Web 3.0: The Internet Of Ownership

in #hive-1679224 months ago

Sometimes it is helpful to delve into the most basic element of something to truly get a feel for what is taking place.

We see a lot discussed about Web 3.0. Many focus upon the market aspect of cryptocurrency, often going no further. While this certainly has a part to play, this is much bigger than simply crypto. It is an entire shift in the digital world.

I think it is important to stress what is happening and how the expansion of the digital world is tied to cryptocurrency.

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The Internet] of Ownership

Most of us have heard of the Read-Write-Own concept. This is what people are attributing to Web 3.0.

While it is often discussed, and passed around in memes, do people really internalize it. What does this truly mean? How does this transform things?

At the core is the idea of ownership. Web 2.0 has users while Web 3.0 owners.

This might seem like a subtle transition yet it is monumental. Basically, we are going in the direction where the online world is being redesigned. This is leading to "the Internet of ownership".

In other words, the Internet will become an asset that everyone can have a piece of. Tokenization allows for the representation of stake, something that can be eventually monetized.

Here is where the global economic transformation is taking place.

Ultimately, we are going to see a complete shift in how the benefits of economic production are distributed. For the last couple hundred years, the corporation was at the center of it all. When the Internet came along, this followed a similar pattern, repeating the same process.

Web 3.0 takes the corporate process in a different direction with stake becoming merged with utility.

Under Web 2.0, we saw the emergence of the "prosumer", where the line between consumer and producer was blurred. Web 3.0 is that along with the ownership component.

The Massive Explosion

We see technology making rapid progress. Nowhere is this more evident than with the online world.

Here is where the conversation should focus upon. While many want to discuss real world assets (RWA), the major growth will come from the massive value built online.

The Internet is growing. By every metric, we are seeing massive expansion.

Compute is increasing as companies keep connecting more powerful processors. The amount of data is exponential. The number of users is up every quarter as more of the world becomes connected. Online transactions/activity is increased by both humans and machines. Overall, the number of nodes is expanding.

All of this equates to more value.

How would you like to own a piece of this? That is what Web 3.0 offers.

Billions Around The World

The Internet has over 5 billion users. This is a figure that is projected to top 7 billion by the end of the decade.

What this means is there could be 7 billion potential owners of the Internet.

The growth of the digital world is going to outpace that of the "real world". When dealing with bits, things move a great deal faster. We know this simply by looking at the speed of moving information around. Consider the difference between an email versus sending a physical letter.

Everything moves faster in the digital realm.

More of our total economy is falling under the laws of Information Technology. This is where the exponential curves come in.

Ultimately, this comes down to a numbers game.

With our present system, how many people can own a share of stock in a company such as Amazon? While the theoretical number is high, it is much lower in reality. Institutions end up owning a large share and, quite frankly, most of the global population cannot participate. Even in the United States, stock ownership as a percentage of the whole is low.

The system is designed for exclusion. Between the financial intermediaries as well as the layers of friction, entry is impossible for most.

Web 3.0 changes all this. We already see models that distribute ownership in a manner completely new way.

Most did not embrace the Web 2.0 prosumer. The majority of the Internet consumed, failing to monetize what was offered. That said, a percentage did take another approach, concentrating on developing followings that generated revenues.

Web 3.0 is simply an alternative opportunity.

The Internet is growing on a daily basis. How big do you think this complex organism will be in 10 years? It truly is an impossible question to answer.

What we do know is the foundation for the transition is being laid now. In spite of this, are many really focusing upon the ownership aspect of things?

My guess is the Internet of ownership has not sunk in. Perhaps the problem is few truly comprehend what it means to be an owner.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


At the core is the idea of ownership. Web 2.0 has users while Web 3.0 owners

This is really deep. The likes of me are still grasping the concept of Web 3,and everyday it's an amazing find. Thanks for sharing.

What a wonderful enlightenment of knowledge I brand this article to be.

@taskmaster4450 thank you so much for helping me to be able to know that the Internet will become an asset that everyone can have a piece of if web 3.0 comes in, also that Tokenization would allow for the representation of stake, something that can be eventually monetized.

Thank you so much.

!discovery 25


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jlinaresp(8/10) tipped @taskmaster4450

cool. i'm in


I can see people taking a while to appreciate the power of ownership. The masses is usually late to new things, and are content with what they have. When the disruption reaches a certain point though, that is when they'll be forced to learn and accept web3.

The masses are always late. The majority are not early adopters or trailblazers.

Perhaps the problem is few truly comprehend what it means to be an owner. do you know this word always tickles in many people's ears. They begin to wonder, how will I outpace big online platform and own a portion of the internet. I once told a friend this and it seems i was talking imaginations

It took me a while to understand people simply are having a tough time grasping this concept. You are right. Most seem to miss what is being discussed.

Not sure why it is so difficult other than we were mostly groomed to be wage earners.

Also the fact that digital world will outpace the real world is mind-blowing. It's exciting to think how fast things will evolve and how many new opportunities will arise from this growth. I'm thinking there's a chance METAVERSE will have a huge stake in this if we don't grow Web 3 stronger and faster though

Atoms are slower than bits.

I'm thinking there's a chance METAVERSE will have a huge stake in this if we don't grow Web 3 stronger and faster though

That concept will be enormous. That will be a part of Web 3.0 with many different tentacles. As for the Ready Player Once concept, that is still a long way off. We will keep moving in that direction.

Oh wow you mentioned the Ready player one concept.... I watched the movie and saw the almost inevitable future Taskmaster... I really hope that becomes part of Hive and Inleo future

That wont be a part of anything until we get edge computing. Who is going to engage in that if they have to be attached to a high power computer. We are in the mobile age. Until that can be done from anywhere, it is only a fantasy.

I guess you're absolutely right on that Taskmaster.... It's cool while this fantasy lasted in my brain.... However Web3 is great as it is... Oh and I wouldn't forget to ask this very important question Task, how long exactly would it take Hive to get to 100 million plus users because I can only imagine the projects and the value Hive would have at that point

Wow wow wow Taskmaster, the shift from users to owners in Web 3.0 is fascinating. It feels like we're on the brink of something huge, where everyone can have a stake in the digital world. This is truly an epic transformation deserving of happening as soon as possible

It is a basic transformation that few seem to truly understand. Not sure why that is other than what I mentioned above: we were conditioned to be wage earners and that is all.

You're right, the conditioning to be wage earners has been something I've had to deal with for a while...

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Wow,I wished I read this earlier when coming to hive initially, its really a game changer when you look long term, I guess no time is better than now.

Looking at the prospect of being an owner, makes me think if we all are owners of the same stock, the dividend will be shared according to our percentage of ownership, which makes me wonder is the term "the more ideas you bring the more you earn" is it correct