Colors of life.

in #hive-1688696 months ago


Meaning of life? For me it is my art. At times I have a love- hate relationship with my art. Similar to Gollum and the One Ring. But in the end I love my art more than I ,,hate it''. I want to leave a footprint in this world. A proof that I lived. I also want to believe that my works are making other people happy. That I am making a world a little brighter place than it is now. I started making art in 2017. I have created many pieces during that time. I still get sad that I have a hard time selling my works. And I don't understand why some people who seem to put a lot less effort are selling their ,,creations'' for insane amounts of money. I consider myself an artist but I don't understand a lot of modern art. I think that things like banana on the wall, The Fountain and plenty of abstract art by ,,great artists'' is just pretentious, meaningless and tasteless abominations. I have made a few abstract pieces as well and believe that are among my worst pieces:

Septyni spalvų metai.jpg



But what do I know? I am not even sure what kind of artist I am. I am not sure if my art fits any of art categories. I want to create beatiful colorful things. I enjoy playing with various forms and color combinations. But at the same time I don't believe that beauty just for the sake of beauty is enough to be called true art. In most of my works I don't just throw paints blindly on wood. I try to create things that are not only pretty to the eye but also has some kind of meaning. Perhaps that meaning at times is clear only to me. But even still those works are thought out to the smallest detail and not just some random mess. For example the first photo in this post shows a journey from life to the beyond. Who know maybe a hundred years after I die people will come up with new art movement to describe what I do? I think that name Dreamers would fit it better than current art categories...

From what I said so far you might think that I just blindly hate on contemporary art. But that is not true. Recently I saw this video about an artist who sold his piece for just 4 dollars. His works were a breath of fresh air after seeing a lot of modern ,,masterpieces''. It gave my hope that true art is not dead.


True Art can never die, you might not have been recognized just yet but I believe everyone has their season. Yours would surely come.
Beautiful art works as always.

thank you very much.

You are welcome ☺️

To an extent, I will say the world of art is doing a massive work in passing messages across though it seems like they are not been appreciated for their work. Have you ever have that feeling before where it seems you are not duly appreciated for the work you are putting into your artwork as it ought to?

Have you ever have that feeling before where it seems you are not duly appreciated for the work you are putting into your artwork as it ought to?

I started making visual art in 2017. During that time I sold only a few pieces. The most I got for my art piece was 120(?) eur. And total money I got selling my art probably doesn't even cover my expenses on materials. So yes I feel not appreciated.

thank you.


Your works are making me happy. You make lovely artworks and they are colorful too
Good job!

I am glad that you enjoy it. Thank you.

surviving through different shades of life is an art though..Life has different colours like an art and sometimes it is colourless like a colourless art

That is truth. Thank you.