It Takes Years To Become An Overnight Success

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Do you want to be wealthy?

Many answer this question in the affirmative. The challenge is that few are willing to put in the time or effort to make this a reality.

We see people spending decades at a job, working their tales off only to struggle along. They offer up all kinds of excuses (blame) as to why they are in their predictament. Nevertheless, the path is not novel.

It is easy to figure out what needs to be done. There are clues all over the place. In this age of the Internet, a simple web search of (blank) success will provide articles and videos on any topic one wants.

This includes making money.

While most have been conditioned away from wealth (the rich are evil after all), it is something that most should strive for. There is nothing wrong with abundance as long as it is achieved in a proper manner.

Of course, this means really immersing oneself in the pursuit.



Forget A Quick Hit

Many fall into the trap laid by the allure of a quick hit. There is a "get rich quick" scheme around every corner. Sadly, the ones getting rich tend to be the individuals selling the programs.

Robert DeNiro is credited with saying:

"It took me ten years to become an overnight success."

I have no idea if he actually made this statement but it does epitomize the path most take.

In reality, we see the results. The individual who "has it all" is one who is showing us the "after" picture. What we are missing is the "before".

Few are able to instanteously fall into major money. Those that do tend to lose it through bad decisions. Often, holding onto money is harder than getting it. Nevertheless, we have to be dedicated to the pursuit throughout.

For this reason, we need to ignore the quick hit, easy money trap. We can find ourselves in situations where the results do come quickly, especially in cryptocurrency. However, the best way is to set our mind towards the effort we need to put in to build. There are opportunities that we can take advantage of yet much of it depends upon compounding.

This can come in the form of return along with effort.

It all builds over time.

Builders Win In The End

The Internet is full of stories of those who were able to build highly successful projects. One of the biggest advantages to blockchain is that each project leverages the others for success. They all feed into the same trough, pushing more value than if it was on its own.

It is a mindset that many are having a tough time embracing. We are also conditioned to see things as separate instead of how they are interconnected.

One a blockchain like Hive, everything is that way. As we see success in one area, it filters to another.

That is why building is so important.

Consider it from this perspective. What will Hive look like with over 1,000 different applications tied to it? How does this affect what you are personally do on-chain?

The idea is that, at that point, we will have so much going on any project with any merit is likely to benefit.

Of course, it is not going to happen today or tomorrow. There is a lot of work left to do. However, if we can focus for a moment 5-10 years down the road, we can see how this is possible.

After all, if it was good enough for DeNiro, it is for the rest of us also.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


its easy to see the success and not what went into making it, the hundreds of times they heard no etc👍

In it for the long game. The best kind of success, or the only kind?🤔

For this reason, we need to ignore the quick hit, easy money trap.

Many has fallen into that trap already, they regret ever taking that route. I am glad I came across such an article.

Thanks for sharing.

My wife and I are certainly looking for the success stories for things that take a long time to build. I think hive is likely going to be one but we are also trying to do things in the fiat realm as well so that we have a few different possibilities. Thankfully none of them so far require huge capital investments so the risk is mainly to time but I think it’s important to try a few things and see what works out well enough in the end.

Get rich quick stuff is definitely full of scams!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree that nothing comes instantly. From what I see, even Hive doesn't come that quickly and we have to build ourselves slowly. It's more of a marathon and people need to be consistent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It Takes Years To Become An Overnight Success

Truer words have never been spoken.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course you are right, success is a process and we need to go through its stage successfully everyday

💯 Percent True. You never see the work, passion and dedication BEFORE the success.

There is nothing wrong with abundance as long as it is achieved in a proper manner.

No one wants to go through the building process because they feel it's too long. Take a look at DeNiro, some will still not want to wait till after ten years but that is the truth.

Success doesn't happen immediately, it's a process and we all must go through such and build the abundance we want for ourselves. There is what we call patience in everything.

Even on Hive, it doesn't happen overnight, you have to put in extra effort and build yourself till you get what you want.

Few are able to instanteously fall into major money. Those that do tend to lose it through bad decisions

So true...I have experienced something similar before...

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 129 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!