Hello to all members on LeoFinance Community.
Today is 15,May,2023.So this is Leo Power Up Day.
Every month of 15 is the day of Leo Power Up Day.
Did you know about it?
Did you make a participant of Leo Power Up Day?
If you want to do about it,you need to stake at least 150 Leo Token on your account.
After that you can publish about your participation of Leo Power Up Day by using correct tags as #lpud , #leofinance and #leopowerup .
MY Planning...!
I used Leo Token when I started using hive platform.
I had only staked 140 Leo Token before.
I wanted and collected to do more Leo Token.So I used leo and leofinance tags my daily post on hive platform.
I also wanted to make a participant of Leo Power Up Day.
I bought 160 Leo Token last 2 week ago.
I planned these tokens for Leo Power Up Day.
Now I did it and I staked 160 Leo Token on my account.
I had totally staked 300 Leo Tokens on my wallet.
My desire is completed today.
I am happy about it.
This is also my first time participation of Leo Power Up Day.
I like so much Leo Token and Leofinance Project and Community.
Leofinance Community is one of the best communities of hive plaform.
Their team have many creations and many hard works which you can see on their webpages.
They produced Leofinance Mobile Application.They made already Web3 Blockchain based community and many others.
Leo Price Alert...!
This morning, I went to leodex.io
market and checked the price of Leo Token.
Leo Token price is high today.It is so happy to see.
I think Leo is a nice stable coin.
I Think Leo price must be higher in future.
So Everyone should collect Leo Token for the best future.
Try your best by using and collecting Leo Token for future brightness.
Leo is the best for all users.
Have a nice time...!
Good luck to you all.
15.5.2023 (13:48)pm