This is an idea that I experimented with on a number of occasions. There are different things that were tried in an effort to see what would work.
At this point, there are still some limitations to the front end. The cache is acting up, hindering the progress. However, over time, this will hopefully be resolved.
Nevertheless, we forge ahead realizing that it is all on chain and not lost. Thus, whatever is posted to the blockchain can be picked up by the UI. It is just a matter of doing some tweaks.
As explained in other articles, video is the move valuable content there is. That is why the idea of shorts is excellent. That is, however, only one mechanism that we can utilize.
In this article we will cover some of the others.
Did you know that you can post YouTube streams right into Leo. This is a very valuable feature to utilize.
During the day I posted some of the college football streams as they were live.
Here is what one looks like.
It is a YouTube feed that plays on Leo. I was able to watch a game like this today.
Here we have Leo being used for another purpose.
This has a bigger use case however. Let us look at it.
We all know that threadcasts are becoming a commonly used feature on Leo. This is the idea of having a thread chat tied to a broadcast.
Last week, during Hivefest, I was able to combine these two. The presentations were put out on livestream via YouTube.
Look at what we did.
Here we had people able to comment in the threadcast with the video playing right above it. Both were combined into a single thread.
Now imagine if we could do this with a host of events. So far it seems like we are relegated to just the YouTube streams but maybe something can change.
I tried a direct embed and it was working. The problem is that it exceeded the character count.
If this can be straightened out, we might be able to embed other streams into Leo.
I know most of us aren't into this but we do have a variety of options when it comes to the news.
Today, I went though and grabbed some streams. They are under the news and newsonleo tags.
Here is one from Austrailia.
The point is that we can use Leo as a streaming platform if we post enough of these types of things to it.
A little over a month ago, I set up the Watchmovies4free community.
The idea was to post full length films that people could watch on Hive.
Here is what one looks like.
This film, Firenado, is now available to view through Leo.
It is the only one shown in the community right now. Here is where UI issues are arising. When the community was set up, there were more than a dozen films posted. This was something that has disappeared. Obviously, being on chain means that it can be recovered. Perhaps it is nothing more than a cache issue.
Nevertheless, consider what this might look like if there are 2,000 films in this community. That would be a nice number. We also will require search features which supposedly are being worked on.
I believe one of the keys is loading up the database with things that people will utilize in the future. Having a repository of video (and audio) files in our media center will enhance how Leo is utilized.
We know the ad revenue model is close to be implemented. One of the ways we can enhance it is with time on site. What happens when you want a film or a football game through the Leo frontend? That is a couple hours registered on the site.
All of this adds up. YouTube shows how popular video can become. There are streaming sites that are nothing more than frontend that get hundreds of thousands of visitors per month.
The great thing about streaming is it requires no resources. The only thing stored is the text that is entered into the thread. The rest is housed elsewhere.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha