Here's the weekend, let's go to the woods! 🌳🌲

in #hive-1688692 years ago

Hello, my dear Hive friends!
I wish you a happy Sunday!

I want to tell you about our tour today!
I didn’t work on the weekend, I was really looking forward to a good big walk with my dogs, Lisa and Caro. 🐕🐕


Yesterday and today the weather in Hungary was very cold, even in April.
Great weather for husky dogs.
We haven’t been in the woods in a long time, I wanted to see what had changed since the winter.

The forest can be reached by car from the neighboring village on a forest road.
The forest belongs to the forestry, but you can also enter the area on foot.
The Miracle Deer Trail also leads here, with plenty of hikers visiting the woods on weekends.

There is a playground in the village, which was built by the municipality with EU support.


As we headed for the forest, very nice new detached houses were built on the hill.
I photographed this beautiful tulip tree in front of one of the houses.


We arrived on the forest path.


There was logging here this week, the trees are already lined up high.



There are numbers on the meter firewood, maybe to keep it from being stolen.


The dogs smelled the area, I think, they smelled the lumberjacks.

We have reached the highest point of the forest road, some trees already have leaves, they are wonderfully green, I love this sight.



It feels good to see green, deciduous trees or just flowering trees after a long gray winter.



A red cross on the trees here indicates the tourist route.


There are descriptive signs of what we find, we can see in this forest, and signs that indicate the direction of the tourist path.



Here is old hornbeam marked with a sign.


I found a sick tree, there is a big bulge on the trunk of the tree and another bulge, a sick place, where leaves have grown, new life.



Nature is so interesting that it hides something new and interesting for us every day.

It felt good to walk in the old leaves of last year, I made a cool video of how leaves are falling out of my hands.


We also visited my dog ​​Murphy’s trip, he is unfortunately no longer alive, I named this beautiful place after him.





Sometimes we rested so I could take photos of everything for my post.




We visited the hives.

These are located in the small forest of our vet, there are plenty of beehives in a nice, secluded location.






Dogs love to walk here, there is some charm to this place.
Lisa ate grass, the dogs eat grass if they want to clean their stomachs.
Here she found the right herb for her, this is the path spear.


There is a small ditch here that always has rainwater, here the dogs could drink natural water.

We walked for about two hours and got home happy but tired.

Thank you so much for reading my post!

With love @juditka


Hungary, 03. April, 2022. 19:59 pm


these beautiful husky dogs are the most beautiful dogs beautiful day dear friend

Your pups are so so beautiful and they look fluffy too :D.

Just love seeing the pups Judit, and that was a walk that they will love. It was surprising to see the bee hives, do you ever get the honey from there? Did you say they belonged to your Vet, or some other Vet?

Hello, dear @tengolotodo! 😍

Yes, our vet has these hives.
I haven't bought honey from him yet, but he sells different types of honey here in the village.
Thank you for visiting. I am very happy that you wrote to me.
I work a lot, and I don’t have time to write a post, but I try.
I wish you a nice evening!

Hello my wonderful dear @juditka
Oh you know I love seeing the puppies:)
You are working, that is good. I remember the time when you said the hours had been cut!
Have a great rest of your week.
YOu should post the honey your vet sells, the next time you take one of the puppies to the vets.

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