Unstoppable Money The Way To End Tyranny

in #hive-1679223 years ago

The global monetary system is changing before our eyes. We already see the impact of our efforts due to the fact that governments are trying to crack down so hard on cryptocurrency. What is happening with Russia is only intensifying the focus upon this situation.

Russia is having its asset locked down by countries around the world. This is taking place on the global stage, in front of everyone. It is estimated that half the $600 billion Russia had is effectively lost.

No matter which side of the conflict one is on, there is something obvious. If the United States and other countries can simply cut off Russia's access off, who else can they do that to? The answer is anyone.

Of course, those against the US and its allies are looking to take counter measures. The Chinese are doing deals, it is believed, for commodities in Yuan. At the same time, Saudi Arabia is discussing taking payment for oil in Indian Rupee and the Yuan.

While this could present a challenge to the United States (and the USD), does anyone believe the situation changes at all? What is to prevent China or India from doing the same thing? The answer is nothing.

Here is where we are entering new territory.



Unstoppable Money

In the battle of tyranny, we have to analyze who is most at risk. These days, it is getting difficult to decide which is on the side of freedom. A case could be made that most governments are heading in the direction of the former.

If this is the case, then the need for unstoppable money is even greater. However, from a government perspective, those not as tyrannical will suffer the least.

We all know how dangers freedom of speech is to the establishment. Governments seek to shut down any debate in an effort to promote their agenda. This is evident by the actions of the major social media platforms. Over the last couple years, there is little doubt that debate was crushed on different matters. Instead, we simply saw the ban button being used.

This is not to the benefit of humanity. When society is not able to discuss matters, tyranny is enhanced. North Korea is likely one of the most oppressive regimes in the world right now. We know how the media operates there.

We can expand this same notion to money. If there is freedom in this area, the actions of the United States are not possible. Of course, the same holds true for its enemies. Both sides of that equation are in the same boat. The ability to control another nation (or its people) goes away.

This, naturally, is not what politicians want. Sure they will claim things such as national security and sanctions but the truth is we are simply dealing with control. For those who are further out on the anarchy scale, we could even broach the subject of theft.

Unstoppable money stops this.

The End Of A Generation?

What do these people all have in common?

George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Angela Merkel
Boris Johnson
Xi Jinping

Other than being national leaders, they are all from the Baby Boomer Generation. Our global leaders are from the same era, which makes sense. However, it means they likely have a similar view about the world.

They are also from the time where change was not a major factor in everyday life. Those who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s saw proportionately less change as compared to later generations. Things are worse for Joe Biden who is part of the Silent Generation.

Certainly, the Boomers did not invent tyranny. It long preceded them. Nevertheless, these people seem less adept at navigating through an everchanging landscape. To start, they tend to not understand technology or its implications. This presents a major challenge.

In other words, they want to operate like it is business as usual. The fact that they seek to push things towards greater control means that a global backlash could be brewing. Many of the younger generations are accustomed to spanning national boundaries due to the digital world.

Many are not happy with the state of the world right now. Guess who was in charge for the last 20 years? That is where the blame resides.

A Royal Screwing

There is little doubt that the younger generations got a royal screwing at the hands of these people. Look at the massive debts that were run up. Who is going to be stuck dealing with the fall out from that? The Boomers who decided to spend like drunken sailors? Not a chance. They will be gone. It is the Millennials and the Zoomers who will have to deal with it.

At the same time, it is hard to argue that these people did not have the same opportunities as previous generations. Here is another source of frustration. In the US, the Millennials were delayed for about 5 years in terms of their career paths. Couple this with student loans that compare to mortgages and we can also see why they have some anxiety.

Keep adding this up and it is easy to conclude how a royal screwing took place.

But wait, it gets worse.

Now these same people, the Boomers, are trying to stop a life vest that is being thrown to the younger generations. Cryptocurrency is certainly their money. These live in and understand the digital realm. Yet, the Boomers want to instill more tyranny at the expense of these generations. Because of their need to control, the efforts are to keep the power in the hands where it has resided for the last couple decades.

Unstoppable money is how these generations are going to have to deal with the situation. Here we see the path for anyone who is oppressed by the ruling class, whether it is a country or a generation of people.

They say absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is safe to say this is where we stand with most of our governments. Again, no matter what the structure, they all appear to be heading in the same direction.

Unstoppable money is the way to end tyranny. It is obvious the ruling class is not going to embrace it. For this reason, the rest of us have to pile into it. This is our pathway to freedom.

It is also something those in power are powerless to stop.

What are your thoughts> Let us know in the comment section below.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is obvious that goverments are the enemy of blockchain and its derivative, cryptocurrencies.

Except that in Russia right now, internet access is very limited. Limited not by sanctions but by the government and where internet access is available, a number of Crypto exchanges have started blocking access to individuals crypto wallets held on exchanges.

Yes, no one should hold all their crypto assets on exchanges and have their own wallet, but that's also useless without a world wide and working network to connect it to.

Relying on technology for all your worldly wealth is folly, in this respect, is only slightly more robust than any current traditional financial system that also relies on technology and as you pointed out, is easy to manipulate to exclude certain parties.

As for your baby boomer critique, they actually invented the technology you use today so writing them off as dinosaurs who don't understand the implications is again, a huge mistake.

If it were true, crypto would have slipped by unnoticed. The fact governments are still controlling it speaks volumes, aided and abetted by people who see crypto as a means to simply 'get rich' and without understanding the mind blowing application of true decentralised blockchains and what it can achieve in helping humanity on a global scale.

The never ending emphasis on 'GETTING MORE MONEY' is a very short sighted view, and one that will cause this incredible technology we have to implode under endless regulation. Its same old same old, making the rich richer, the same as its been for all eternity. You think with blinkers and see only what your own environment shows you.

Use blockchain technology to empower the poor and level the financial playing field, even just a little, and we will then have a whole new ball game.

You will never have more than 'them' they have too strong a start, the world needs to go back to the first principles of human requirements to be able complete a corrective reset.

THE RUSSIANS ARE MAKING THEIR OWN CERTIFICATE SECURITY AUTHORITY TO CIRCUMVENT SANCTIONS..possibly spy on everyone who uses it..inject malware..the wars not only boots on the ground today. what a time to live. Stay Free and God Bless


Certainly there is way too much speculation and the greater fool theory in crypto. The mooning and lambo mindset was a detriment to things going forward. There needs to be a major transition from this to consistent monetary principles.

As for your baby boomer critique, they actually invented the technology you use today so writing them off as dinosaurs who don't understand the implications is again, a huge mistake.

Actually it was a few of them who developed the technology. I stand by the criticism, most of the Boomers have no clue about technology.

And if you look at the last 20 years, most of the innovation came outside the Boomers. The digital innovation is from the X and Millennial realm.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The previous generation needs to understand that the new generation is doing this for their own sake, the world as beautiful as it is right now, has some ugly side, especially in the financial aspect, which is caused by their ignorance and failure to adapt to new technologies, crypto is the future and instead of criticizing it they should really start doing their own research and understand and support the revolution, a better world for the next generation is what this is all about. Crypto is the real answer to financial freedom!


wonderful opinion that i agree with.

cool and nice post friend!

I can relate this to Nigeria where its leaders just pass on power amongst themselves, preventing change, the same can be said for other African leaders. They just cover up each other's asses .

No doubt unstoppable money is a solution, that is why I always feel every one person that gets exposed to cryptocurrency is a march towards victory against these tyranny leaders.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The money Is move to dex, from cex, if you see this Is the form yo get the financial freedom yo get better life, as an example you could see the Rune thorchain move un the last week.


There is little doubt that the younger generations got a royal screwing at the hands of these people. Look at the massive debts that were run up. Who is going to be stuck dealing with the fall out from that? The Boomers who decided to spend like drunken sailors? Not a chance. They will be gone. It is the Millennials and the Zoomers who will have to deal with it.>

I got struck by how you just classified everyone perfectly.
I had my own way to understanding the paradigm, your broaden words just expanded it all with thee same view.

Crypto is the unstoppable that would bring a new beginning ending the former.

It's textbook. Control the people, control the money, and decide the outcome of the lives of people.
This happens in the Nigerian system as well where the government use money to entice people to vote for some particular kind ot people in other to enslave them. If they had money or means, this wouldn't have been possible

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The government is always trying to benefit the rich and powerful. Rarely do we benefit from it and if we do, it's just some leftover scraps. Looking at the trucker convoy, we saw how powerless normal people are in the current system. So there is definitely a need for more options.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Money is definitely not gonna be the same in the nearest future. well I guess we are in the future already.

I foresee a future where people will not be able to hoard currencies or store currencies in another country like they often do in Nigeria.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

  • Unstoppable money = Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin is the solution to all our problems.
  • censorship resistance.
  • inflation resistance.
  • counterfeit resistance.
  • Money without masters.
  • transcends legal tender laws.
  • Bitcoin is a monetary insurance
  • unprintable
  • borderless
  • unseizable
  • permissionless

Except that Bitcoin is does not embrace free markets and cannot achieve money equilibrium.

Any money that rejects free markets is only a call for tyranny.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

what do you mean by monetary equilibrium? Bitcoin fluctuates in the short term and appreciates in the long term, that for me is equilibrium being a store of value

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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This makes me think if an article I saw the other day. Did you see this one:


I haven't heard of this news source before, so I don't know how legitimate they are, but they reference Federal reports, so I am guessing there is some truth to it.

I think that narrative is slowly starting to shift and hopefully these older generations will start releasing the grip they have on the ban hammer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

NO I didnt see it. I dont read zerohedge too often. They do some decent analysis but a lot of bias from the main writer there (hates Tesla and cryptocurrency).

Catering to the guns and gold croud.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I just realized after the fact that it probably leans a bit more right than I do, but it was still interesting. Having official federal documents to point to can't hurt.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do believe many countries will start to adopt politically neutral assets as their international reserve instead of dollars. Crypto can also help the individual in maintaining his/her economic freedom while living in unfree countries. IF crypto existed in the early 2000s many people would have been able to protect themselves against the massive inflation in Venezuela. Luckily, we have crypto now, and it opens a massive world of possibilities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Ending the tyranny is a great challenge and more so when those involved, I mean society, is numb! Note that in my country Venezuela for the year 2017 at a time of hyperinflation and exchange control still very inflexible, thousands of people formed that niche and Venezuela became one of the most active countries in P2p exchange, in 2020 it ranked third in the general rate of adoption of cryptography is when I think and sustain that in crises opportunities arise, things to date have already improved in this aspect and many know what the political situation in Venezuela is, the government had to give in to overcome US sanctions!
In this post one can extend a lot however, I think we are on the right track and I want to be part of the progress, I resist oppression and tyranny


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Never saw it in those terms and yes that generation does think far differently to what is current and relevant to now. Crypto is disruptive depending on where you sit and at some point will be accepted and may take another president or someone younger to get the job done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is obvious that our government they don't want to hear anything like blockchain, they see it has their enemy. so they are trying their best to bring setback to blockchain.

The thing is the way US and allies has painted Russia as Evil meanwhile ignoring what they did in the Middle east, Asia, Cuba and some parts of Europe. The world has more threats from US and allies unfortunately. And the thing is world was portraying china as evil but we have not seen them doing isolating any country on all counts like US and allies do not just in "Ukraine vs Russia" conflict but in many instances for their own gains. Problem is if we bring politics in crypto and it gets divided we lose the decentralization. Already a lot of people are so much siding with ukraine that don't think financial isolation is bad thing which in decentralization spirit is dangerous if such people are handed over the control.

I'm glad to find such article in the trending page. Such ideology should be supported even more by people. Those ''guys'' want to have control on cryptocurrency while they couldn't even create a better world with all the centralized money they have. Crypto is freeing people. The new generation doesn't want their tyranny to be even harder. The new generation wants to see a better new money. Development, improvement, possibilities. Crypto world already created so much space to so many talented young people. And it will create even more opportunities. As early adopters of crypto, we should protect it. Don't let those ''guys'' use crypto as their political battlefield. They are dividing us real crypto people who know the real meaning of decentralization. Most of us want a better world, but they are creating two agendas all the time, and they support it to divide even more of us. We shouldn't buy it. We should do everything to be united and to be stronger. And we should help those who are just starting to realize what's really going on. Because since politics is getting closer to crypto, we should create awareness about the real dark side who are all for centralization, and they wish crypto never existed.