Your business and Finance (Part one)

in #hive-1679223 years ago


Every surviving Business is surviving because of a constant cash flow.

It requires a person or a group of individuals with common interest and goals, crafting out an offer in form of a product or services to then sell to a specific audience.

This all boils down to the fact that any business that cannot sell cannot make money.

But aside making sales, it is required that we do a few things and know a few things about finances.

I did get three advises from my mentors and they said.

Three things you need to know about money.


1. You need to know how money is being made:

Many are broke not because they don't want more, or they don't crave for the fancy life style and a juicy world with all their desires in it, many are broke because they just don't know how to make the money.

A business isn't what makes the money, it is the one controlling the Business. It all sums up to the fact that the success of a business, starts with those running it.

The question is simple Can you make money?

As simple as this sounds, the financial status of many Businesses isn't Compelling enough because those who run it don't know how to make money.

2. Can you Retain money?

Businesses expands and thrive based on Consistency. Consistency is the key but the only factor that makes a business Consistent is a "Cash flow policy".

It means there's a system that takes in money and take out money.

It mean a system that buys and sell most times.

Your business will suffer a great pain if you can't maintain a Consistent cash flow.

Knowing how to make the money is fine, but making money today and not making money tomorrow isn't good for business.

Any business that wants to thrive must make sales on a daily basis

3. You need to know how money is Multiplied:

This is also a major problem for Business owners.

The only way to multiply money is to have it invested?

The question is simple. How do you invest as a business man?

In Business, based on gathered contents and Experience, there are two things you can invest in as a business person to grow your business.

  1. Investing in your product (Expanding its reach, adding a few branding, more adverts...)

  2. Investing in other business model ( Maybe into real estate, agriculture, construction...)

  3. Investing in your self and your team ( Maybe into a seminar, or books, or coaches ...)

These three factors are what helps Business men to invest properly.

I'll continue the series tomorrow.

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