Warning ⚠️: you need tissues to read this heartwarming story 🤭😉
It all started 10 years ago. I was working in a Colombian clothing store, I was the manager of a chain of 5 stores between underwear, pajamas and costume jewelry. I was just starting to practice my career and I hadn't finished studying to graduate with a degree so I was too busy to think about a relationship.
Until I saw it. The security cameras were connected to the computer in my office, so I could see what was going on in each of the stores. He would come in almost every afternoon to talk to the guys in the store and right where my office was.
I discreetly asked who this guy was...and they told me he was a Cuban doctor working in the hospital. The guys saw my interest and started planning to get together. One afternoon I was introduced to him and he told me between shyness and blushing cheeks that he really liked the way I dressed elegantly in my executive uniform, that he loved the elegance of women and that this way of dressing made me very attractive.
At that moment I knew I wanted to be with that man. From that day on, the flirting began. Glances and smiles came and went.
One afternoon, before leaving work on a Saturday, I almost never went to the office on Saturdays but I happened to go that day. The guy manning the cash register said to me: I have an important tip for you, the Cuban birthday tomorrow and I asked him for his phone number for you.
I blushed. I wouldn't dare ask a guy out for the first time. It was crazy.
The guy at the store told me that this was my chance to get to know the doctor a little better and take the friendship to another level. I sighed and told him I would copy down the Cuban's phone number just in case I got up the nerve to call him but no promises.
He picked up the adding machine and a number was written on the screen. I laughed a lot because I didn't have the area code which by then there were 4 different codes and he told me I'm almost sure it's from this phone company so the codes are reduced to 2. I left the store with a smile between nerves and mischief.
I thought about it all night and the next day I took the plunge. I composed a text message explaining who he was and how hard it had been for me to decide to write him, I asked him if he wanted to have lunch with me the next day to celebrate his birthday. Hours passed and no one responded.
I felt disappointed. It was obvious that if he didn't respond it was because he wasn't interested in going out with me. In the evening I received a message back from that number. It said that unfortunately it was not the Cuban doctor but that he would be happy to receive an invitation like that, it also said: look for the right number and ask him out and I am sure he will accept.
Hope returned, I apologized to the man and thanked him for cheering me up. I dialed the other number and he answered with that Cuban accent that drives me crazy, trembling, I asked him out and he accepted.
The next day we went to a restaurant and spent 3 and a half hours talking after lunch. And from that day on we never parted again.
If I had to repeat this story I would invite him a thousand times more because he is the man that perfectly complements the woman I am. Today we have been together for 10 years, married for 6 years and we have a 2 year old daughter who has made our little family grow.
My entry to the Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 160
Original content by the author.
Resources: App: Canva / Giphy / Inshot
📷 Redmi 10 Smartphone
Translation done with Deepl.com
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