I Am Beautifully Made. #weekend-engagement week 208

in #hive-1688694 months ago

I am beautifully made. Everything I need to be beautiful was perfectly added to my nature before I arrived on this planet earth. I have no need for a false beautification. Deception is not even right anywhere. I am unique. My distinction was designed by my Creator. He created us all differently. Why did He not make us the same? Why did He give us the skin color we have; why did He give us the hair color we have? Because He had desired that there should be uniqueness between us. I am different from my neighbors and the other person too is different from me. That is why I categorically stated that I am beautifully made.

Cosmetic surgery is a way of paneling the skin after some form and complexion. There might be some people who need it but I don't need it. My beauty and complexion perfectly fit me. I have no other form or features I want to have on my skin. If I go after that, the resultant personality won't be me again. It will definitely be another person. So, plastic surgery is not for me. I'm not against those who are doing it. They need it but I don't need it.

Friends, it is another time for engagement with the #weekend-engagement initiative. This is week 208. Here is the link. Kudos to @galenkp for pushing it up thus far. I am writing to give my view on my choice over cosmetic surgery.

No For Fake Identify

Cosmetic surgery is a fake identity. It is not my true identity. So I say “NO!” to cosmetic surgery. I say no because it would mean carrying fake identity around. That would be a terrible deception. I do not want to deceive people to believe I am what I am not. If I successfully deceive them today, tomorrow the truth might unfold and shame will be my own. Why carry a face that is not mine? Why should I seek to impress people who would not naturally appreciate me the way I am? There are those who will appreciate me the way I was created so why should I want to impress those who don't want me the way I look?

Let Them Appreciate The Real Me

Beauty is best appreciated when it is appealing to the eye of the beholder. It will be sheer foolishness to make people love a fake representation of you. When the real you unfolds, they will leave you alone. We should not buy what is not real. Cosmetic surgery would only produce a fake identity. And when the true identity unfolds, those who appreciated the fake one will be disappointed. So, going for cosmetic surgery is not my choice.

Health Implications

I have heard of several health Implications about cosmetic surgery. I do not want to experience them. I want to live my life peacefully and happily. I don't want to live with some sort of health issues that I would incur due to undergoing cosmetic surgery.

I Have My Self-confidence

I am confident in myself. I know I am beautiful. I am beautiful enough for people to behold. I am beautiful enough for my husband. I am beautiful enough for my generation to behold. So, no to cosmetic surgery.

Thank you for reading my blog.