Ad Revenue: We Saw The Future And Why All Lions Should Thread

In this article, we are going to knock the socks off everyone.

By now, most have heard about the ad revenue. This was discussed for over a year and, up to this point, we do not have a lot of details. That said, we hope an article will appear soon detailing how things are going.

In the meantime, we have some insight to go upon. This is based upon what took place last weekend and extrapolated out some. What we will discuss is by no means concrete numbers. They are projections used to illustrate the potential. However, hopefully everyone will realize what is before us.

So, without further delay, here is a thread that was posted earlier today.

Leothreads Is Big Bucks

This was taken from a threadstorm that I had written. We can see the response to my statement about 250K threads per day.

To contrast, this weekend we were at around 20K threads on Sunday. This was during a contest and not indicative of what we are doing normally.

However, 250K threads per day is nothing. Keep in mind that Twitter does more than 500M per day, so this is a fraction of a percent. Nevertheless, we can see the rough estimate put forth.

At that level, it is believed that we would be generating $50K per month. This is based upon the progress over the last year along with the recent optimization. Naturally, these numbers are not concrete so we have to be mindful of that.

That said, this is enough to show how EVERYONE who has Leo Power should be threading. We have absolutely no excuse not to. Unless one cannot connect, which is still an issue for some on mobile. all with $LEO have a vested interest in what it taking place.

There is also a massive financial benefit to be gained also.

Skyrocketing $LEO Price

Everyone wants the price of their coin or token to skyrocket. This is natural and exist throughout cryptocurrency. When moon is a common question.

The answer on Leofinance is "when you threads you ass off".

We already see how the ad revenue situation is going to work. There were teasers about the total going up when the traffic last weekend jumped. It would only make sense.

The forecast of 1 million LEO being purchased each month is a bit misguiding. Of course, if there is $50K in buying taking place, the price is going to be pushed higher.

All of this is based upon roughly 250K threads per day. Is this enough incentive to get the numbers up?

What happens when there is 1M threads each day? How would the numbers look then?

Again, to some they might seem crazy but that is what a growing platform should seek. There is no reason to believe that we cannot be highly successful with what is taking place already.

P/E Ratio

With these numbers we can start to have some fun. Again, bear in mind, none of this is exact. Nevertheless, we can start to make some projections off of this.

If we use the $50K per month, that equates to $600K per year. We will use this as earnings since it is going to buy $LEO and distribute it.

Using a traditional valuation metric such as P/E ratio (Price to earning), we can assign the traditional 15. That means, we have a valuation of $9 million. With roughly 15.5 million tokens in circulation, this is a price of 58 center per LEO.

Consider this for a moment: with roughly 250K threads per day, we are looking at an estimated $50K in ad revenue per month. With the token distribution now, and using an average P/E ratio, we get a valuation of 58 cents each.

Would anyone be upset with that?

Of course, markets are their own animal and this could be a million miles away from what the price is traded at. However, is does provide a path forward.

So how do we get to 58 cent LEO? Everyone with $LEO needs to thread their asses off.

Present Situation

Bringing it back to the present, we are obviously nowhere near these numbers. The numbers of threads is much lower and, presumably, the revenue is nowhere near what is forecast here. We are likely 1/10th (or less) of this just based upon what we saw in activity.

As an aside, this is revenue for the site, so long form content activity also factors into this.

The point here is to show the potentiality that is before us. This past weekend showed the level of engagement as compared to before. We have no idea how the ad revenue looked over those days in relation to prior to that. Nevertheless, we will presume there was a jump even if all other factors were equal.

What would 58 cent $LEO do for your life?

This is what is before us. The great thing is we have the potential to influence how all of this unfolds.

We simply more a great deal more activity on Leothreads.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


You have received a 1UP from @underlock!

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Along all the developments one thing should be notified which is a Leo token price of $0.047 it is a great opportunity to increase over Leo power I also right an article about it before reading this post of yours, happy to hear that you are also believe in success of leofinance platform

Well I think the ad revenue is moving this platform to an entirely different realm. Those who own stake are going to receive it. This is a huge difference.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

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I think the weekend battle is a great contest to motivate loins for threading. It should be organized every weekend and $50k is a big amount. If Leos will be purchased and distributed in Leo power holders every month then it motivates others to stack more power.

Actually I disagree. It is a great way to get some people exposed to the platform. However, we need organic growth. Those who join just for the contests tend to be low value since most leave after it is done.

We need to get those who consistently use the site on a daily basis. That is the foundation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Yes, Organic growth is the key to the continuous growth of Leoverse. Contest lovers will move to the next contest. Thanks for correction.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( ziabutt3836 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

This is a good path to increase the price of $LEO. Everyone with Leo stake should be threading to bring those numbers closer. Increasing both their stake and the price of LEO.

Buy #leo and keep #threads up your sleeve

That is one way to look at it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I have also noticed that a lot of people are driving their attention towards Leo in these days

Hopefully they are finding it an enjoyable experience.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

The questions is - why is everyone with $LEO stake not threading? We need activity during this early stage.

I ask myself that too.

It is something that should be a must.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


$PIZZA slices delivered:
underlock tipped taskmaster4450le
@curation-cartel(4/20) tipped @taskmaster4450le

Reading Khal's thread inspires me to know about the 50k USD ad revenue per month and the decision to airdrop it to $LEO Power holders.

Not so much an airdrop. I guess you can view it that way. I look at it more as a ROI on holding LP.

It is a distribution of revenues to those who are "owners" of the community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Is there a simple threads apps in development for Android?

Mobile is a challenge. But the overall view is not to beholden to Apple and Google where they can just kick you off. The UI is going to be mobile friendly so people can use it on there.

I think people are having success with Keychain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

!1UP Your post was very complete and makes us reflect on how much it is possible to scale Leofinance and how beneficial this would be for all $LEO holders.

We must continue to encourage people to use Threads and make sure to make it an inviting and enjoyable environment for everyone. I believe in 0.58 in the future, just make some noise!


Yep. It is a simple process that people need to understand. Millions of threads equals big money for ad revenue recipients.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha