Since I know, I have always liked to be among nature, to observe it, to feel it through my senses, like smelling the sea every time I visit it, walking barefoot in the sand or on the ground, hugging a tree and feeling its energy; because to my understanding nature has its energy, its spirit; as well as there are truly magical places that take your breath away that what provokes is to integrate and walk as God brought us to the world ha, ha, ha; as there are others that despite its beauty, you have to show respect and caution.
In these magical places is where I would like to walk as God brought me to the world. In the world there are many, although in my country there is a lot to choose from, but there would be a problem. Although I would love to walk free of clothes in them, there is something that would prevent me from doing so: my super-rooted modesty that I have had since childhood. I would love to walk around, only with people of my intimacy, my husband and closest family, but I would not like to interact with anyone else; that is why, in moments of stress, one of my favorite phrases is: "How I would love to be on a lonely island, without needing anything, simply existing" and of course without clothes, ha, ha, ha, ha.
But, taking me back to reality, the closest I can get to that, nowadays, is to walk around in a bathing suit, ha, ha, ha, ha, and yet I am happy with it. On the other hand, I respect those who like to walk around naked, but I definitely wouldn't do it within a community. Now as for naturism, I try as far as I can to take care of the environment, also teaching my children to do so, with issues such as recycling, not throwing garbage in any place not suitable for it, so much so that our bags and purses are always full of paper, packaging, we have to clean them from time to time, but all this in order not to throw anything in nature, or in the street.
I like all natural products, if possible direct from the farmer, fisherman, I do not like processed foods, I am one of those who like homemade food, if possible, I think my body thanks me and my family too; so as far as possible I go for natural. I am one of those who loves the simple country life, especially at this time when my husband and I are entering the age when our children are growing up and we are thinking for our retirement, to go more for this naturist lifestyle, with a touch of modernity, nothing to go to extremes, maybe in that time I will complement it with walking free of clothes whenever I can, that if in that house of my dreams, away from the neighbors ha, ha, ha, ha.
This was my funny participation in Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 213, I laughed a lot imagining everything I shared with you; I hope to do it someday. Greetings!
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