The X platform will now award the verification badge for free (Learn how).

in #hive-1679222 months ago

In a world where digital identity is as important as physics or mathematics, verification on social networks has become a symbol of authenticity and trust, because if you see an X profile with the verified badge, it's easier for you to trust it, That said, today I want to tell you about X's (formerly known as Twitter) recent announcement about the free reinstatement of their coveted blue verification badge, so are you ready to earn your verified badge without having to spend a single dollar? .

Stay that here I will explain everything in detail, this is an information that you will like and many may not know so dare to share this information with your Friends.

Image by Mati Mango - Edited in Photoshop CC

Table of contents for this article:

♦️ The Return of the Blue Badge.

♦️ Twitter Blue and the Monetization of X

♦️ Free Verification Requirements.

♦️ Pros and Cons.

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The Return of the Blue Badge

The social network X has started to reinstate for free the blue badges that verify the most influential accounts, and I say reinstate again, since this was an option that you could have before if you had a certain amount of followers in your account, the truth at the moment I do not remember well what was the amount required before to have the Verified Badge, if you remember let me know in the comments as it is something interesting to remember.

Recently this feature had been reserved for paid subscribers since Elon Musk bought the company about a year and a half ago. This change represented a significant change in the platform's policy, as many could no longer opt for the verification badge unless they paid for their membership, let's say it's something similar to Inleo's Premium membership, but with the difference that believe it or not, I see much more productive the Premium purchase of Inleo than buying the account of X, of course this is an interesting topic to analyze.



For many people with a large number of followers, this option of having verification in X gives them access to monetize the views they have, plus they have a better reach in what they share on their profile, but this is not my case because although I really like to use X, I am not a person with much influence on the network (But if I have in mind to increase my participation in this social network).

But this new change, where you can now be a verified user without having to pay money, is a news that took many by surprise, even I was surprised because personally I thought that this system would continue for a long time, but we can see that no, then this can open many new possibilities for the most active users in X, then I will explain how to be verified.

Twitter Blue and the Monetization of X

Musk bought the company in October 2022 and introduced one of its most controversial changes - Twitter Blue, or X Premium. This subscription model allowed anyone to pay for the blue verification badge, previously linked to trustworthiness and public interest. However, this attempt to monetize the social network backfired on Musk, as many users, including media and celebrities, refused to pay for the badge.

But things changed, and in a way that benefited many.


Imagen de TRESOR69 en Pixabay

Free Verification Requirements

Musk announced this a little more than two weeks ago, that accounts with more than 2,500 (verified subscribers followers) would get free paid services from X, super easy, right?

But here comes a doubt which I still do not understand, and if you have a clearer answer you can share it in the comments, but my doubt is the following, Musk indicated that: With 2,500 (verified subscriber followers) you can have the verified badge, but what does he mean when he says (verified subscriber followers), as I understand it is that if you want to have a verified account for free you have to have 2,500 followers which have the verified badge, is what I understand.

But there may also be the option that refers to the 2,500 followers have to be genuine and active users, this is done to avoid multi-accounts, that I understand perfectly, although I think here I will mention @vikvitnik, because in his blog you will find some publications that show the progress he has had with his account of verified users, then I know that the comment of @vikvitnik in this article will be very helpful to better understand all this and what benefits you can have with the issue of monetization for each view in your published content.


Foto de Mati Mango

Pros and Cons

The free reset of the blue badge may benefit many users by providing a way to authenticate their accounts at no cost, something many long-time users were accustomed to. However, it may also lead to an increase in the number of verified accounts, which could dilute the value of the badge.

Having 2500 followers may seem a somewhat complicated goal to achieve, but with dedication and a good strategy I know we can achieve it, then, it will be very easy for users to reach this number of followers and thus have their verified badge, but being something easy to obtain, it will be as if the badge does not represent great value, as many can have it with only 2500 followers, or at least that's what I think.

Although the decision has its advantages and disadvantages, it is undeniable that it marks a new chapter in X's history. As always, it will be fascinating to see how this story unfolds and what effect it will have on the social networking landscape, plus, I'm still waiting to see how a wallet can be integrated into X hahaha, it would be great if they could find a way for X to combine social networking with Web3 in a good way.

Thank you very much for reading this article as I have reached the end of everything, tomorrow I will be sharing new content so I hope you stay tuned, but before I go I want to leave you a question of which I am interested to know your opinion in the comments: How do you think this change will affect the platform and its user community?

Happy day guys and girls...

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English is not my native language, so I have used Hive Translator...

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


A verified user is one who performs KYC. A document verifying the person's identity and a face capture with a computer system are usually requested.

This reduces the possibility of bots or impersonation accounts, at least with this blue verification. However, it is possible to have multiple accounts.

If we become a verified user and we can request content monetization.

Would such monetization be active for both verified users and users who purchase a membership per month and those who reach 2500 followers?

Or does the monetization apply only to those users?

After this news of being able to have the blue badge in X I was very excited, I thought: Great, I only have to have 2500 followers to have it...

But does that give me access to monetization?


For this, I believe that you should also comply with a specific number of impressions. I just wish they would drop from 5M to 3M in 3 months and I think users would try a lot harder.

In that you are right, although... Don't you think that if they lower the number of impressions for monetization it would not be something very easy to achieve for everyone and that would represent an expense for company X?

It may sound like a crazy question, but thinking a little, if everyone can easily reach the monetization of their X account, then everyone would be making money, and that is something that can hurt the company, maybe not instantly but in the medium or long term.

What do you say about that?

Not necessarily. It would be the same amount of people due to KYC, only the time in which they achieve that goal would be reduced. Not everyone will be successful, and if they manage to monetize with 3M, it means that they have not achieved the 5M, so the rewards would be much smaller.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@zonadigital21(2/5) tipped @vikvitnik