Here's a perfect example of regulators needing an entirely new regulatory framework for cryptocurrency.
FriesDao Seeks To Aquire Fastfood Restaurants.
Let me start with, I'm not shilling this product. I know very little about it. I like the concept and I'm simply using it as an example.
I found this headline intriguing. It's a novel use of a DAO. A DAO that will basically purchase fast food restaurants. We always knew we were heading in this direction. It was just a matter of time.
Something that has always bothered me about the IPO (initial public offering) of traditional markets is that only accredited investors can participate pre-IPO. In other words, if you're not rich you can't invest in a company before the actual IPO listing. So if you're rich, someone can pitch you a business idea, you buy early, and although some have a grace period for selling the stock, you can dump your pre-IPO shares after the IPO listing on all the people who were to poor to invest pre-IPO.
I'm over simplifying but you get the point. The rich already have the advantage and the IPO could tank, so they're also taking the initial risk. They still have the advantage of first entry though.
A DAO like FriesDAO could be used as a simple work-around for this type of scenario. It can also help to level the playing field and make the financial industry a little more inclusive.
I'm not a lawyer so I don't understand the legalities of all this. I'm also no fan of regulation and even more so now because it's obvious they're going about regulation all wrong.
Cryptocurrency is something completely new! It is inclusive to all both rich and poor. In many scenarios crypto also helps level the playing field between the rich and the poor. There will be so many different avenues of regulation in this industry, why do current regulators insist on trying to lump the industry into old outdated legal frameworks like securities.
This current use of a DAO to purchase restaurants is the perfect example. This is a completely new way to invest. Anybody can enter and expose themselves to the level of risk they're comfortable with. Everybody will also benefit from the success or failure of this endeavor.
My point being is cryptocurrency and everything it encompasses like DAOs, tokens, NFTs, stablecoins, etc.. We're in uncharted territory here. To lump this in with current securities laws is almost ridiculous. The governments should be looking at reasonable regulation and a new framework for this fledgling industry.
Crypto is not a stock, bond, commodity, future, ETF, share or anything like any of the financial instruments we currently have in use. It is a cryptocurrency, it is unique and has its own set of features and capabilities. Similar to many financial instruments already, but also completely different than anything currently available. This is unlike anything we've seen before and has the potential to CHANGE everything.
IMHO I feel regulators are simply trying to protect the old guard. The writing is on the wall and they know it's just a matter of time before this industry disrupts the current financial industry in much the same way the mp3 and mp4 affected the entertainment industry. They are about to lose control of the money and financial industry and they don't know what to do. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.
To lump cryptocurrency into any current regulatory framework we have now is a disservice to the entire industry. It's a new product with new possibilities and if they're that concerned with regulation they should form a coalition of some sort and create a new regulatory framework with the governments and monetary agencies of the world and work with industry leaders and experts in our field to create a FAIR regulatory framework for all involved. Anything else is a disservice to the hard working men and woman of this industry and also the citizens of the world. I'm not for regulation, but if we must have it, lets take a common sense approach and not be LAZY and try to lump this in with existing modalities.
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