Interestingly it made earning easier and entertaining. It free you from 9 to 5 job. Another advantage is that you can start earning from your home comfort. You can earn in various ways like doing online jobs like coding graphic designer, coding, webdesigner, content creation, online courses, e-marketing job, sharing your creative work on social media, even you can earn through playing games. Yes you can earn decent income through game.
I know many people who earned a lot of money from famous game Axie Infinity. Although game is no more popular but it had changed many life. Getting good job is a big problem in underdeveloped countries due to poor economic growth and lack of opportunities. Getting job even become more difficult after Covid-19 panademic.
But it is a fact that one problem open new opportunity. In my part of the world earning through digital media was not common before Covid-19 panademics. However things become changed after Covid-19. People started earning online by offering their services as a free lancer. Online purchases through e-commerece open new orders for courier company and so on.
Thanks to social media like youtube, tiktok, web 3 platform for content creation which made earning easier. Although digital age provides new way of earning but it is a fact that earning on these platform is not easier. You have to show consistency and work with dedication and determination to extract something big. What is your opinion my friends?
This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.