Research and art exhibition cum convocation I witnessed.

in #hive-1688692 years ago



There are occasions that do not come regularly they come once in a while and because they are not the regular events, it attracts better and bigger attention.

The university of Port Harcourt since on Thursday December 1 have large number of visitors trooping in the the Academic environment where it on Thursday had a Research and Exhibition of the 33rd the combined convocation ceremony.

What is art.

The work of art as we know is just more than drawing and painting. Anything done with great touch of excellence for me is art. Hence singing, dancing, writing, speaking, running, diving, cooking and more is art.

This piece of clay work got my attention , though I didn't go to buy but to feed my eyes since and take pictures and make my weekend eventful.
I sighted a beautiful tie dye female garment, neatly made.


Different Nigerian art work.

Nigeria is notable for her numerous art work and the bronze work is one that for many centuries had given the country a big name. And the bronze work came top on the exhibition as the photos below agrees.

This piece of work literally represent the major ethnic groups of Nigeria.

Art is said to have a thousand words and I let you make your meaning of this work.

Painting 🎨 never came last in the exhibition.

When colors are used to play beauty is created. Though I may not have got a very clear shoot since I only snapped using my mobile phone and the camera might not be the best but I'm sure I will improve. However,here are some paintings that got me thinking and admiring the quality content created.


Wrestling is a traditional event in most parts of Nigeria and it's basically for entertainment and for training of the warriors and able bodied men and women.

My friend and I at the exhibition.



Tying of headgear which is known in Nigeria as gele is one unique outfit for Nigerian women on an important occasion while on the traditional outfit.

As a scholar of religion and cultural studies I couldn't miss this research and exhibition where the vice chancellor and host of other Academy of staff learning is the goal.

This year's conversation is one I couldn't miss because the next set would be mine and I also had the opportunity to meet with my senior comrades though that would be for another day.

A cross section of participants at the convention arena.


The two best graduating students from the department of engineering (applied and industrial physics) I met them in when I was in my first year. They are very determined, focused and today success is achieved.


I'm always fascinated by artworks, I can't imagine the amount of effort and passion poured into this.
It's beautiful indeed.

Great piece indeed. All I see is a touch of excellence and high imaginative power translated into reality.

True, great minds exhibiting greatness.

Those are beautiful art pieces. Art is really is more than the drawings and paintings. They take us to a whole world if we can learn to appreciate them. Thanks for sharing

Yes the work are very beautiful the students made them.

Wow. They are really talented

Yes , they are really doing well.

That would be the perfect place for me as I see. I've been to a bunch of exhibitions lately and the more I go to, the more I am addicted to. Thanks for these photos, there are a few gorgeous pieces there.

Thanks so much. Talking about addiction to such beautiful places is a nice because I never felt like leaving the envelope but attention was shifted to the convocation ceremony proper. Beauty in nature.

Wow, amazing art display. I would have attend if u knew there would be a display at the convocation.

Are you within the university community?

Yes, I am close to university.

Wow this is beautiful then. The exhibition was on Thursday and the convocation was yesterday Friday 2nd December. It was a very beautiful experience and lots of great pieces of art work were presented and I am happy I attended. I still have more photos from the art exhibition not shared yet.

That’s great, I would be watching your page to get a glimpse of the amazing art.

Stay tuned and nice to have you visit.

I love all the artworks from Nigeria that you have shown here, my friend. What got my attention first was the presence of the beautiful red tie female garment. And I see that everyone at the convention is enjoying it. Just like you, Inlive research. Have a great time and more happy moments like this.

The lady's garment is very good and neatly made. Thanks for coming around.