China's Growth Is Dead But Not In 2022

in #hive-1679223 years ago

The China Growth Story is over. This might be news to the West who seem to believe that things are going to keep going. Inside the borders, the CCP is well aware that the story needs to be rewritten. Thus, it is time to put a stake in this one.

However, before we do that, there is one piece of business left to take care of. No it is not the Olympics and presenting a good image on the world stage although that is certainly a consideration. Instead, it is the fact that Xi Jinping needs to secure his 3rd term.

Some question whether this is in doubt and it most likely is not. However, Xi needs to make sure he is in for a 3rd term, and possibly for life. This means not having civil unrest that could threaten the party's power.

For that reason, the tightening that started in 2021 will be delayed until 2023. In the meantime, easing is the course of action. Of late, the restrictions on the real estate developers was loosened and, unlike the Fed, the Chinese just lowered interest rates.

All of this is to make a push into the Fall when Xi looks to secure lifelong power.

Once that occurs, it is business as (new) usual.


The Return To Communism

There was an article that was published in 2018 (I wish I could find it) that spelled out the situation in China. Basically, it is viewed that capitalism outlived its usefulness and now it is time to return to the basic tenets of China, communism.

This was widely held among the leadership within the country. At that time, it would likely have made the move had it not been for Trump's attacks. The decision was made to confront that and delay the tightening action that was going to take place. Once 2021 rolled around, the CCP was ready.

We saw the unleashing of attacks on major technology companies and the billionaires who built them. At the same time, the crackdown on the housing developers was stepped up. Throughout the year, the CCP seemed uncertain whether to help many of these entities out. While it looked like uncertainty from the outside, there is nothing of the sort. The CCP is well aware of what is taking place.

In fact, it is engineering it all.

They know the gig is up. For the last few decades, the idea was "embrace capitalism and we will make you rich". This worked for part of the country but, basically, China is still a poor country. It has a GDP per capita that ranks around 70th in the world. Now it is faced with an aging population, a situation that cannot be rectified anytime soon.

Essentially, the country grew old before it got rich.

Now it is time for a different path. Enter the tenets of communism which is a equality for all. The attacks on the wealthy are planned and by design. At the top of the CCP agenda is to bring prosperity to the entire population. This means going after those who are outpacing everyone else.

The West, especially the financial media, is caught off guard by this. For some reason, the belief was that if enough capital flowed into China, the effects of capitalism would make them embrace it. Not surprisingly, it turns out they really are communists.

In the end, the leadership is returning to its roots.

Economic Headwinds Spell The End

The CCP knows that growth is unsustainable of any degree. If we look at the Japanese, we see economic stagflation over the past 3 decades. This is the poster child for a demographically challenged country. China is well aware that it is entering this phase.

Therefore, the CCP knows that it has to tangent since selling the population on the idea of growing wealthy is done. The West would be well served to listen what is being said.

It is amazing how things can be so obvious yet overlooked.

Xi addressed the Davos crowd for the second year in a row. Perhaps it is the fact that he talks in code, mentioned flying dragons and whatnot, that confuses people. However, when you sift through his message, he is clear in his caution: things are not so hot. This is the second year in a row he carried that same message.

What was the result last year? Slowing economic growth in China.

Perhaps it is time to listen to Xi. The CCP is no longer interested in the approach over the last 30 years. Instead, it is returning to the government taking control of most aspects of the economy. The economy was always centrally planned to some degree yet is being ratcheted up.

The main problem was the growth rate came mostly from the real estate sector. Xi and his allies know that was unsustainable. The debt load the country acquired makes the US and Japan look financially prudent. A nation can create only so many ghost cities before it hits a wall. Again, this is something the leadership knew was coming. This was years in the making.

What took place last year will be the norm. After the hiatus to secure Xi's power, we can expect things to go full tilt. By the middle of this decade we are going to be looking at an entirely different economy. While China will still be a factor, simply due to its massive population, we can be certain what was present the last few decades will be dismantled.

And this means the growth story is going to end quickly. Expect flat growth rates by the middle of the decade, if not contraction.

This will have implications across the rest of the global economy.

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'The debt load the country acquired makes the US and Japan look financially prudent.'

I liked this 1 line especially. thank u for shedding some light on this important situation. :)

I'm sorry for the people in China because they are in for a rough ride.

Also, countries with economies that are heavily dependent on China will suffer the side effects of it too

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That is likely true also.

The global economy is going to experience an unwinding. This is something that could be painful for most of the world.

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Interesting article as always! No one can sustain growth of the magnitude that China had - especially if the real drive is being in a position of power.

I do feel worried for the people of China who might be caught in an unpleasant situation come 2nd half of the decade.


Well the growth rate was mostly due to infrastructure and real estate development. That was due to slow no matter what.

When you have zero miles of road and then built them all out, there is no need to redo all of that.

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Tnx for the info task!
I'm so oblivious to China its a shame. Yet it is one of the main player and important factor in the global economy, ergo our everyday lives.

It is and the US along with many other countries are going to have to decouple.

The Japanese started the process, to a degree, 15 years ago so they are ahead of everyone else.

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I think that the current economic system, capitalism is dead all over the world. War is a way to overcome for them and the footsteps of which we recently hear anyway.

A case could be made that it is going that way. It seems the West cannot resist the control state either.

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It's an interesting way and I agree that Xi wants to ensure his next term. I was surprised to see a bunch of the opposing parties powers get hit back in 2021 as they didn't want to to give them any chances. The growth itself seems like it is stopping and I noticed that they stopped caring as much when they delisted chinese companies from the US stock market.

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Yes there is a lot of delisting going on. We are now going to see how all this plays out.

China is going to take action to make things pleasant for those within the country this year. That also means the CCP will take a tough stand against the rest of the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel so sad for everyone trapped in communist countries. I look around and see the Cold War nightmares I had as a child in the 70s. Communism comes from the pit of Hell itself, and those who impose it on people will eventually go there--to the birthplace of that murderous philosophy--where they will no longer be able to hurt anyone. !BEER

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You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

It isnt only people in 'those' countries. This is an idea that spread throughout the entire world. It seems like tyrants cannot help but to try to take more power.

Now we see that everywhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A leopard can never lose its spot. China right from time has always been a communist state , the infiltration of capitalism into the country is just some sort of camouflage. Xi going for a third term is not far fetched, dictatorship is the order of the day .

Well to be honest they never claimed to be anything otherwise.

It was the West that presumed that, if they let China in the WTO and they made the country rich enough, they would shed communism and embrace capitalism.

Xi took the trend over the last few decades and quickly reversed it. This is simply how they now operate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Speaking of China I just learned today that not only did China lift the 1 baby ban, but are now encouraging couples to have 3 to 4 children. Do you think this could be due to a diminishing workforce?

No. They lifted the 1 child policy in 2016 by going to a second. There was a 3rd allowed last year.

The challenge is this does not reverse the trend. We see the fact that urbanization means kids are an expense. So as people moved to the cities, it is not easy to support them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now that you bring that up I never had any children and my little brother the same. Because my cousins are spitting babies out like they are getting paid for it I did not know that there is a huge trend of hey why spend the money.
No Disrespect To Current Parents or Those that Want Children
Years ago I explored the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) They were taught that with modern trends the world population is going to do a deep dive, they were preaching this could be the demise of the Human race. That was a long time ago, I am no longer a member but I can't believe that the population downtrend was pretty accurate teaching was pretty accurate.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 90 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Yes. Add ethnic diversity angle to it and it makes a perfect sense for the country to centralize economic and social power. The party has been consolidating language, societal norms and assimilating diverse culture across the country. The tightening of power will also involve that. The day the economic progress slows, all cultural differences and disparities will start to make impact. It will be an interesting decade ahead under Xi with relatively less economic growth but growing political influence across the region with their infrastructure economic policy in the form of BRI.

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