Listnerds Newbies Guide | The importance of a catchy title

in #hive-1679223 years ago

Are you willing to bite?

When I ask you this question, I'm obviously talking about "Clickbait" titles that are used all over the internet. Although some may find the term clickbait somewhat negative as usually these are used to deceive or mislead someone to click on the link only to find out that the article they are reading has nothing to do with the title. But we can also think of catchy titles and play with words without being dishonest to grab the readers' attention. This goes for our Hive content as well as Listnerds emails. I will give you my point of view on the matter in this guide.

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Nobody is looking for a boring read

So unless you are called Nobody, it's best to provide something that gets the reader excited, interested, happy or at least moves them. Whatever it is you're writing about, it should trigger a reaction may that be good or bad, that's up to you. Everyone loves writing a good rant from time to time so no judgement here about triggering anything else than positive vibes. But at least make it interesting, you can rant your heart out while still adding a funny touch to your writing or laugh it off using certain words. It will not only help you to keep your reader's attention, but also help you shake things off a bit, that's a double, right?

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Catchy titles for all my content

For as long as I can remember, I've always tried to think of a catchy title for all my online content. Of course, I fail miserably at this sometimes as well. May it be due to lack of inspiration or due to the topic I'm writing about, either way, sometimes I feel bummed for not providing a catchy title that people want to click. The good thing is, that I'm fully aware of it whenever this is the case as I think about my titles carefully. I also expect them to have fewer readers and upvotes.

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The "Aha-moment"

Sometimes a silly conversation can lead to a catchy title that pops into my head, inspiring me to write a blog. But usually, the title comes to mind while I'm writing my content. You could say that I'm letting the content decide what the title should be. And usually I find a way to play with the words a bit to make it look funny or catchy or at least grab your attention so that you want to read more.

Listnerds email titles

I know many affiliate marketers have a way of presenting their titles and content. I get it, if this is what you've done for decades and it "worked" for you, I understand you see no reason to change. BUT, what if I tell you that you can grab even more people's attention and get more sales / eyes / votes coming from your Listnerds email? Isn't that even better and worth the try? I bet that if you change your ways just a bit, you will see even better results. Plenty of old school marketers that have now arrived at Hive have seen the awesome results when they adapt a bit of "Hive etiquette" in their emails.

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Hive Etiquette? What's that?

I joined Listnerds without having any experience in the field of email marketing / affiliate marketing, and therefore I look at the industry with different eyes. You'd think that I would fail miserably not knowing what the heck I'm doing, and yet, I've not failed. On the contrary, I've achieved awesome results so far and that wasn't because I read into the "rules and laws" of the industry but more so because I kept doing my thing, I stayed true to myself and what I believe in.

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I have a certain Hive etiquette that I apply when publishing content on Hive and that's because I believe that this works. I don't rush my content but think about it and probably spend way more time than many other users on it before I publish. I also take into account what I've learned during my years on Hive, what is considered low quality content and therefore what I ignore or would never respond to.

You could say that the first days on Listnerds, quite a few emails checked the boxes for content that I'd ignore no matter what's written on the page where the link directs me to. I'd simply perform a task: open mail, click on link, wait a few seconds and ignore or if it was horrible, even downvote it. You see where I'm going to? This person would never sell me anything, I'd simply open the email to receive mail tokens myself. Nothing more, nothing less.

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My expectations of quality emails

Coming from Hive, and having a certain opinion on what's considered good content, I probably have a different opinion on that than the average marketer that has been in this industry forever and is there for the sales, building lists etc. That person might very well consider my blogs not useful, which is their good right. Personally, I don't necessarily look at the topic of the content, but more so if the author made an effort to make the content look appealing and/or added a personal touch to it rather than sending out the same email over and over again with actually nothing more to add than 100 other marketers trying to sell something else to me.

I look for personality, and even if we are 30 years apart age-wise, or live on the other side of the world, and have totally different interests, you can still grab my attention and my upvote. Just show me why you're sharing something, not just share it and hoping I click. I need more, and that may be a little bit of Hive etiquette where we're expected to share more than just a random picture (even if it's a good one!).

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First impressions matter

And what's the first impression you get of someone in the email marketing industry? Right! The title! That's the very first thing you will see before you even opened it. Somehow your subconscious will register this title, no matter what you write in the email, having a catchy title will really help you catch more people's attention. Even if you're not the best writer or salesmen, at least try to make that one line look right. I promise you, this will pay off.

Let me know in a comment if you pay attention to your email titles or not. I'm curious!
And if you haven't signed up for Listnerds yet, please use my referral link and join my team. There's one spot left before I do a HivePunk raffle within my team members!

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  • The text divider is my own design, where I sometimes use images from Canva Pro or in other cases, my own images.

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If you want to connect, you can give me a follow on my socials. For inquiries, you can send me a direct message on Discord.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good article on listnerds. I like to see engaging content and will read several a day that catch my eye.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much for stopping by! You're in luck then because there is quite a lot of engagement going on on the posts that are shared with Listnerds.

This is spectacular @thisismylife!

“The Importance of a Catchy Title” makes for a good read. YUP, you are a superstar!


Haha, that gif is hilarious! That would defo grab my attention as well!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you!

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Thanks for the billiant guides. This definitely helps me a lot. I just joined like a few hours ago.

You're welcome!

The subject of your email is very important. It has to entice the reader to open the email. Thanks for sharing.

True, a catchy title is so very important, for some it comes easy and for others like me, a lot of thinking is involved, but it is better done. Thanks.

The subject is what gets your emails opened. It is so important to grab the readers attention with the words in your subject.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Brilliant stuff and one of the most important lessons anyone can learn when it comes to getting emails read and acted upon!

Thanks so much for sharing this in and with ListNerds!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you again!
I just wished I would have called it "subject line" instead haha.
Mistake of a newbie :)

I call it subject line, headline, title lol Interchangeable in my opinion :)

Lol, so I'm not that dumb after all calling it that. :) cool!

You make some great points here. I often write first then make my title. I always have lots going thru my head but it doesn't make much on paper. I take several hours to write a blog rather it be my goals post or something else. This makes it difficult for me to blog everyday.
I'm not good at email marketing even though I've been trying to do it for many, many years. I think all my stuff is low quality but I hope it encourages someone.

You always seem to write interesting posts. I find you to be a very interesting persons. Look forward to your future posts.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Thanks for your post - there is a lot of great information here. You are right about the catchy title. However for me it is also clicking on those with reputations in red or blue.
I have no experience with email marketing but I find it interesting. Like you I am impressed with the effort made putting a post together and the feeling I get after reading a post. I know I spent time making my posts so I can appreciate when someone else does the same.

This is an awesome post @thisismylife! You have an amazing gift. You have the eyes of a child. You see things fresh and new without tarnish. It gives you a fresh insight into new things. I believe that this has been your secret to success on #ListNerds. You became a marketer without trying to become a marketer. Stay true to yourself and continue posting awesome content.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much for al the kind words @beststart! I appreciate it. I'm so excited to see everyone embracing the new opportunities together that come with the connection between Hive and Listnerds!

Stay true to yourself and continue posting awesome content.

This is exactly what I will do <3

Thanks once again for your thoughtful post. To me it is always hard to tell if a EMail title is good. I think ultimately AB testing them is what needs to be done. Often I write a subject line that I think is good but find out that no one is interested. I think it is a mix of intuition and creativity. Email titles matter the most with safelists that have too many messages to read comfortably. List Nerds is different because I am going to click on the ad any way because there is not too many mails to overwhelm me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're welcome. It is indeed a mix of creativity and intuition. And there's nothing wrong with making a mistake, I mean we all do. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes it won't. I do see a difference in CTR and votes with some content compared to other things. So I bet that I can have some insights looking at the subject lines too.

I pay attention big time to titles. Thanks for sharing these really helpful tips. I love the quality and personal touches of your work. :)

Great insight, particularly the part about just opening mails to get the credits - that's something i'm definitely guilty of (a lot of the time i was already a member of the site being promoted using the traditional mailer approach). Listnerds has/is taking me down a different path looking for content I want to read and engage with and be inspired by, and it's great fun too. I still do read and open mails from those in the red zone to help complete daily, weekly and monthly tasks though - because it's easy to do so.

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On the contrary, I've achieved awesome results so far and that wasn't because I read into the "rules and laws" of the industry but more so because I kept doing my thing, I stayed true to myself and what I believe in.

This is what I found.

Be true to myself, and my product, which for me is mainly my creative writing... and beyond that, I feel I have learned how to write an enticing email, one that gives just enough info about the short story to encourage a lover of fiction to click in, read the story and maybe upvote my listnerds email. The clickbait thing is secondary for me (unless I'm promoting a travel article or other content than my creative stuff) in that I know the people who read fiction simply want a title that interests them and reflects what they can expect in the story.

At the end of the day, there is always a market for your content, and as long as you respectfully direct your emails toward those types of readers (and take some time and effort to actually write something interesting), they tend to click and read.

Interesting piece though @thisismylife
If I ever got into affiliate marketing as a main hustle I'd be re-reading this post for sure.

It's like when you are walking downtown through the shops the one's that catch your eye and you take the most notice to are the stores with the signs that grab your attention. Your subject line or title is like a stores sign grabbing attention getting people to click on it to see what's inside.

You make a lot of good points all about this in your post, keep crushing it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah that's a great comparison @maddogmike!

Thank you for your comment and I will do my best :) Cheers!