.


The price keeps updating so instead of heading to Coingecko or CMC multiple times per day to check the price of HIVE, we can do it right on Hivestats.

Now, before looking ahead, we should focus upon a few items that are available presently.

Existing Features

The first thing that jumps out is the payouts in Hive and HBD from posting as well as curation. This account that was used as an example did not do much posting but we see the rewards that are attributed to the account.


Another piece of handy information is the APR on the curating activities. This account is able to generate an 8.7% annual return based upon how it is curated. Not bad for doling out upvotes.

Many a putting forth great effort into their Hive-Engine activities. Hivestats is a great tool in that one can easily read what they are holding. Here is what that looks like.


Keeping the same focus, we see the option, under the "Rewards" tab, to view our Leofinance efforts, in both LEO and Hive.


Finally, we are also able to see what operations took place.


The key here is that users are able to select an individual day over the past week and target their activity. This is rather unique and helps if one is looking for a particular transaction. Many of the front ends requiring scrolling through from present moment. It is helpful since it is focused upon the Hive-Engine activity.

Did you ever wonder what Hive rewards are slated to come in? We have a way to view that under one tab also.


And finally, perhaps you seen some of these type of charts posted in people's articles. It shows the progression of Hive throughout the week or month.


As we can see, the is a lot of information being pulled by this application. It is a handy tool to help us to understand what is taking place in regards to our activity on Hive. The fact that we can see both Hive and Hive-Engine based data is of great help.

Looking Forward

The team did not release a great deal of information. However, from their article there was something that was very interesting.

One of the next major display updates will feature an "Opportunities Tab" for various staking opportunities on the Hive blockchain. Namely, HBD savings which have recently been updated to a 12% APY.

This could be extremely helpful. If we can see what "Opportunities" are available on Hive, considering they keep expanding. it would be of great help. For example, many were not aware of the interest paid for putting HBD into savings until some mentioned the increase in rate.

We also see this:

We're adding HBD toggles and displays to the Wallet, Rewards, Analytics and new Opportunities displays to help everyone take advantage of all the new opportunities that are available today and in the future on the Hive blockchain.

A major problem with expansion is that it is easy to lose what is taking place. Nobody can keep track of it all. Having an application that has this as part of it would be of great help.

The team is obviously placing renewed emphasis on this application. In the article, they asked the community for ideas pertaining to what it would like to see. So, if you have any idea, head over to that post and drop them in the comment section.

Here we see another development that can enhance the experience people have on Hive.

Have you used Hivestats yet? What is your experience with it. Let us know in the comments below.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

gif by @doze


logo by @st8z

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm glad to see they are updating the site. I like being able to see all these stats it's a bit of motivation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If one is thinking about it as a business, having this information can be very helpful.

We are going to see more rolling out it seems. I am excited to see what they add.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to treat hive more like a business as I’d like to start stepping back from actual 8-5.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 86 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Actually is what I actually use. The stats reach on there is so eletrifying I think in the last two days it was somewhat upgraded, its where I actually check prices, its advantageous to know it has the price of CUB as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah it is nice to see all in one place. Personally, I want a true price feed on either Leofinance or Hivestats.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is actually not impossible. I believe this should be the next thing, a live price feed would be stunning

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it would be. This is something that people would use in my opinion.

Can they implement it? We shall see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of my favourite app on hive currently


Hivestats is really great app I use this from the start! ;)

Cool feature, I started using Hivestat when I newly joined but using it on mobile phone is exhausting because of the small screen.

Yes it isnt really mobile friendly. Many that is something to suggest in the Leofinance post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great Expectations boss

As a highly visual thinker, I love charts and tables. This site is an easy to read presentation.

It really helps to frame where we stand and how things are progressing.

We live in a world of data, it is good when people on Hive can easily pull it up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wrote a post some months ago after discovering

The tool is really good. Funny enough, I have not used the updated tool yet but as at that time I loved it.

I was using it to track the progress of the newbies I was mentoring on hive and how they were growing in terms of rewards from the block chain.

Nice review by the way.

It is a great way to see what is going on with one's account (or anothers).

This is going to really help people if they utilize it to track their activity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well didn't know there is a tool called Hivestat..will sure explore it and maximize it use as am just getting to familiarize myself with the Hive platform. Thanks for this information

Your information's are always accurate!!! Thanks.


Hello, by any chance, do you know why my pending rewards section is not loading? if I check other people's, it loads, but mine stays like this and it's been like this for almost a week :(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I cant say for certain but there does seem to be some glitches. Did you log in or no? I had some things not load either.

I believe the team is aware of it and is looking at improving the back end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hivestat was introducedto me by a friend and I can say for sure I have really learn alot from ur articles abt the features and development.I LOVE the updates. Bravo

More updates to come from what they are saying.

It is going to be a fun year on Hive and Leofinance. 2022 is going to really see another grand jump forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I use Hivestats to look over my monthly stats and make a post from them. I really like to analyze the informations and numbers that come from my activities on Hive. Thanks for the detailed explanation of Hivestats.

When I saw the tweet from @leofinance I headed over to hivestats immediately, and I can say for sure ... I LOVE the updates. It has pretty much all we ever want, and makes me almost forget steemworld.

I had forgotten Steemworld until you mentioned it. LOL

Now its like that song at Disney, Its A Small World.

Cant get it out of my head.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL ... and now that you mention that song, that's stuck in my head now. Ah well, it's a nice change after all those days with Jingle Bells

LOL yeah after about 3 hours, you want to strangle your neighbor though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha, in that case, it's a good thing we don't have the neighbors we had before. That guy I could strangle without that tune in my head.

Ah well that happens.

We all have to make do with those who are around us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I use it every now and then. Usually I can get that HP chart off PeakD so I go there to just check out my curation rate. The price feed is a nice place to check but I don't really care too much about the price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

From when it was created to date, Hivestats has been pinned to my browser and is refreshed over 50 times daily as long as I am online. Powerful tool with these new integrations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Considering the daily visits is 70, you make up a majority of it. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta it! One of the things I've been wanting to do on Hive since I got here is to keep track of my progress, every comment, every post or every interaction I make and be able to make an Excel to show my stats in a couple of months! This page helps me a lot with that

The application is a great help. Hopefully they add to it over the next few months. It is exciting to think where this could go.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I missed the opportunities announcement being featured and think this is a great idea. With so much going on it is easy to miss somehting and highlighting these things will be valuable to know. I use Hivestats as my go to tool as knowing how one grows is the key to understanding what works. Thanks for another great update.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very true about missing posts and updates. Things are really heating up around here. A lot going on that is going to keep things growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We have chosen to support your post because you are one of the good promoters of Hive on Twitter based on our Hive Twitter Daily Report.

We appreciate your time and enthusiasm for promoting Hive!

Keep up the good job! 😍😍😍

This is done with the support of #theycallmedan and the #threespeak team.

Yes, I have been using it for a week now. I just forgot who introduced it to me. If I am not mistaken, I stumbled with it after reading @geekgirl's open letter to President Bukele of El Salvador. It's useful. I never realized that I already have 21 tokens in my account. The only tokens I was aware of were HIVE, HBD, SPT, and LEO. I never thought that my only activity on Hive will be incentivized with those tokens.

A nice surprise. Hive is the gift that keeps on giving. Stay active, be consistent, and consolidate those extra tokens into ones you are optimistic about (and involved with) and you will do fine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the advice.

By the way, to increase your curation APR, let your VP move close to 100% then vote between 95%-100%.

I tend to push it down to the 90% level and then let it recharge. Low VP is going to zap your return.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive engine really helps me stay organized but I do have a question that you may have an answer to - Do I need to stake/power up my CubLife tokens to earn rewards or is keeping them in the wallet enough?

Also, is delegating your HP bad? I gave out some to Ecency and some to the POSH token initiative. My curation efforts are limited since I have to spend a lot of time working as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No you dont need to stake to earn the payouts. However, if you do stake it you get more CUB.

Delegating HP reduces your vote value, hence your curation. But when you delegate to something that pays out rewards in their token (or in HIVE) based upon the delegation (like Leo voter does), then you make up for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems I understood delegation perfectly then. I was just curious if delegating is better than manual curation. Looking at my own numbers, I'm much better off delegating at 10% because my activity is very limited and my manual curation isn't really that great.

Thanks for the info!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

Hivestats is awesome. I will be there daily. These features are useful. How does this project support itself?

It’s a LeoFinance application 🦁

You can support the whole project and development of apps like Hivestats by voting @leofinance witness, staking LEO and CUB, and even using other apps like our frontend at or our LeoMobile - our mobile app for Hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That makes sense, LeoFinance is a great community and they are always inventing something cool. 👍

I am using from last few months it's my favorite tool to explore and analyze my hive blockchain account @taskmaster4450 thanks for sharing this detailed article about

That is good. Hopefully we are going to see more features rolled out on Hivestats the next couple months.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nowadays I regularly use it, although there is some kind of problem (bug?) with the mobile rendering on my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy A12, Android 11, Chrome 93.0.4577.62).

It is not so disturbing, but it is visible. Or rather not visible. You can see on the screenshot below that my profile on the right side is not properly visible.


Yeah but if that is the worst problem, then it isnt much of one. I find the mobile loading to be very slow (not great on desktop either). I have a feeling that is going to be some of the future back end work they discussed in the article.

It is still a very raw application due to not being focused upon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When I check the rewards statistics, the loading of the last 30 days is indeed slow. It often takes minutes to load.



Yeah that is something that I noticed too. Bad on my laptop, intolerable on mobile.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey! I'm the developer that currently works on HiveStats. It took longer than I anticipated, so we didn't push the performance update yet as you said, I can clarify that. That aside, your account is so busy it doesn't load all the data it needs in the current live version of it.

For that reason, I actually used your account to stress test it! It loads all your data except curation in ~8 seconds and loads curation data in ~30 seconds in my setup. I'm happy to see you are excited about it! It will land soon™️ with some of tweaks on functionality too!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just discovered Hivestats a few days ago and I love it. One feature that I appreciate is the fact that it gives you the value of your holding in Hive Engine in total and not just the value of what you DON'T have staked, like it is in Hive Engine. I'm glad the group has decided to put more attention to this valuable program.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A great point. The others tend to sort based upon liquid holdings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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